Conflict Coverage: Agrippa vs din Kolesi

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Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:18 am

Late on the 8th of January, 2018, the mercenary group The Void[1] completed its months-long contract[2][3] on Agrippa lineage leaders Damacus and ophelia. Vials and coin were exchanged, but the end of the contract was the beginning of a broiling conflict that has thus far claimed three zeroings in the days following.


Following the completion of the contract against Damacus and ophelia, an attempt at ceasefire was negotiated between Agrippa leaders, Damacus and ophelia, and din Kolesi leaders, CrimsonClover and Michiru. According to Damacus, this talk was because he believed Crimson and Michiru are “responsible for the people you both [CrimsonClover and Michiru] claim to lead as a lineage and a bloodline … Nor does [The Void’s] operation negate the fact that [din Kolesi] are hitting myself and my partner.”

In response, CrimsonClover and Michiru argued that there was a separation between lineage and clan and that the inclusion of Daly and Narcisssa in Void contracts had nothing to do with din Kolesi. “What the Void does with its members is none of my business,” stated Crimson. “Just as if any of my lineage were clanned, what the clan does is none of my business. I do not deny that you have a contract out on you. At this point the whole city knows of it. I am not responsible for said contract however.”

After arguing and threats back and forth, terms were finally brought forth on Damacus’ end. Those terms are as follows:

“Crimson will take the stake. You can deliver that if you like, and Daly, and all the rest, Pulse and Kali will discontinue … Daly and the rest will be spared … And if any further hostilities even barely resume against my people -- a fucking pointed remark -- I will have this talk with you all over.”

The terms were not accepted, and thus the attacks continued. When I reached out to Damacus to ask him specifically why he attacked din Kolesi, in his own words, he said:

“The "contract" was nothing more than an excuse for they and their people to come at us. 3/4ths of the attacks were from the same people and their lackeys. Not hard to imagine why that might be. Beyond that, I'm aware on a factual basis what they've been up to behind the scenes including trying to isolate me from my allies, and down right manipulation/spying ... As for the Void. Saying you're part of it doesn't grant you some diplomatic immunity. I don't recall ever signing onto that policy and it's not one of my own. I believe that it's an attempt like Tantibus was to pull in hitters for people who have otherwise had trouble getting more on their own.”


During this two-day stretch, either side of the attack landed various hits. Attacks began with Agrippa hitting in two waves, one hitting CrimsonClover and the other landing grenades at Michiru after scrolling her out of the home of her sire, Elizabeth. The two groups traded weapons over this two day period before ending at a standstill on the 11th. By this time, Agrippa had 14 total hitters versus 6 hitting for din Kolesi. The current BP and total BP loss since the 9th is included below[4].

CURRENT: 5830 - LOSS: 731
CURRENT: 31589 - LOSS: 0
CURRENT: 43915 - LOSS: 0
CURRENT: 5999 - LOSS: 4694
CURRENT: 20627 - LOSS: 0
CURRENT: 13004 - LOSS: 0
Lannair Cuan
CURRENT: 11023 - LOSS: 3180
CURRENT: 22051 - LOSS: 2022
CURRENT: 21816 - LOSS: 0
Moon Girl
CURRENT: 16478 - LOSS: 0
CURRENT: 70061 - LOSS: 0
CURRENT: 13226 - LOSS: 4571
CURRENT: 19119 - LOSS: 0
CURRENT: 38 - LOSS: 3754
CURRENT: 0 - LOSS: 3360
CURRENT: 11166 - LOSS: 6908
CURRENT: 3909 - LOSS: 10777

CURRENT: 25 - LOSS: 3981
CURRENT: 6343 - LOSS: 2272


While no notable attacks happened on the 12th, the day ended with a standstill on both sides and an explosive argument between Damacus and Daly in the main room of our local tavern. During the entirety of this argument, Damacus was Lost in Shadows, and claimed that Daly remained unhittable, despite Daly’s protests to the contrary. Daly was quoted saying to Damacus:

“I'm not begging you for shit, man. You think you have a reason to attack us because of what, two members of din Kolesi are a part of The Void and that means there was never a contract taken out on you, even though I got coins telling me differently. You got nothing, or else you'd say it. And you won't say it because I can promise you, I have proof behind my words. I've moved, dumbass. You're not collecting. Aint my problem you don't pay good enough attention before you run your mouth. So bring it on.”

The night ended with Batrisha joining the fight, landing a HW on Daly, and bringing him from 1026 to 962 pints, where he started the current day of the conflict.


Despite the relative stalemate since the 11th, January 13th marked an uptick in activity on both fronts when Agrippa succeeded in zeroing first CrimsonClover, then Pulse, and ended the night with the zeroing of Daly. The stakes of both Crimson and Daly were taken by Michiru and Josephine respectively[6], sparking debate about the efficacy of taking the zero from Agrippa.

“It is a tradition that seems to be lost. It was not given to me by Agrippa. I claimed it from them. Staking a loved one is often a moment of caring intimacy between blood,” said Michiru.

