Article Challenge - Amnesty

Writing competitions galore~ We all need a little something to pass the time.
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Posts: 508
Joined: Mon Oct 16, 2017 4:32 pm
OOC: Justin
IGN: Liander
Graphic Artist: Kris

Tue Nov 07, 2017 12:02 pm

Competition: IC news article submission
  • 1st place - 10,000 coins
  • 2nd place - Payment to an artist of your choice for a banner, as listed here
*Winners will be invited to have their characters join the staff as a Reporter. All submissions will also be considered for IC internships.

noun, plural amnesties.
1. a general pardon for offenses, especially political offenses, against a government, often granted before any trial or conviction.
2. Law. an act of forgiveness for past offenses, especially to a class of persons as a whole.
3. a forgetting or overlooking of any past offense.

Ravenblack City - known for holding grudges, burning bridges, and everyone keeping to their own corners. We've all seen it happen, but more importantly, we've all been guilty of it to some degree. The questions posed to you: why, and what is the solution - if any? Examine the issue from an objective standpoint, provide evidence to support any claims you make, speak to people across the city and get their thoughts, and discuss the steps that must be taken to 'bridge the gap', if you will.

The competition will be judged by yours truly, as I will be providing the prizes. To keep things fair and unbiased, however, all submissions should be submitted through The Reporter. To do this, simply PM The Reporter account with your article and it will be posted. As I only hold an IC position on the board, I do not have access to those PMs. Please note that your submission does not mean you are obligated to take an IC position as a Reporter or Intern, only that the option is there.

Let the writing begin!

-Justin, writer of Liander D'dary

ETA: I should probably put a date on this, huh? The competition will end November 20, which also marks the start of the Battle Royale competition. Any pieces submitted after midnight EST on November 20 will not be considered. Winners to be announced November 21.


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