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Tell us about your character - this is where you put your character sheets so we can all stalk them.
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Location: The Maze
OOC: Nita
IGN: -scarecrow-
Clan: NA
Lineage: SavagePatch
Graphic Artist: Vic

Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:48 am


Play by: Adrien Lebreton/Efren Garza

[GOVERNMENT] Phineas Bernard Marsolet
[NICKNAMES Phin, Berry, Crow, [You (little)] shit, Easy, Sweetie,
[DATE OF BIRTH] December 10, 1986

[WEIGHT] 110 LBS (fluctuates)
[BUILD] Ectomorph
[HANDEDNESS] Ambidextrous

[EYES] Near-sighted, Raccoon, Pennies
+ reflect an unnatural light (ref: raccoons in the dark)
+ stare for his soul, you'll see movement there

[HAIR] Midback; shoulder length; Unkempt
Ruddy Brown (summer); Ash Brown (winter)
Dreadlock at his nape (used to tie hair up)
Tapered sides
+ Loose (default)
+ Sloppy Bun
+ Braid/Ponytail (rare)

[SKIN] Redbone; Freckles; scarred*

[POSTURE] Slouched; -3 inches of height
[GAIT] Shuffling; Slow
[ATTIRE] T-shirt, Jeans, Hoodie, Backpack
Boxer Briefs (option)
Comb Dogtag ['BB']
Marijuana Earrings [secondary set]
Hand-me-downs; or stolen
All black
Crude Rope Belt

B&W spinal tat; atomically correct (partially distroyed; fire);
Dream catcher with crow's feathers and blue beads (partially destroyed; fire);
Smiley; red mouth and small eyes (right hand)
[PIERCINGS] left nipple, septum, ears (4mm gauge)

+ Hunting Knife [Leprechaun]
+ Cellphone
+ Halved Debit Card
+ Coin Sock (doubled crew sock; stained; golfball size; full of...well...coins)

[BACKPACK] : often stashed in different locations
+ Jar of Teeth
+ Needle and Thread
+ Syringes
+ Midazolam (2mg)
+ Leather Pillowcase w/bellybutton
+ Jar containing a rat skull [Alawa]
+ [IDENTIFICATION] Zachary Nolan Reif
+ [IDENTIFICATION] Peyton Nicole Bassett
+ wads of Hair (some attached to scalp)

Grass, Dirt, Smoke, Fall Leaves, Blood (default)
Soap, Clean Linen (rare)
Rot, Gasoline, ASS (bath strikes)

[VOICE] Rasping Alto - Polyphonic (3 men; 1 woman)
[ACCENT] Portuguese/French
+ soft vowels
+ flat affects
+ forgets words
+linguistics: portuguese, french and cree
+ odd phrasing (all the times)


Contact Information
Timezone: Eastern
Discord: The Collective#7471
Availability: Not quite active yet but you can add me if you want to chat?
Last edited by Marsolet on Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:25 am, edited 53 times in total.
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Joined: Fri Sep 22, 2017 6:13 pm
Location: The Maze
OOC: Nita
IGN: -scarecrow-
Clan: NA
Lineage: SavagePatch
Graphic Artist: Vic

Sat Jan 27, 2018 6:44 pm


+ friends aren't safe
+ resents those he loves

+ prone to violent outbursts
+ cool until he isn't

+ difficulties understanding others' emotions
+ difficulties identifying/expressing his own emotions
+ flat affects: speech, expressions

[SPECIES] Wendigo possessed Human
+ The creature resides in the depths of the metaphysical/soul.
+ Surfaces during kills.
+ Whispers from the shadows. (mimics the symptoms of schizophrenia)

[DIET] High protein; Human - can ingest human food, no nutritional value

[CLOAK] In a modern world where everything can be caught on camera, the Wendigo has evolved to counter by emitting a frequency that scrambles visual feeds. (unable to take pictures; images comes out distorted)
+ Fatty tissues burn off
+ flesh tears and reknits
+ will not revert until hunt is complete
+ high caloric process (rare)

