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The Mock Turtle; Cea Liddell [WIP]

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 4:44 pm
by Cea Liddell
  • Name: Cea Marie Liddell
  • Apparent Age: 21
  • Actual Age: 39
  • Species: Vampire
  • IGN: Cea
  • Sire: Brom
  • Sexuality: Straight/Demisexual
  • Partner: N/A

  • Height: 5'
  • Build: Slender/Bony
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Blond/Dirty Blond
  • Style: Bohemian Street Urchin

Re: The Mock Turtle; Cea Liddell [WIP]

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 2:29 pm
by Cea Liddell
A run away from age 9, Cea has spent the majority of her life on the streets, drifting in and out of shelters, or hiding in a squat; she was a child completely lost. Plagued from an early age by hallucinations, her family resolved to have her committed to a 'home for troubled youths'. The night before her family could commit her she ran away, taking with her the only thing that meant anything to her in the world; a book that explained everything that was wrong with her. The story of her Great, Great, Great Aunt Alice Liddell-The little girl who went down the rabbit hole, and through the looking glass.
There was no rabbit hole, and no looking glass, of course, not really. The girl child Alice suffered from a type of lunacy, causing her to have such realistic hallucinations it made her question reality. She saw such fantastical, and wonderful things, she had told her parents it was like a Wonderland. They had no choice but to have the girl committed to an asylum. It was the start of a family tradition. Every few generations a girl would be born to the Liddell family who saw 'Wonderland', and to save her, 'for her own good', she would be tucked away, stashed away and forgotten. Cea, wouldn't allow herself to be one of those undiscussed children.

Life for Cea was a mix of terror and wonder (of course) as she wandered city after city. For some years, she had taken refuge in the basement of a library. It was the start of a long time love; reading. She would spend hours devouring book after book, learning everything she could, and making friends with the characters of the fiction section. The girl raised herself in those stacks. When she had no choice but to move on, libraries became her squat of choice whenever she could. No matter the city, she would immediately seek out a library for refuge. The older she got, the harder it became to go unnoticed in those rows and rows of escapes.

Re: The Mock Turtle; Cea Liddell [WIP]

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 9:49 am
by Cea Liddell

For twelve years Cea explored the Americas on foot, and hitching a ride when she could. She saw a lot of bigger cities, listened to them sing their songs late at night, and fell in love. There was something about the metropolitan life, with its delicate balance of chaos and order that appealed to her. That love would sent her right into the arms of darkness.
Twenty-one, naive, and mad she found herself in Seattle; Home of Grunge, Home of Starbucks, Home of the Space Needle, Home of... the list went on. She was fascinated and wanted to go, so she went. For weeks she walked the streets of the Emerald City, falling deeper into her fascination every night. But beautiful things always wither in time.
Her name was Stevie, she styled herself after the singer she was named for, she was bright and delightful, and she was Cea's best friend. Until she wasn't.
The two were thick as thieves, always finding mischief but never any real trouble. They were footloose, and fancy free. The pair were the most amazing friends, for people who were keeping secrets. Cea never told Stevie about the things she saw, and Stevie never told Cea she was a vampire. What do those things matter? October 30, 2001 those things mattered a great deal.

Re: The Mock Turtle; Cea Liddell [WIP]

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 2:32 pm
by Cea Liddell
What She Sees
She hallucinates.
She sees the world in a different color, different shape... she sees the world different.
She can see the bread and butterflies.

Re: The Mock Turtle; Cea Liddell [WIP]

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 2:48 am
by Cea Liddell
Index of Recognized Names:
*Brom (Old Man)
*Laila (Lala-Love)
* Lorrana
*Lady Tachiban
*Ren (Renfare)
Drusilla (Druberry)
Alpha Dragon (Dragonface)
Abel (Abelface)
*denotes familial ties

Re: The Mock Turtle; Cea Liddell [WIP]

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:11 pm
by Cea Liddell
  • Shy
  • Bookish
  • Bubbly
  • Quirky
  • Obscure
  • Independant
  • Inquisitive
  • Mischievous
  • Guarded
  • Unorganized
  • Messy
  • Fidgety
  • Complicated
  • Just a mess