I reached out to several people involved to get their takes on the events at hand. When asked if the attacks would stop with the zeroing of Crimson and Daly, both Michiru and Damacus had similar thoughts. Both declined to comment on future events and have opted to wait for things to unfold naturally, based on the opposition’s movements. Damacus declined additional comments about this conflict, not wanting to put all his cards out on the table. Michiru, however, had much to say. This is a copy of her final statements in full:
Michiru wrote:I feel that all of this was designed, and I do say designed, by Damacus to accomplish at least one of three things:

Number 1: He wants to kill us. He has been unable to show power over us, because we just truly aren’t impressed with him, and so the only option is to aimlessly kill. So be it. It’s just blood.

Number 2: He would have been content with less killing and more terms by which to stroke his ego, this is an aspect of attempting to break an individual and a way by which to give an oppressor power over them. This is something that we would not allow.

Number 3: He has a desire to ruin The Void. It is as blatant as his statement on “not signing off” on it. This is an attempt at invalidation. He wanted the hits called off. This would mean going to Kain, to get The Void to stop. This is another aspect of control. He is unable to control The Void so he must do the only thing he can- attempt to destroy it.

The only thing he will get, is taking our blood, which is trivial and not a factor that places one in power. We will not bend to his oppressive will. In that way we would be giving him control over us. din Kolesi will -never- and I do repeat -never- compromise a city faction, clan, or group.

We need not be apart of it, or even believe in its values to believe that should exist. We need not enjoy it, or even use it, to accept that it does belong here. It brings diversity. It brings a certain person to its doors, it reels them in and helps them wish to be apart of something. This is why this city is dying, lack of diversity.

Diversity needs to remain supreme. It is the only way we will move past where we are in this moment in time.


As it stands, Agrippa has three zeroes underneath their belt, despite comparable bloodloss on both sides. Both factions seem convinced that their reactions during this conflict have been both morally sound and proportionate. Both have long-standing histories and traditions backing up their beliefs. Whether this conflict continues now that one of the leaders of din Kolesi has been zeroed has yet to be seen. More updates will be added as this story unfolds.

UPDATE #1: JAN. 19

At the time of this writing, Agrippa has claimed another zero on the din Kolesi side. On Jan. 17, 2018, Narcisssa[7] was zeroed by Agrippa, with the final stake going to Anima. Agrippa has not changed their earlier tactics of attacking only those who landed vials on them after the end of The Void contract, leaving only Michiru and Kali left to be zeroed.

Michiru is down to 1013 BP with Kali sitting at 1947, both remaining Out of Shadows and swinging. Between them and Narcisssa, before she fell, they managed to bring Damacus down to 4012 pints and ophelia at 9666 pints. Though many other Agrippa have bled (with Lannair Cuan at the lead so far behind Agrippa leadership, losing 4718 total pints since the 8th), none are anywhere near zeroing range and Michiru has made sure that no new members of din Kolesi hop into the fight now that it is on its last leg.

UPDATE #2: JAN. 21

Late on January 19th, heading into the early morning of the 20th, both Michiru[8] and Kali [9] were zeroed by Agrippa. Kali's stake was taken by Reyna, her partner and a former member of Agrippa, who was not involved in the conflict, in much the same way that din Kolesi took the stakes of Daly and CrimsonClover. ophelia staked Michiru, and her body was collected by Michiru's childe, Erzsbet V. According to claims in Ab Antiquo's own "What Are You Thinking?" thread[10], Michiru attempted a few hits against Agrippa as they attacked her[11], though accidentally used inappropriate weapons such as stakes against high-BP vampires.

When asked about the possibility of any further attacks on the rest of the din Kolesi lineage, Damacus merely stated, "Do I seem like a person who would kill the wolves and then the cubs?" suggesting that with the final zeroing of the 6 original combatants, the conflict is (for now) laid to rest.

[1] Introducing: The Void
[2] Conflict Coverage: Damacus VS The Void
[3] Conflict Coverage: Damacus VS The Void UPDATE
[4] Many thanks to Lilou and Vex for compiling this list.
[5] While Pulse and Kali are not considered din Kolesi, they were attacked in concert with them and thus included, and according to Michiru: “They did hit [with] the dK side.”
[6] See Jan. 14-A correction.
[7] Narcisssa Obituary
[8] Michiru Obituary
[9] Kali Obituary
[10] What Are You Thinking? Page 78
[11] See Jan. 22 correction.