+ Mimics the cadence, accents, tone, etc of a victim or victim's loved one to lure prey.
+ The further away it sounds, the closer it really is.
[STRENGTH/SPEED/AGILITY] Rivals Ravenblack's natural fauna (vampires, werewolves, etc.)
[INTIMIDATION] Malice seeps from the creature's pores robbing the air of its warmth. (fogs the breath)
[BLOOD MAGIC] Because his blood is tainted, the ability isn't as potent as it could be. Wounds healed with this method hurt in reverse and give off a strong smell of sulfur.
[OTHER] Lockpicking, Stealth, Boxing, Grappling, Capoeira, Cooking, Bushwhacking (giggity), Hunting, Knots, Tracking/Smell (can smell if a prey item meats nutritional needs)

  • Barnaby | 52 years old | Wendigo | Mother; presumed dead
  • Heath | ?? years old | Blemmyes | Father Figure; deceased
  • Analise | 12 years old | Human | Daughter; alive
  • Rudolf | 59 years | Warlock | Supplier; alive
  • Mercy | female | 8 years | Crow | Pet; "Who's a pretty bird"; sounds like a man
  • Beethoven | male | 9 years old | Pet; forever screaming - woman's voice; deaf
Last edited by Marsolet on Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:11 pm, edited 49 times in total.
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Lineage: SavagePatch
Graphic Artist: Vic

