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Tue Jan 23, 2018 11:46 pm

Danny Jones wrote:
Church wrote:
Sat Dec 02, 2017 9:05 am
=.= this. Ugh. Im sorry! Ughugh more rach writes pls
Elijah wrote:viewtopic.php?f=15&t=472#p6424

^ This thread, in general, but especially this post. I liked it a lot - and the way it opens ground for Hawthorn's post is creates a very compelling cliffhanger. Ryan's pain is believable, and you almost feel the force of the wounds - both physical and psychological when you're reading - and you with and for him. Hawthorne, on the other hand, is an unlikely and unexpected hero, but very welcome regardless. He's that reprieve from pain that makes it feel like - you know, things might be alright in the end. Yas, girls.

Thanks, guys.
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Wed Jan 24, 2018 10:01 pm

Elijah wrote:
Tue Jan 23, 2018 11:24 pm

^ I'm putting these three together because they're from the same RP group, or rather from the same storyline arc, and it's the first time I see a large werewolf pack being RPed cohesively within the RB Community. Yes, no, Lilou is not a werewolf - but, we also see their dynamics from her point of view, and I find it interesting, since it comes from within the Pack, but from something of an outsiders perspective, who in turn has their own story. Since I can't plot worth shit for the long run, I really admire people who can - especially when they come in a group of writers getting in line to write the same thing and to create a little niche for their own, where their individual storylines all kind of converge into a single big one.
I'd like to add that I'm not saying that there's no incredible werewolf characters already [see Grin+Greyce, Vetras, some part of the de Draak lineage, etc] but it's the first time I see such a large number of them writing in what seems like their own little community. It's rad.
I was super surprised to see one of my threads here. >< Especially just a journal. Thank you, Cia. <3

The Gealach pack, and all its players, are wonderful. Thank you for making such an amazing world to write in, Keo.
Lilianne St. John

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Thu Jan 25, 2018 3:07 am

Lilou wrote:
Wed Jan 24, 2018 10:01 pm
Elijah wrote:
Tue Jan 23, 2018 11:24 pm

^ I'm putting these three together because they're from the same RP group, or rather from the same storyline arc, and it's the first time I see a large werewolf pack being RPed cohesively within the RB Community. Yes, no, Lilou is not a werewolf - but, we also see their dynamics from her point of view, and I find it interesting, since it comes from within the Pack, but from something of an outsiders perspective, who in turn has their own story. Since I can't plot worth shit for the long run, I really admire people who can - especially when they come in a group of writers getting in line to write the same thing and to create a little niche for their own, where their individual storylines all kind of converge into a single big one.
I'd like to add that I'm not saying that there's no incredible werewolf characters already [see Grin+Greyce, Vetras, some part of the de Draak lineage, etc] but it's the first time I see such a large number of them writing in what seems like their own little community. It's rad.
I was super surprised to see one of my threads here. >< Especially just a journal. Thank you, Cia. <3

The Gealach pack, and all its players, are wonderful. Thank you for making such an amazing world to write in, Keo.
All qft. And also thanks.

so this is kind of a mix of rp appreciation and gratitude so imma just stick it here.
there's no specific rp she's done that im gonna point out this time around but Keo, you're an amazing writer. Seriously.
I love how keen you are to allow others to incorporate their characters into your own storylines, as well - like the pits, and zander corp, and whenever im all "omg so you know how you've got... and koji did... and mika's like... what if something ive got ties into it? omg you can say no tho etcetc." you're always so willing to plot things and mess around with it. you're adaptable as fuck and that's pretty amazeballs. and again, you're a really, really fucking good writer.

thats all i got for now but all the appreciation.

danny, you're pretty fucking amazing too and some of the more heartbreaking things are so thoroughly heartbreaking. im on my phone and cant link the thread where lilou is killing that stag but it's amazing af. your writing is perfect.
Mauvais Sang
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Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:00 am

Nyxx wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2018 3:07 am
Lilou wrote:
Wed Jan 24, 2018 10:01 pm
Elijah wrote:
Tue Jan 23, 2018 11:24 pm

^ I'm putting these three together because they're from the same RP group, or rather from the same storyline arc, and it's the first time I see a large werewolf pack being RPed cohesively within the RB Community. Yes, no, Lilou is not a werewolf - but, we also see their dynamics from her point of view, and I find it interesting, since it comes from within the Pack, but from something of an outsiders perspective, who in turn has their own story. Since I can't plot worth shit for the long run, I really admire people who can - especially when they come in a group of writers getting in line to write the same thing and to create a little niche for their own, where their individual storylines all kind of converge into a single big one.
I'd like to add that I'm not saying that there's no incredible werewolf characters already [see Grin+Greyce, Vetras, some part of the de Draak lineage, etc] but it's the first time I see such a large number of them writing in what seems like their own little community. It's rad.
I was super surprised to see one of my threads here. >< Especially just a journal. Thank you, Cia. <3

