An open letter to Poodle of Doom.

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Mon Jan 13, 2020 9:54 pm

To Poodle of Doom
January 13, 2020

Respectfully, while both I and the NightWatch regret (and have already apologized for) what happened to you in the past, your current actions over the past two days, are by NO means acceptable and cannot be tolerated. This is true of both NightWatch, and current city standards. If you were just attacking our members, it would be overlooked. However, your repeated displacements of our transit station guards, the GraveGuard, and the graveyard occupants, represent a severe and crippling attack on our core services to the city, and our most sacred spaces.

I need you to understand the following:

The NightWatch is NOT the same organization that 'held you below 1200bp' (15 or more years ago, by your claim.) I can understand that your grievance of being repeatedly attacked in the past over a simple misfire incident, is quite significant. However, the manner in which you have chosen to air those grievances, is ultimately going to cause more harm if you do not stop.

Please understand that NONE of the current membership were around at that time. We do not follow those rules of engagement, and the organization is here to HELP the city. Our primary purposes are not even remotely the same.

Your actions over the past two days have prevented us from:

1: Updating shop listings, which is a benefit to the entire city.

2: Helping anyone in need of transit fare in the city transit stations.

3: Updating hunter postings, which would have been a benefit to anyone seeking the recently released power.

4: Doing our core job, of protecting the Graveyards, and handing out candles to its occupants.

You have also VIOLATED a core city rule of initiating attacks in the Graveyard. There have been 3 attacks now, to be exact.

I am somewhat troubled by the meticulous manner that you chose to carry this out. Approximately, one year ago, you befriended our organization, you then used our services for help with powering. Then two days ago, you suddenly engaged in one of the most crippling attacks I have ever seen on the NightWatch during my time here.

Sir, it is YOU who initiated the recent hostilities, not us. We have already apologized for your valid grievances for past issues. Issues, I must reiterate, no current member of NightWatch had any part in. We put forth the motion to mutually cease all hostilities, then later accepted your proposal of a stand-down period. This was not meant to be a two day 'play period' for you to attack our services at will.

Please understand, we cannot allow this behaviour to go unanswered. While hostilities are an absolute last resort for the NightWatch, your actions have pushed us to protect the Graveyards and our city-services by force.

I implore you to cease your attacks on our city services so we can mutually put this behind us. We do not WANT to cause harm to you, but given your actions, and your evident inability to accept a diplomatic resolution -even one which you put forward-, I am at a loss for other options right now.

I do hope you plan to follow the original 48 hour agreement that YOU proposed, and cease your actions by 20:30 hrs, on Janurary 14, 2020. If you are seen in the Graveyard, you will be removed, until such time we are satisfied that your hostilities have ended.


Simon Alatáriël (smitsmit)
NightWatch Acting Commander.
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Mon Jan 13, 2020 10:48 pm

Well said Smitty, You and the NW have done a wonderful job of helping the Travelers, as well as doing all you can to help protect the people here, and making sure that Candles, and Flowers are handy for the visitors to the grave yard. It is one of our most sacred places within this City, and I for one stand behind you on this.

And add a word of warning to this one. They better straighten up and honor any pact they make with the NW and you. or they could end up wishing they had. People don't play when it comes to Respect of the Grave Yard, not to mention the help with many other things the NW does. So yeah be careful of what you do Poodle of Doom.
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Tue Jan 14, 2020 6:37 pm

Very well said and well intended. You continue to be a standard of goodness even when pushed to defense. Good luck to you and yours!
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Thu Jan 16, 2020 2:40 am

Smee, you have our assistance should you need it.
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Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:35 am

Julia wrote:
Thu Jan 16, 2020 2:40 am
Smee, you have our assistance should you need it.
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Mon Jan 20, 2020 6:46 pm

so like...i was goin to come to u privately bout this but u decided to write this as an open letter to some person so im goin to keep my thoughts on it public as well

and thats not to say that what im sayin is rite. from what i can tell every1 can do whatever the fuck they want and everyone holds each other accountable around here. so i guess this is me holdin u accountable and if u turn around and want to hold me accountable or any1 else does thats their rite and they shud.

