Ab Towers Grand Opening

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OOC: Ashley
IGN: Lorrana
Lineage: Amandine

Sun Dec 10, 2017 7:21 pm

We are pleased to announce that on Saturday, January 6th, Ab Towers will be opening its doors to the public. Please come join us in celebrating this exciting occasion with music, food, door prizes and board games. Below are the descriptions of each public area within Ab Towers. We look forward to spending time in your company.

((OOC:Ab Towers is a Discord Server. To have more than one character in a room, all you need to do is change your nickname for the server per post, though keep in mind this does not work if you are mobile.))

The reception area of Ab is where you shall be given your pass card - this allows the human staff of Ab to know what they are dealing with. You can mingle here in the waiting area while your ID is scanned, and you can also always come back into this area at any point.

((OOC: This is where you let us know what your character is so that we can place them in the right role.))

Main Café:
Ab’s original base of operations was a small townhouse that had a café out front and some offices out back. Ab has grown a fair amount since those times, and now it is housed inside a tall glass tower. The main café of Ab is a large open plan area with plenty of seating, it has a glass counter which is manned by an out of work model, and it sells every type of hot drink your dark little hearts could want (including blood).

((OOC: This is for General RP, think PG-13.))

Rara Avis:
At Rara Avis (Rare Bird), Ab’s founder has created an elegant nightclub, his vision was somewhere that was high class and appealed to the sophisticated side of vampire culture. He didn’t want somewhere that was wrapped in sin, instead he had worked hard on the interior of Rara, he installed a classic oak bar and the seats were black leather. The lights were kept dim and the music that is played is dark and intoxicating while remaining inviting. No expense was spared to create an environment that whispered instead of screamed ‘We are creatures of the night’.

((OOC: This is for NSFW RP. We ask that you keep within the bounds of decency, do not post overly sexual content, and please keep violence within the realms of acceptable. This place is where ‘adult’ themes can be discussed and explored. If in doubt, ask one of the staff members.))

In one of the higher levels of Ab, there is a state of the art theater room complete with popcorn machine and drinks machine. This room is open most nights and will show a variety of genres of movie so there is something for everyone. The movies will be picked by the staff members of Ab, but if there is a movie you particularly want to share with others you are more than welcome to request it.

((OOC: Though the room will change depending on who is streaming, we will be using https://www.rabb.it/ for all movies, you can join as a guest or you can have an account. We will link to the room once we start streaming.))

Events Room:
A modern ballroom takes pride of place on the tenth level of Ab Towers, this is where Ab will be hosting many of its events/parties. The room’s interior is kept minimal, all glass and steel, but depending on the event it will be decorated in various colors.

((OOC: This is where most balls/parties will be written, we will of course link to all the events – one of the reasons we are swapping to doing them on Discord is because you can be on Discord while mobile so it is more open to those that have busy lives.))
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Posts: 735
Joined: Sun Sep 24, 2017 9:32 pm
OOC: Ashley
IGN: Lorrana
Lineage: Amandine

Thu Jan 11, 2018 4:18 pm

My sincerest apologies for the delay of our grand opening! Things cropped up as they sometimes do. However, the good news is that the date has been moved to this Sunday - the 14th - at 9PM EST. Please join us for some games, door prizes, and an open bar.
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Sun Jan 14, 2018 6:28 pm

Don't forget this! It's tonight!
| Aki ~ My Salvation | Sacrifice ~ My Heart | Gir ~ My Soul |
| Let him who would move the world first move himself - Socrates |
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Posts: 735
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OOC: Ashley
IGN: Lorrana
Lineage: Amandine

Sun Jan 14, 2018 6:53 pm

As Dae said, don't forget! Only a little over two hours until we open our doors to the public. Just a few things first:
  • Door prizes of 20k coin each!
  • Semi-formal dress.
  • Open bar with varying types of liquor and beer, champagne and wine are also included.
  • Even an interactive boardgame!
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OOC: Adan
IGN: Lilou

Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:20 pm

( For anyone still needing the link, click here. If for whatever reason it decides not to work, message one of us! )
The Graces.
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