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Azerri Cer'ailae

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 1:28 am
by Azerri

Re: Azerri Cer'ailae

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 9:49 pm
by Azerri

And then the Day Came When ....

The Risk to Remain Tight....

IGN: Azerri
Full Name: Azerri Lapis Cer'Ailae

Ah-Zer-Ee Cher-Ale-Aye

Nicknames: Az, Azi, Sunshine [By Rosa]

Origins: [name, origin, meaning]
Azerri - Aether Realms [No Translation/Meaning]
Cer'Ailae - Nine Hells [Demonic] Warrior Kings

Accent: English
Real Age: 158 [Age] Appearance: 24
Date of Birth: May 25th, 1861

In a Bud was More Painful Than ....

The Risk it Took to Blossom....

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single

Eye Color: Gray-Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Skin Tone: Light Tan Caucasian
Build: Ectomorph; Slender Hourglass, Athletic
Posture: Attentive
Scars: Hidden
Distinguishing Features: Eyes

Scent: Amber and roasted spices (cinnamon and clover)

Nature: ENFP - The Inspirer
Alignment: Chaotic Good

See For Yourself [FULL CS HERE]
Photos/Banners by Aimee and Dre!
Poem: Risk, By Author: Anaïs Nin