Real Estate: Mandruleanu Manor

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The Reporter
Posts: 819
Joined: Sat Sep 16, 2017 4:09 pm

Mon Sep 25, 2017 7:29 pm


News reached us on the eve of her wedding that Michiru Mandruleanu has broken ground at Diamond and 86th. Mandruleanu Manor sits one street South of CrimsonClover's Hideaway and a few streets West of Annabelle's Paradise, and Narcisssa and Lameth's Vineyard.

Congratulations, Michiru, on your new abode!

As one steps up to the light post on the corner of the street they will be greeted with the worn sign of Diamond and 86th. To the right the street continues onto additional blocks that travel south. However to the left, their view will be obstructed with shrubbery on either side of a car length wide cobblestone path which leads to an ornate and overall gothic stone gate house. If one takes notice, they will see that the shrubs are mixed with black orchids gracing the ground near the trunks of youngling willow trees that prove only to further obstruct their sight. The wrought iron bars directly in view are stretched between two towering walls of chiseled stone of odd sizes. Crafted with all things dreary yet elegant, the gate house contains large horse statues on either side of its entrance to the manor grounds. Above them across the arc of stone that connects the two individual walls is a sign.

It reads:
"Mandruleanu Manor"

"An' it harm none, do what ye will"
The city home of Matriarch, Michiru Mandruleanu and her family stands just up the drive behind it. Should one have access to more than just the gate, they will be greeted with an open expanse of yard met on equal sides by the same stone wall. Whereas it is clear one must obtain invitation to be there, the area will be as beautiful and classy as the Matriarch herself. The lawn is sculpted with a large fountain at the center of the drive before the circle round about meets the stone steps of the manor proper. The towering spires on either side of the ten foot tall solid mahogany doors hold small flags that wave in the light wind. Each inscribed with a gold letter "M". Above the door itself is a Romani wheel designed in stone, her family's sigil. The manor is less tall than it is wide with stone color ranging from dark gray to light and white trim about the arcing windows. The passersby will notice one other particular piece to the large manor. A light in the tower base level windows. A soft glowing orange comes from them that will never go out. Someone is always there it is clear, ever wondering and waiting.

Posts: 276
Joined: Sun Sep 24, 2017 11:29 pm
OOC: Dee
IGN: Michiru
Lineage: Matriarch din Kolesi

Mon Sep 25, 2017 8:17 pm

Thank you kindly for the acknowledgement.
~Michiru Mandruleanu din Kolesi~
~de Bouillon~
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