The Peacekeeper's Guild presents...
[Left: image of the Harmony Brooch, Titled Members Edition; Right: image of the Harmony Brooch, Non-Titled Members Edition.]
[Left: image of the Harmony Brooch, Titled Members Edition; Right: image of the Harmony Brooch, Non-Titled Members Edition.]
The Harmony Brooch: a carefully crafted, decorative ornament provided to all members of The Peacekeeper's Guild.
For Titled members of Ambassador ranking or higher, your commemorative brooch features two extended olive branches framing the protected pink-blue sapphire gem within. This gem signifies the incorruptibility of your kindness and your wise judgment as you guide and foster each new member of the Guild. The blending of this gem's pink and blue brilliance forever denotes the interlocking dedication of both branches: Neutrality and Battlecloak. May you cultivate peace and harmony with all.
For Non-Titled members, your commemorative brooch features dual shoots of olive branches, a foundation for the individual pink tourmaline and blue sapphire gems. These symbols represent your vows and dedication to the Guild to uphold fellowship with all and enact no unlawful attack upon others. Whether you have taken vows of Neutrality on any level, vows to uphold your strict code of conduct as Battlecloak, or both, this brooch was made to signify your valued position with the Guild. May the peace you strive for be made first from within.
For all current members, please stop by The Peacekeeper's Mission's first location at Emerald & 67th to claim your Harmony Brooch or contact Ohana Fuentes, High Councilor, at your earliest convenience.
This is a period of transition within our city. As the year comes to a close, as the flames of war reduce tensions to embers, as legendary factions seal their doors and legacies are laid to rest, we find ourselves stirring in the fresh light of a new dawn. What is war without peace? What is chaos without calm? There must be balance in all things, or we, as so many others have wisely stated, will stagnate and wither.
Moreso, this is also a transitional period for The Peacekeeper's Guild as we embody our mission, define our promise to our laws, and redefine what it means to be a member of this enduring institute that has stood proud for more than two decades. More on this to come and we thank not just our members but the community as a whole for your patience.
With the recent news of The Nightwatch's standing Commander stepping down from the role to seek a peaceful rest, The Peacekeeper's Guild fully extend their hand to The Nightwatch during this period of transition. Should The Nightwatch need any assistance in performing their promised duties to the citizens of this city, The Peacekeeper's Guild stands ready to answer that call. Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time.
In Varietate Concordia.
High Councilor of The Peacekeeper's Guild
The Peacekeeper's Mission, Location 1
Emerald & 67th