Does that special someone deserve an extra special delivery this Valentine’s season? For a limited time (February 1st-14th), the Flower Delivery Service will be open for business for all your flower delivery needs.
Delivering fresh or dead flowers with handwritten messages personalized to your taste. There are many options, so visit your florists today to see how your needs can be met. All orders come with absolute anonymity if desired.
And remember... Don’t kill the messenger!
Basic pricing - the full-price cost of perfect flowers (whether you want them delivered fresh or dead) plus the full price cost of a scroll of teleportation.
Addendum: Thanks to a generous donation from the NightWatch, we have re-vamped the pricing system for the Flower Delivery Service. Prices for dandelions and orchids will remain the same. The first dozen roses that each customer orders will be free until we run out of roses. This will be on a first-come first-served basis, so get your order in early to ensure the incredible deal being offered.
All delivery costs are negotiable.
A huge thank you goes out to the NightWatch for making this possible!