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[Alternate Universe -- NOT OOC/IC] Deadly Knowledge: Woe Betide He (Daggerfall / Elder Scrolls Universe)

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 11:35 am
by Lord Tristran
[Narrator: ] *A pale-young-boy, with dark-circles under his eyes, hands you a letter, and scampers away like a rat.*


Title: Meditations on the Mages' Guild of Daggerfall


The Infamous Vampire-Inn,
RavenBlack City
[OOC: Vampires! The Dark Alleyway's Chat-room]

Dear Esteemed-Master Vampyre,

Lubentur: We shall, will, and may very much; recall you from the City of RavenBlack. Vita Reducta: Through the portal -- to wit; post-haste.

Those doddering, unenlightened
barbarians who call themselves the Mages'
Guild are involved in yet another rather
pointless endeavour. This time, they may,
though accidentally, be on a path toward
breaking the shade and exposing the League of Darkness (Unloyal Vampyres).
It seems inconceivable that the Mages' Guild
actually accomplish anything, but we must
make provision for such an eventuality.

Come see me as soon as possible at:--
The Mages' Guild (descriptor/guild), Daggerfall (City), Daggerfall (Province), Kingdom of Daggerfall, Empire of Tamriel.

Yours in Immortality and Unlife-Eternal,
The Last True Arcanist

[OOC: --[Full Sized Image Here.]-- ]

Re: Deadly Knowledge: Woe Betide He (Daggerfall / Elder Scrolls Universe)

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:13 pm
by Lord Tristran
[Narrator: Rest well, my champion! For tomorrow, we leave for the Kingdom of Daggerfall. All whom oppose you, beware!]

Re: Deadly Knowledge: Woe Betide He (Daggerfall / Elder Scrolls Universe)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:17 pm
by Lord Tristran
Title: Of Vampire Clans (Important URL)


The Portal, RavenBlack City
[Narrator: The Portal is an unknown location within RavenBlack City. In formality it is simply titled "The Portal," with no further descriptor given by the community.]

Dear; Dark Lord-, IT-Professional- , and Mr.- ; Vampyre,

I shall render this email with immediacy; much of the formality and structure has been dropped hence.

Before you, hails a URL-link of the highest-calibre. This is the only link on the so-called "Open Web" that shows: the Antient and Free Clans of Vampiric Nature.

( ... Bloodlines)

Kindly interject this URL into your closest computational-device.

Thank You,


Re: Deadly Knowledge: Woe Betide He (Daggerfall / Elder Scrolls Universe)

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 11:21 am
by Lord Tristran
"The simplest way to put it is 'knowledge,' but there's nothing simple about an Elder Scroll. It's a reflection of all possible futures and all possible pasts. Each reader sees different reflections through different lenses, and may come away with a different reading. But at the same time, all of it is true. Even the falsehoods. Especially the falsehoods."
― Urag gro-Shub, on the Elder Scrolls.
[Main Character:--] "I hear the call of the Scrolls. To hear The Call of Magic(k) is to obey."

"The scrolls contain records of all past and future events, but they cannot be read without a severe price―madness, blindness, even death. Many believe they were created by the Aedra, but why or when is unknown."
― Protector Arfire