Mon Jul 29, 2024 5:01 pm

  1. Sunday and Grin at the pub. Sunday is sitting in Grin's lap all smiles over something. Behind her the bearded one looks on. Tired. - Fox and the Hound
  2. Image of a Grin with too much white showing in his sad blue eyes. His mouth can be seen buried beard, cast in an open mouth frown. Terrified. At the man’s feet is a puddle of his own urine. - Chihuahua
  3. Four disemboweled males ranging from 15 - 18. They're arranged in no specific. Their faces were in varying stages of mutilation. Each still retained a strip of intestine peeking from their insides. The fleshy tethers came together in the hand of a woman with bright red hair and empty eye sockets. Her lifeless face was arranged in a pristine smile, makeup delicately drawn on by an amateur hand. She's arranged to kneel before the ascending, sightless sockets set on their lungs that burst from their backs like wings. Between her and the rising angels was a fire. In the mist of the blaze, the silhouette of the New Orleans street gang's leader writhed. His anguished screamed immortalized. - Ascension
  4. Various corpses have been arranged within a room coated in gore. They vary in conditions. One woman, four days dead and bloating sits across from a headless man holding a t-cup. While they sip in the background, two more corpses have been propped to sit indian style on a stained tarp. Between them was a empty plate. Unlike the woman and man, they are only a few hours dead, fresh and smiling. - Til Death Do Us Part
  5. Ezra hangs from the tree, male, and freshly beaten. He's been gutted. His face is turned toward the sky as his neck is forced straight by the weight of his death slackened body. A rectangular section of skin has been removed from his chest and his stomach cut open with a line of intestine leading off of the bottom of the screen. He’s been opened up from behind as well, lungs pulled out like wings behind him. The rising sun casts a golden halo around him. - Release
  6. A simple sink. Around its edge are spatters and splats of red that trails into the bottom of the basin. Covering the drain is a single wet eye seated in a orange handled ice cream scoop. The orb is still wet and pinked with its former host's strain. Its copper brown iris is split down the middle. - I See
  7. Image of Sunday-Go, unconscious and stretched out in the tub. Her blood stains the porcelain around the small of her back. Wrists are shackled but untethered. - - My Alice
  8. The table has been set with the finest china, generously donated by Oberon. Two attendants are already seated. The backs of their chairs aren't as tall. Instead, they sit low with handles and small hints of wheels that are cut off by the low angle. At the head of the table, Phineas sits with his puce leather gloves and top hat. -- Teatime (You're Late)
  9. Lyn looked soft, vulnerable. Her pink hair amplified the effects and highlighted the redness in her puffy eyes while the larger male {Jekii}, enhanced her tiny stature. – Bereaved
  10. A stout teddy bear sitting at the bar with a black and clear hookah in paw. His snout is wrinkled as he exhales a billow of smoke. His black eyes glint cold. - My Precious
  11. Meal preparation was underway in a small living room, in a small shack, in the middle of nowhere. The table is set with an extended foot and taut line of muscle that leads to one partially dressed Englishman. Eli Hartley is dressed in just his boxers, black. His lean form is lightly sheened with the onset of shock as crimson seeps from him in heady drips into the basin below, now filled with a ?x? square of his own thigh meat. The weapon used, Phineas’ own hunting knife, is still present and coated with vitae. Eli’s neck is bowed back, hand over his mouth to hide a silent ‘oh’. Eyes closed, he’s oblivious to the photographer or simply unconcerned. – O Face
  12. Tension was evident. It runs strained lines through both men’s arms as they stand violently holding hands – the larger succumbing. At the epicenter of their struggle, their fingers are laced and white knuckled. Grin’s has his face covered so only the purpled peaks of his ears could be seen while his beard is lost against his dark shirt. In contrast, his opponent - Eli - remains barefaced save for the blood that smears his nose and mouth like warpaint. An attempt to wipe it away has been made but darker hues of red have already begun to drip down to stain his collar unnoticed. -- Jenkin's Face
  13. Phineas’ shadow is cast over the surface slightly darker than the poorly lit bathroom he occupied. The darkness of his presence acts as a sort of censoring for the male's obvious nude state. The water quivers gently with reverberations of his movement to dance the trickle of reflected light across the basin. Beneath the surface Stein rests with his eyes open and his gas mask off. His face is round, forever youthful, though bare of its usual show of disapproval. His white hair is suspended in the water stained red from the infrared light that filled the room. His irises are silver and stark against his light reddened sclera. Pupils fixed. - - Incubation
  14. Nighttime. Little fireflies dot the grass as the focus aims as the crumpled form of an angel. She's the stereotypical European beauty - blonde hair, one blue eye cracked open but not focused. Her arm rests at a strange angle. Fresh bite marks litter her pale flesh and pool blood in dip of her cleavage. - Cut Strings
  15. The background it firelit. Overhead, a pocket of stars can be seen betwixt the tangle of tree branches. A segment of rope bissects the picture down to the pinked fingertips of the pale young man dangling at its end. His hair is freshly cut. The strands have instinctively drawn up into curly ques that touch delicately to the ruins of his nose. His mouth is a blistered joker's grin. A thick dribble of spit hangs from his chin. - Ratking
  16. The tailored blue suit is bright against the pub's dingy background. The Englishman is winded, his face a battered ruin. The bar's edge is used to steady him where his knees seem to fail. His head is bowed. -- Knighted
  17. Same night, different face. The bearded one stands there like a glove filled with rocks. He's too big in his skin, his bones sit awkward. His features are flexed with his temper. His right eye flashes silver. -- Beast

  • Backpack - Contents Vary
  • Bear Hat - From Lili
  • Top Hat : From smitsmit
  • Hunter's Knife : From Blake
  • Jean Jacket : From Tin
  • Enchanted Eyestone : From Sacrifice
    On the flat of its surface, Sacri had carved the same runes she'd etched around the male's cast, and on the opposite side she'd carved en embossed, cartoonish scarecrow. The hole in the rock would allow him to loop a cord through it, if he liked.