mayb uve gotta reputatioin for doin this shit n people just trust u for some reason but i wanted to get out the perspective of someone whose been here for like 2 months and has been confused for literally 2 months aside from some of the help ive gotten honestly from ur club house and two friends i made.

a lot of the shit u did here makes me raise my eye brows but im gonna focus on two of them. ur lack of proof and mentioning rules that dont exist.

first of all u decided to throw this person poodle of dooms name out there and claim they did all this shit in a public letter to them but then didnt provide n e proof or support for what u said they did.

like wat the fuck dude? u think thats okay? if u were dealin with this shit privately and slappin this guys ass around thats cool but like wat the ever lovin fuck. wat if u were some vengeful fuck who just wanted to murder new people for the fuck of it? wat if u replaced poodle of doom with quade? all these people sayin good for u did they even wonder if what ur sayin is even tru? is n e 1 wonderin that?

like i said u do what u want. u kill who u want u fuck who u want u smoke who u want. but seems like nightwatch is supposed to set some kind of standard and the standard ur settin here is that u can just write an open letter to the city say some dude desecrated a graveyard as ur justification for smackin him round wit out proof n thats okay. if thats the standard u wanna set and uphold word up mother fucker slay away.

smitsmit wrote:
Mon Jan 13, 2020 9:54 pm

You have also VIOLATED a core city rule of initiating attacks in the Graveyard.
yo someone needs to tell me where these fuckin core city rules are listed because ive been lookin 4 rules 4 months. im in ur club house and u dont have them listed there 4 example so i dont understand where this comes from. from what i believed the only rules i need to follow r the rules given by the creator of this city.

r there actually some core city rules that r hidden somewhere? can they be made viewable by the fuckin public please?

if u n ur vigilante club wanna smack some ass u go ahead n smack some ass. but like dont point to some nonexistent rule when u do it. just looks foolish imo.

in my 2 or so months bein here ive not seen a single rule written n e where about n e thing. from what i can tell theres 1 core city rule outside of the ones laid out by the creator of this city:

if u wanna do some shit or start some shit u better be willin to back that shit up or end that shit or kno the rite people who will deal with that shit 4u or not give a fuck what happens to u.

n im here for that. not here for some bull shit riteousness pointin to made up rules n publicly humiliating a dude without proof.

just smack dat ass n move on.

thanks for readin.

(OOC: Didn't realize the FAQ was technically OOC information so I had to edit references to that out. I tried to remove it while having this make some sort of sense but if it doesn't apologies!)
Last edited by Quade on Tue Jan 21, 2020 3:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
Proficimus More Irretenti
im a clown. like john wayne gacy.

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Mon Jan 20, 2020 10:09 pm


I would first say to you welcome to the City, 2 Months is not long,and it is good to have new people enter the City. If you are confused as you say, then asking questions, it is always helpful. Anyone in the City would be more than happy to explain how things are, and what you need to know, they can help teach, and guide you.

It is your choice who you turn to for help, or if you want to join a family, or clan. If you do not want to do that then it is ok too. Many around here are on their own. But still you can get help anywhere. I know you have met me, And I am as of now offering my help if you need it. I am Lady Twisted, and do not mind helping where I can.

AS to Smit Smit, and the NW It has always been a universal agreement that the Grave Yard is a Sacred place, and should be treated as such, I am not sure there is anyone who would cause any trouble with in, much less do what the Poodle of Doom has done. If you ask, you can be shown the proof you require as to the deeds done by Poodle. In this case proof was not required. They are there to help anyone who needs it. They give Candles, and Flowers to those who enter the Grave Yard so they can set them for those loved one within. They give coin to those who need help when riding the transits, as well as help in the Halls of Binding, and Severance to keep the peace if asked. The NW has always helped and supported the City, it is only right we do the same for them.
Being New I can understand how it may look to you, but I assure you he was in the right, and as you see has the backing of others in the City. If you want to learn you should as I said ask. There are places where you can get information on how things are done. There is the NW, and any other faction, or family within the City to get help from. Yes the Rules By RavenBlack do say there is no written rule, but again it is an unspoken agreement by all who are within the City of its unspoken agreement to keep the Grave Yard off limits to any Violence or trouble. It is simple Respect.

If you want to talk, I am around, and would be more than happy to help.

