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OMG, What is Going On?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 8:08 pm
by Maddox

I'm just all over the place, need tracking, and also accountability to make sure I'm not forgetting things in the flood of activity:

  • Auctions 2020 Services (Bastian/Perry) [Discord Server - Le Domaine en Bordure]
  • Bastian & Murphy Go Horse Riding on the Grounds
  • Rancor Re-Locates and Re-Opens Tenebrae Teas
  • The Death Tales of Moroccan Hunters Turned Paladins
  • Bird Lovers: Jeovanni Meets Kiia
  • Xaviera & the Orisha (Constantly developing with each RP and interaction)
  • Maddox's Road to the Stage (Constantly developing with each RP and interaction)
  • Emory vs Absolom (Constantly developing with each RP and interaction)
  • The Mysterious Death of Una the Divine, Mother of Rancor (Constantly developing with each RP and interaction)
  • KMA & The Hybrid Initiative (Constantly developing with each RP and interaction)
  • The Society of Light, Stranded Moroccan Team Turned Paladins, The Death Tales (Constantly developing with each RP and interaction)
  • Godfrey's Six-Step Plan (On Hold)
If I'm forgetting an RP we write (which is always a possibility as my memory is terrible), please let me know! If you have any ideas or want to write, feel free to poke me! I'll definitely poke folks if I have the time and remember to do so (should make a proper hit list of stuff I'd like to co-write with folks, tbh).

HEADS UP, THO: I'm terrible at quick-style/rapid-response roleplay. I had to hard accept that I just don't have the focus to properly follow along, register the proceedings, and respond in time. I'm pretty delayed, as a person, but that doesn't mean it's impossible! I suppose it just takes practice (which I don't have), so, if that is your roleplay and writing style, that's perfectly fine. I just want to be upfront and own up to my obvious lack of speed. I'll try my best to speed up, but also, please understand why I'm so extremely slow.

Re: OMG, What is Going On?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 4:34 pm
by Maddox

So, I've got a lot of replies to get to. Apologies to those who currently write with me. I know the delay has been extensive, at this point. I'll be getting to replies this week as well as trying to focus on some other projects. I suppose, if you're not a balancing act, yet, you won't make it in this circus, so I'd better get that practice in, lol!

But, seriously. Thank you, folks, for being patient with me.