    "It's for health, energy, balance. It'll only work for you. Should be hung above your resting place, or around your neck if you suspect you may be attacked."
  • Hodgepodge Journal : made of personal artifacts taken from victims (car titles, medical docs, bills, crayon pics, etc)
  • Alligator Leather Jacket: Lola
  • Hair Rope : Sacrifice
  • Dream-catcher : Alexis
  • Hair Comb Dog tag: Over the meaningless scribbles of the merchandiser are carved the letters BB for Blackbeard.
  • Puzzle Piece Necklace - From Kiora
  • Lunata Bone - From Kiora
  • Journal made of Sunday Leather - Freyja/Sunday
  • Fountain Pen - Leeloo
  • Blue Bracelet that reads 'Friends' - From Alexis
  • Buck Skull - Camping with Eli
  • Skin Canvas - Ezra
  • Grin Skinned Pillow w/Bellybutton Attachment - Grin/Freyja
  • Dolphin Bracelet - From Grin
  • Knife Set - Ophelia
  • Vintage Teddy Bear - A bear he gave to his fiance before she was murdered. Refound under the floors of his childhood home.

Located along Zestless and 25th amongst the foliage allowed to grow between highways is a stretch of woodland. It’s made up of mostly saplings and young trees. The oldest of them all rests at the center of the cluster, a mighty oak. Phineas has taken roost here. 25 miles around the tree, going in either direction, is a minefield of traps ranging from deadfalls to punji pits.

Located on the corner of KillJoy and 69th. The building is in a state of disrepair after so many years of neglect. Forgotten merchandise collect dust on the shelves and the ceiling sags in places. The sound of dripping water can be heard but not located. On the display window is a pink notice announcing that the shop has been deemed inhospitable by the city.

There's a park a few blocks down from World Class Pawn. Phineas hangs there sometimes to watch children play and people pass by. They don't play much nowadays, tablets and whatnot. He still lingers, mostly inside the tunnel slide for shade or warmth.
Last edited by Marsolet on Wed Jul 31, 2024 11:21 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Location: The Maze
OOC: Nita
IGN: -scarecrow-
Clan: NA
Lineage: SavagePatch
Graphic Artist: Vic

Mon Jul 29, 2024 5:03 pm


(A B C Order)

[ALEXIS] - static ////// please hold..... - - [LEXI-POP]
[ANALISE MARSOLET] - estranged; fear; despondence; possession - - [TURTLE DOVE]
[BARNABY MARSOLET] - betrayal; rage; fear; longing- [MOTHER]
[CERN] - static ////// please hold..... - - [TARZAN]
[ELI+HARTLEY] - static ////// please hold..... - - [HERBERT/SOURPUSS]
[EZRA] - static ////// please hold..... - - [TOUCAN]
[FERA] - static ////// please hold..... - - [CABBAGEPATCH]
[GANGREL] - static ////// please hold..... - - [NA]
[GRIN] - kinship; possession; fear - - [BLACKBEARD/SAD EYES]
[HEATH] - familiarity; hatred; usefulness - - [NA]
[KIONESUSTANO] - static ////// please hold..... - - [KOON]
[OBERON] - pride; resentment....loading...////// please hold..... - - [OBI/RABBIT/BABE]
[PRISS] - static ////// please hold..... - - [NA]
[RAWNIE] - mourning, acceptance- - [DUCKY]
[RHET] - mischief; kinship; possession - - [HERBERT/SOURPUSS]
[RUDOLF] - respect; curiosity; usefulness - - [ROO-DEE]
[SUNDAY+GO] - mourning; acceptance- - [SUNNY DAY]
[TIN] - nostalgia - - [TINY TIN/MOOSE(FACE)]
[YURIKO] - static ////// please hold..... - - [KARATE KID]

Last edited by Marsolet on Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:13 pm, edited 30 times in total.
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Location: The Maze
OOC: Nita
IGN: -scarecrow-
Clan: NA
Lineage: SavagePatch
Graphic Artist: Vic

Mon Jul 29, 2024 5:04 pm


FEB202013 - Gained SURPRISE.
MAR012013 - Gained a level of SHADOWS.
MAR042013 - Gained a second level of SHADOWS.
MAR042013 - Gained a second level of THIEVERY.
MAR062013 - Gained a second level of TELEPATHY \ Began Celerity QUEST(2)
MAR092013 - Gained a second level of CELERITY
You drink the Beer.You feel something brush past your pocket. When you look round, nobody is there, but the items you've collected are gone! You are momentarily angry, but then you realise that you've got what you wanted out of the deal - you feel faster.