Lady Twisted Of Clan Capadocious.

My Apologies: Edited to remove OOC content.
Last edited by Lady Twisted on Tue Jan 21, 2020 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Fletch My Love For Ever And Eternity
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Tue Jan 21, 2020 3:36 am

ye but wat bout the people who read this and arent a part of the Nightwatch group? they have no frame of reference. even just a "n u can read our reports for these dates at our clubhouse" wud have been nice.

u cant jus go round writin open letters humiliatin people wit out puttin proof in your letter.

i mean u can. u can do whatever u want. theres just a disconnect there for me.

n i hear u i am tryin to learn but "how things r done" n "a core city rule" arent the same thing. if its not in the rules its not a core city rule.

spcially when it literally says in the rules there are no rules against it. if yall have ur own set of rules thats cool but i dont think anyone is obligated to follow them.

all im sayin is i dont blame this guy n his vigilante night club 4 fuckin this poodle up. i dont blame him for anythin.

im sayin if ur gonna write an open letter dont just assume everyone knows wat the fuck ur talkin bout and provide evidence (or at least where the evidence can be found) n if ur gonna quote "core city rules" they better be written by the person who created this city or one of their assistants. otherwise there is no rule. maybe its a core city valu or somethin along those lines but its not a rule u cant do anythin to or round the graveyard. thats just fact.

mayb u n ur group n a bunch of people have decided that fuckin wit the graveyard means there fuckin wit u n u wanna fuck em up or otherwise put em in there place for it then do it. but those r ur core valus or morals. its not a core city rule. its u n ur clubs n n e one who believes its rule. that may b the whole city and it may only b 2 or 20 of u. thats not 4 u to decide imo. u cant speak for the city and whats it rules r.

but again i dont think him or the nw r wrong or in some way villains for protectin the graveyard. this city literally doesnt have rules. if he wanted to attack me instead for voicin my opinion and wanted to do it till we were both dust he wayyyyyy stronger than me n i cudnt stop him n id give him a fist bump n say respect.

i unno im goin in circles. those r just my feelins on the topic if u want to write a million open letters and not provide proof for what u r doin n quote non existent rules then go ahead.

to me if u write n open letter its not up to me to ask for proof its up to you to provide it. specially if you post that open letter in the news section of the forum and not the soapboxes.

n e way good luck fuckin up that poodle.
Proficimus More Irretenti
im a clown. like john wayne gacy.

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Tue Jan 21, 2020 7:36 am

The newbie ain't even wrong.
Values and rules are two different things.
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Tue Jan 21, 2020 8:03 am

Good morning Sir.

I will also extend a welcome to the city, and thank you for the writing tips. Perhaps I could have phrased a few components differently, such as saying 'core city value', rather than 'rule'. I am not sure that is to say however, that the residents of this city are unable to make rules. With proper structure, unwritten or written rules can exist. While the majority of them likely only apply to the occupants of groups or clans who have made them, there are others which may be universally agreed upon by the majority of our residents. You are correct however, that this would technically represent more of a city value, than rule.

While the city's creator has made a terrific home for us, he generally doesn't participate in our everyday lives. Just like cities across the planet, both values and rules are made by the residents to prevent total anarchy. I will keep your tip in mind however, should I ever have to write another letter.

While I had discussed providing the evidence directly with paper staff prior to posting, it would have been both cumbersome and difficult to post all of that information in the initial letter. The information (evidence) however, was always available in public domain, and ready to be posted as a supplement if necessary.

The purpose of the letter was actually not intended to humiliate Poodle, but rather to inform them directly of the reasoning we were forced to attack. It was also made public to let others know that doing the same or similar things is not okay in this city. Or perhaps, it is not okay by our city values. It is actually extremely rare for me to have to write letters such as this.

Since Poodle knows full well what they did, they seemed to have read the letter directed to them, without objecting to the claims. Twenty or more photographs, can actually be fair bit of information for a single letter, and a fair bit of information for any reader to sift through. That being said, you are not wrong that I could have initially noted that the evidence was available for any others that were confused or needed it.

I thank you again for your tips, and will keep them in mind. If you have any other questions or are in need of guidance, there are many in this city who would be happy to help you. I again welcome you to the city, and wish you the best of luck.
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