The Gealach pack, and all its players, are wonderful. Thank you for making such an amazing world to write in, Keo.
All qft. And also thanks.

so this is kind of a mix of rp appreciation and gratitude so imma just stick it here.
there's no specific rp she's done that im gonna point out this time around but Keo, you're an amazing writer. Seriously.
I love how keen you are to allow others to incorporate their characters into your own storylines, as well - like the pits, and zander corp, and whenever im all "omg so you know how you've got... and koji did... and mika's like... what if something ive got ties into it? omg you can say no tho etcetc." you're always so willing to plot things and mess around with it. you're adaptable as fuck and that's pretty amazeballs. and again, you're a really, really fucking good writer.

thats all i got for now but all the appreciation.

danny, you're pretty fucking amazing too and some of the more heartbreaking things are so thoroughly heartbreaking. im on my phone and cant link the thread where lilou is killing that stag but it's amazing af. your writing is perfect.
I didn't even see this omg ;_; all the emotion.

I love all of you and you keep inspiring me to write and I LOVE seeing the excitement when you're making new stories or new characters and all the ideas are flowing around my humble farm, grow my babies groooow! I'm blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful writers and great friends who keep me floating. Tex, Danny, Ben, Hamp, Ash, Aly, Andi, Beanie babie, Sid and Teej.

You guys are all such fantastic writers with your own unique characters that blow my mind, I'm lucky to get to interact with all of you, and thank you for humouring me when i drawl on about werewolves (in a vampire community dhueh)

For real though, cia this was touching as fuck and I had no idea, thank you so much for the kind words they really are heartwarming and inspiring and I had no idea we were one of the larger werewolf writers here <3
Oriel // Gealach // Jin
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Sat Jan 27, 2018 3:14 am

D'awwww Keo <3 I mean all of it. I'm glad you guys are enjoying your thing. Keep on keeping on, and here's to reading more from all of you!



This isn't usually the style of writing that I enjoy, not typically, but I found myself gripped non-the-less? It reads a lot like a romance novel, those paper-back tomes you find at the newspaper stands and that you feel umcomfortable liking, but not because the story or the writing is bad, but because it feels just so intimate - like reading something so personal, and that you shouldn't be reading, but you can't put it down. There's a lot of detail into Amaya's life, actual characters being named (which isn't as common as you'd think!) - and I think that delving into both dimensional travel and the emotional repercussions of being an empath are really interesting. I can't wait to read more. Honestly.

I am also obsessed with this
I like the journal and what it says, but I like the titles of each post, if that makes any sense? It feels a lot like you're building up a poem, like...


I don't know, I just feel like the whole has a fuckload of emotional charge to it, and it resonates within me. More pls? 8D
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Sun Jan 28, 2018 3:00 am

I enjoyed this post. The thread, in and of itself, was enjoyable for me. This was just my favorite post from it.

I'm a little upset this doesn't see more use.

It'd be nice to see somebody reply to this.

This makes me cry any time I read back through it.

1 | 2. I envy your characterization.

And I'm going to bring this to everyone's attention, again. I found this disturbing, especially when applied in a real life situation. It made me cringe, because kids think this way and actually do this type of shit when they can't separate reality from fiction. The unspoken potential realistic consequences of this make my stomach tight with anxiety and anticipation.

Also this UNSUB. I'm so glad to see that UNSUB's getting used. I love every single post that's come from it and I'm thrilled!
unexpressed emotions will never die.
they are buried alive and will come forth later in
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sigmund freud
Emer MacCallum
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Sun Jan 28, 2018 7:37 pm

Everything posted and unposted is awesome, and kudos to all writers who put it all out there.
Thank you kind person, for the shout-out.
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Wed Jan 31, 2018 7:43 pm

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Sat Feb 03, 2018 3:03 pm

Thank you, Cia.

I'd also like to re-assert thanks to everybody who's brave enough to post in public, at all.
unexpressed emotions will never die.
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sigmund freud
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Mon Feb 19, 2018 10:37 pm


Eeee, I'm so happy to see this from you, Jason. <3
᛫ R.I.P 06/12/2020 ᛫
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