MAR212013 - Began Charisma QUEST [2]
MAR222013 - Gained a second level of CHARISMA
You feel a rush of confidence course through your body. It's as though you have become more comfortable with yourself and those around you. You have gained a level of CHARISMA.

MAR232013 - Gained a third level of THIEVERY and SHADOWS.
MAR242013 - Gained a third level of TELEPATHY.
Intensive training, lasting several hours, leaves you feeling very tired. Your mind, on the other hand, is feeling especially alert.

MAR252013 - MAY142013 - Works to gain coin for further powering.
MAY142013 - Begins Charisma QUEST [3]
MAY172013 - Gained a third level of CHARISMA.
You feel a rush of confidence course through your body. It's as though you have become more comfortable with yourself and those around you. You have gained a level of CHARISMA.

MAY172013 - Begins and Gains a second level of STAMINA
-scarecrow- says "'Open-Zim'"
Shadowy figures burst from the darkness all around. Before -scarecrow- can respond, the vampire is immobilised, held pinned to the ground. Another silhouette steps forth, holding out on the end of a stick a piece of platemail strangely visible in the dark. Then you realise - it's glowing with red heat. The platemail is pressed against the chest of -scarecrow-. With gritted teeth, -scarecrow- bears the pain without a sound, other than the sizzle of flesh and bursting blood-vessels. After what seems an eon but is probably more like twenty seconds, the figures depart as slickly as they arrived, taking their armour with them. -scarecrow- looks weakened, and yet, strangely, strengthened.

You have gained a level of STAMINA.

JUL022013 - Began Locate QUEST [2]
-scarecrow- says "'Check-Point'"
-scarecrow- kneels on the ground, and gently tears open a wrist with a daggerlike fingernail. Blood flows forth, and half-seeps, half-crawls into the paved ground.

JUL072013 - Gains a second level of LOCATE [2]
-scarecrow- says "'Check-Point'"
-scarecrow- kneels on the ground, and gently tears open a wrist with a daggerlike fingernail. Blood flows forth, and half-seeps, half-crawls into the paved ground.
-scarecrow- looks enlightened.

You have gained a level of LOCATE.
JUL112013 - Began and Completed STAMINA quest [3]
-scarecrow- says "'Do-Cadabra'"
Shadowy figures burst from the darkness all around. Before -scarecrow- can respond, the vampire is immobilised, held pinned to the ground. Another silhouette steps forth, holding out on the end of a stick a piece of platemail strangely visible in the dark. Then you realise - it's glowing with red heat. The platemail is pressed against the chest of -scarecrow-. With gritted teeth, -scarecrow- bears the pain without a sound, other than the sizzle of flesh and bursting blood-vessels. After what seems an eon but is probably more like twenty seconds, the figures depart as slickly as they arrived, taking their armour with them. -scarecrow- looks weakened, and yet, strangely, strengthened.
You have gained a level of STAMINA.

JUL192013 - Began CELERITY Quest [3] [ * ASSISTED BY RAWNIE ]
To gain a level of CELERITY, you must collect a series of 12 objects from different pubs. Run to The Drunk Cup, at Zinc and 94th, and buy a drink - the bartender will provide you with the first object and more directions. You have three days to get there.
SIXTH LOCATION: 7/25/2013*
NINTH LOCATION: 7/26/2013*
TENTH LOCATION: 7/26/2013*

You drink the Beer.You feel something brush past your pocket. When you look round, nobody is there, but the items you've collected are gone! You are momentarily angry, but then you realise that you've got what you wanted out of the deal - you feel faster.

