The Agora - Hosted by Ab Antiquo & The Necropolis

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Posts: 508
Joined: Mon Oct 16, 2017 4:32 pm
OOC: Justin
IGN: Liander
Graphic Artist: Kris

Tue Nov 07, 2017 10:28 pm


Are proud to present -

The Agora is an interactive discussion setting which will cover a wide variety of topics and provide a platform for individuals from every walk of life to share their knowledge and engage the community. Hosted in the Beginners Room of the bar, at times to be determined, a designated Speaker will present a topic of their choice for all present to converse on. This is an open forum space, and as such is entirely informal. The door will be open to all and the floor shall be as well to encourage the passing of knowledge between people who may not have otherwise ever sat in the same room together.

The Speaker
We are currently looking for volunteers willing to lead these discussions. There are no qualifications to meet or resumes to submit. It doesn't matter what house, clan, or lineage you come from - or even if you come from any at all. All that is required is a sincere desire to educate others on any area of expertise and an hour or two of your time.

If interested, please PM or otherwise contact Liander or Virgo with your name and a chosen topic of discussion. Don't worry if the topic has been covered before; variety is the spice of life.

The Floor
As above, is open to all. Discussion and debate are encouraged, but argument and insults will not be tolerated. This will be a moderated room. While we want as much participation as possible, the politics, squabbles, and egos that haunt our streets are expected to be left at the door. There is no need to raise your hand or wait your turn to speak. We expect only, for the time you are present, to remain on subject and be civil with everyone. Knowledge does not discriminate.

The Times
To be hosted every other Saturday. Volunteers and time allowing, we hope to have two scheduled times, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. This way we allow as many people as possible to come and participate. The first date to be announced shortly.

If you have any questions, please contact the following individuals:
  • Liander D'dary [Trillian: princessking | Discord: Liander#9715]
  • Virgo [Trillian: virgoshelly | Discord: Princessvirgo#4012]


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