Jan. 14 2018-A -- Josephine claimed the stake by Daly, not Michiru, as previously stated.
Jan. 14 2018-B -- Table reorganized to better distinguish between actual din Kolesi members and their allies. Michiru quote in [5] was clarified.
Jan 22. 2018 -- Changed wording of sentence to better reflect accuracy.
Last edited by Ezra on Mon Jan 22, 2018 4:53 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:41 am

I have to say this is one of the best articles I've read on the whole ordeal. It really makes you think about it, right? Like did you know that Michiru spells out 'i cur him' and I think to myself, can she? Now couple that with Lokason - Agrippa translating to 12 15 11 1 19 15 14 minus 1 7 8 9 16 16 1 ( 87 - 49 = -38) , -38 being the best temperature to store frozen meet you're getting a littler closer to the issue at hand. Curing meat is a way to preserve it and freezing it is also a great method, but which is better? It really makes you think. Like, call me Keanu, but...woah.
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Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:42 am

Keep on staking your own. Also get some history - it is not time honored nor tradition. If you need a lesson let me know
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Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:49 am

Jauk wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:41 am
I have to say this is one of the best articles I've read on the whole ordeal. It really makes you think about it, right? Like did you know that Michiru spells out 'i cur him' and I think to myself, can she? Now couple that with Lokason - Agrippa translating to 12 15 11 1 19 15 14 minus 1 7 8 9 16 16 1 ( 87 - 49 = -38) , -38 being the best temperature to store frozen meet you're getting a littler closer to the issue at hand. Curing meat is a way to preserve it and freezing it is also a great method, but which is better? It really makes you think. Like, call me Keanu, but...woah.
Edit: Wait. What?
Last edited by Vulture on Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:50 am

Thank you Ezra, I enjoyed reading this and found it very enlightening.
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Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:06 am

Ezra wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:18 am

“It is a tradition that seems to be lost. It was not given to me by Agrippa. I claimed it from them. Staking a loved one is often a moment of caring intimacy between blood,” said Michiru.

Poor uneducated Michi. Still as much a newb as she was when she went to ground all those years ago.

It was once called 'Stealing the Kill' and was a tactic used to keep the bodies of the fallen from being befouled or mutilated, as we used to take prizes off our kills. Even I was stolen once, by the Af Gyllenstierna, when being brought down. It really wasn't about caring and intimacy back in the day. It was giving the finger to your opponent.

So that is the historic reference.

Beyond that, it has become a weakness to some. No one gets mutilated anymore, though I never desecrated my kills anyway.

It has never been a 'tradition'. It was a personal preference, really. Some see it as cowardice now days.
If you spout off at the mouth about being oh so honor filled, take yours licks, take your ass beating, and do it with your chin held high.
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Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:32 am

Vulture wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:49 am
Jauk wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:41 am
I have to say this is one of the best articles I've read on the whole ordeal. It really makes you think about it, right? Like did you know that Michiru spells out 'i cur him' and I think to myself, can she? Now couple that with Lokason - Agrippa translating to 12 15 11 1 19 15 14 minus 1 7 8 9 16 16 1 ( 87 - 49 = -38) , -38 being the best temperature to store frozen meet you're getting a littler closer to the issue at hand. Curing meat is a way to preserve it and freezing it is also a great method, but which is better? It really makes you think. Like, call me Keanu, but...woah.
Edit: Wait. What?
That is some Don Quixote epic level conspiracy theory shit there.... I got a roll of tin foil if you want to come over and like make hats or wrap meat..
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Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:34 am

Generally speaking I like to keep my shit out of the way when I am honoring a bit of fun at my expense. However I want it to be perfectly fucking clear. I did not in any way shape or form attack for din Kolesi. That would be din Kolesi. Kali and I are an outside independent group and we will keep it like that. If the fun offered is just that, fun, we will possibly take place but associating me with a lineage in which I don't belong is not going to be stated in that manner or way. Period.
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Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:55 am

TLDR: I am not din Kolesi. I am Kali Galamushi and I do what I want.

On my part, ya'll seem to be a bit mistaken. I had an opportunity to make some monies. I do enjoy shinies. I can buy pretty gifts and weapons with those! I for the past...however many years, nearly a decade...have done things on my own. If I don't like how something goes, I step in. While yes, I have taken a step over to sire to Pulse, that doesn't change a thing about who I am or what I do. I am Kali Galamushi, and I do what I want.

I hardly know the members of din Kolesi, other than my sire's wife, Josephine (Sweetest woman in the fucking world). I'm not fighting other people's battles...if that even is what this is. My first two hits on Damacus were to make a bit of coin. My third, well when you've woken to a wave of 10 hitters...makes you want to smack the person who is having a bitch fit about it all. I have no beef with any one individual or group as a whole. Will I attack again if I get hit again? Of course. Am I going to waste my money and effort to hit everyone in that group? Hell nah. I'm just going to deal with the one who is sending them. I give 0 fucks about my blood. I've said that for many years. Take me to zero for all I care. I'll be right back up and going in no time. It's your bank, not mine.

So, if you would like to hit me for getting paid to hit you...go ahead. If you are hitting me because you believe I am a part of something should probably fact check or maybe talk to me to get it straight, but continue on if you must.

Editing to fix a mistake:

Josephine is not din Kolesi. Therefore, I do not know anyone in din Kolesi well, at all. In fact haven't even heard the name din Kolesi til maybe a couple days ago. Josephine is sired by Daly, yes...however has not taken any steps to be involved in din Kolesi. Therefore my point still stands...I've definitely not and will not be hitting for din Kolesi.
Last edited by Kali on Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:18 pm

Added two corrections at the bottom of the article. Please also be sure to check the reference section, and clarifications within. Any more corrections can absolutely be forwarded along to me at my cell (Discord: Ezra [Micah]#6764).
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