SEP092013 - Learns through other means that Rawnie has chosen once again to sleep. No word from Rawnie herself.
SEP242013 - Gains the blood needed to sever Rawnie.
Your link to your sire, Rawnie, has been severed. Thank you.

DEC262013 - [t] The binding ritual is complete. Your new sire is Grin.
AUG122014 – Sunday calls to inform Phin that Grin is dead. Phin later discovers he’s been severed.
OCT182014 - Sunday asks for Phineas to sire to her. He can't say no.
The binding ritual is complete. Your new sire is Sunday-Go.

MAY132015 - Adopts LeeLoo making her his first childe.
JUN302015 - Your link to your sire, Sunday-Go, has been severed. Thank you.
JAN132016 - The binding ritual is complete. Your new sire is Taltos Oberon. / [T] The deed is done.
JUL312016 - Your link to your sire, Taltos Oberon, has been severed. Thank you.
AUG012016 – Severs Leeloo as his childe.
AUG072016 – Severs Umbrae as his childe.
NOV242016 -- Sires to Grin a 2nd time.
Last edited by Marsolet on Tue Jul 30, 2024 5:09 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Posts: 75
Joined: Fri Sep 22, 2017 6:13 pm
Location: The Maze
OOC: Nita
IGN: -scarecrow-
Clan: NA
Lineage: SavagePatch
Graphic Artist: Vic

Mon Jul 29, 2024 6:05 pm



MAY252013 - Swimming Lesson. Instructor: Kione.
APR012013 - Fight. Opponent: Grin. Weapon: Teeth. Fists.
APR262013 - First 'man-date'. Date: Lachrymose.
JUL032013 - Broke up with Grin.
JUL072013 - Played tag with Grin's face...and a crowbar.
JUL082013 - .....Broke up with Grin again. ಠ_ಠ
JUL172013 - Broke up with Grin....again. Phin: We weren't even dating to begin with D:<
JUL202013 - Hired Grin to work at World Class Pawn.
JUL222013 - Fired Grin.
SEPT022013 - Fight. Opponent: Grin. Weapon: Teeth.
SEPT082013 - First voluntary man/man kiss. Status: Drunk as a Skunk. Company: Tin
SEPT112013 - Saw things that could not be unseen. Source: Cadillac
SEPT132013 - Parking lot fight. Opponent: Grin. Weapon: Staple Gun. Fists.
SEPT222013 - Was infected with a bot-fly larva. Cause: Grin Fuckery. ]:<
SEPT252013 - Stuck a leech in Grin's eye socket.
SEPT262013 - Was beaten with a bat...by Grin.
OCT102013 - Spends three days in Switzerland. Has to get gangrene cut out of his feet. Company: Eyezac.
OCT132013 - Spends the day in California. Company: Gir.
OCT182013 - Held his first 'Fabu' party in the safety of his attic. Company: Grin's Stolen Jewelry.
OCT232013 - Goes on a road-trip with the Sanchez lineage to Mexico.
OCT292013 - Grin's jewelry finally arrives back home via snail mail.
NOV132013 - Abducted then buried alive in the Nevada Desert. Company: Eyezac
NOV222013 - Purchased an RV using one of Grin's false IDs.
DEC252013 - Burnt RV down to destroy evidence. "Don't shit last." -- Drake


JAN112014 - Abducted by Horatio and company. Interrogated.
JAN142014 - Rescued by Eyezac. Recovers in feral state.
JAN172014 - Released from Alps.
JUN222014 to AUG132014 - Kept at the Mounds.
AUG132014 - Returns to Ravenblack. Disassociation begins.
OCT012014 - Bites a pickpocket in the face and is detained. He calls Zac to bail him out and is sassed. He decides to end their friendship immediately after.
OCT052014 - Phineas moves out into his first studio apartment with the help of Oberon and Rhet.


