WANTED: Drag queens and kings!

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Posts: 195
Joined: Sat Oct 21, 2017 1:32 am
Location: ur a nosy lil shit, ain’tcha?
OOC: Bekkah
IGN: Smerberous
Lineage: Ma’Khadok
Graphic Artist: Meg

Wed Jul 17, 2019 1:14 am

"What do you want me to do - dress in drag and do the hula?" - Timon
Yes, actually.

Calling all drag kings, queens, and everything in-between!

I'd like to host a drag show at the Cabal of Fuckery some time either in early or late September. I have no experience with this sort of subject and could really use all the help I could get! I need people who are willing to give me ideas and opinions for themes, decorations, wardrobes, make-up and things of that sort. I also need people who would be willing to perform! There will be a sign-up sheet posted at the Cabal for those of you who want to perform, and if you want to help in any way with the whole event, hit me up and we can chat!

E-mail me at smerberous@gmail.com
Text me at Smer#1059
Message me on here
Or find me at the Cabal of Fuckery here:

Remember! This event is still in its infancy and therefore, there are no set dates, times, event staff members, or even a theme. Stay tuned for more information, though!
Sometimes I wake up in, the wrong side of my head.


The little voices creep back in, but it's cool.
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