APR102015 - Takes Sunday captive. Meat taken. [Back]
MAY292015 – Kione attempts to reconnect. Altercation follows. Aggressor: Phin
MAY312015 - Kione informs Phin that he's blocking his number. No explanation given.
JUN222015 - Attacks Grin. Bellybutton, Skin Taken [Belly/Back], Hair Taken. ಠ_ಠ
JUL092015 - Bean goes missing.
JUL172015 - Gutted to imprison K inside of a Nganga.
JUL182015 – JUL282015 - Emergency Surgery. ICU/Hospital Stay. Recovery. Detox.
SEPT042015 – Vex asks to speak with Phin. An altercation follows. Aggressor: Vex.
SEPT062015 – Phin goes after Vex after suffering the loss of his eye. Intimidation.
SEPT172015 - Breaks into Vex's home to instigate.
SEPT202015 – Jumped by Ezra and Vex in a side pub room.
SEPT222015 - Disassociation intensifies accompanied by depression. Suicidal Thoughts Occur. Seeks drugs to correct anomaly.
NOV042015 - Rest in Peace Sunny Day
DEC052015 - Goes to Portugal to celebrate his birthday and Christmas with Barnaby and Anna.


JAN012016 - Burns his childhood home down to the ground after torturing Barnaby for three days.
FEB042016 to FEB 142016– Suffers a psychotic break while alone in Oberon’s apartment. Self Lobotomy. Eli stumbles upon Phin following a self-inflicted lobotomy and drags him off to Las Vegas. An altercation follows. Aggressr: Phin/Eli
APR072016 - Mixes alcohol with new medication. Targets RJ as prey. He is quickly gunned down. Silver bullets/Partial decapitation.
APR092016 - Devours a hobo to jumpstart regeneration.
APR112016 - Makes his way to Ezra's old home. Lures Rhet then proceeds to eat the New Yorker's left arm. Ezra is also targeted but the hunt is unsuccessful.
APR122016 - Phin is fed a mixture of human flesh and vampiric blood by Kiora.
APR132016 - Regeneration completed. Kiora invites Phin to stay at Malice. He accepts.
?????2016 - Stays in Ezra's shack off the northern coast of California
?????2016 - Eli visits the shack to ask Phin for his left thumb in exchange for thigh meat.
?????2016 - Dissociation ends. Phin emerges.
?????2016 - Moves back in with Eli, this time in his cabin 25 miles from the main house.
OCT062016 -Orion shatters Phin's hand with an explosive round. Shi later heals the worse of it.


JAN252017 - FEB102017 - Abducts and tortures Rhet. Eli releases him.
FEB122017 - FEB262017 - Contracts Lycan flu. Contaminant: Rat Bite
AUGUST04 - static.../////// hold please
AUGUST05 - Attempts suicide : Heroine/coke overdose / intercepted by Grin
AUGUST07 - 2nd sucide attempt : Castration/Slit Throat / bloodloss ineffective
AUGUST09 - 3rd attempt : Fire/Gasoline / intercepted by Eli
AUGUST09 - ??? - is kept in Eli's basement and cannibalized while he heals

2018 - 2023

Sporadic appearances
Last edited by Marsolet on Tue Jul 30, 2024 5:10 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Location: The Maze
OOC: Nita
IGN: -scarecrow-
Clan: NA
Lineage: SavagePatch
Graphic Artist: Vic

Mon Jul 29, 2024 6:06 pm

[OOC Threads]
[ S A L U T A T I O N S ] : Writer's Profile
The Collective (CL) : Character List

[IC Threads]
[HodgEpoDgƎ] : Journal / Solo (first person, one shots)
[Title Goes Here] : TBA
Last edited by Marsolet on Wed Jul 31, 2024 11:16 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Location: The Maze
OOC: Nita
IGN: -scarecrow-
Clan: NA
Lineage: SavagePatch
Graphic Artist: Vic

Tue Jul 30, 2024 3:06 pm

#savagepatch | #turtleclub | #sadboyclub | CS
Ah, my temperament bipolar, I choose v i o l e n c e.
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