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Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:37 am

Hi everyone!!!

So, we are putting in a new section of the RB Beat where you can have special dedications read aloud to that special someone- or threaten that particularly annoying someone, or just say something to someone you've wanted to say for a long time and haven't- except in a slightly more dramatic fashion- with dedications!

If you want to say something, please inbox it to me and it will get set up for the next edition of the paper.

Anything goes!! Take that extra step to let someone know you are thinking about them. WAYT is so yesterday!
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Wed Oct 25, 2017 5:30 am

So essentially what the Necropolis is doing with Sarahah, but in audio format. What a lovely, community-orientated idea.


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Wed Oct 25, 2017 6:37 am

Um, not at all like that - since yanno, Sarahah, is just wayt, except anonymous. Yanno- kinda like AB took more than 75% of the same threads and games from Necro and put them up here- I don't think pointing out my similarities is all that helpful. AB damn close to a mirror image of Necro, except with the 'other side of the city' since it's just a big fat line in the sand for most.

This is not anonymous- this is an actual dedication to someone, with names and all. From Sarah to Bob- I love you forever- or maybe, I hope your head gets rolled over by a train for what you did to me..

Not the same at all as a bunch of anonymous trolls.
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Wed Oct 25, 2017 8:59 am

Just like Necro basically mirrors everything about The Bite, right? There's always going to be similarities in papers.
Come on, Pea, have some class - if you're going to advertise your little thing you've got going on every paper out there, at least have the decency to not repeatedly try and drag those papers' names through the mud.
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Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:32 am

I am not trying to- my point was that, don't poke at me for having something that is barely similar when every single paper is exactly the same, only different people because of this right here- actually. If you aren't part of the friends/family of the owners, you get jumped on for everything you post by exactly the same people, every single time. Love the stalking though. For Real.

As I said before, I was asked to post here- I didn't do it because I wanted to, but I have not yet advertised again, and Dae most definitely has lost me working with AB in continuing to post these things or associating what I do with AB. :) Dae has insisted to me that he wants to make this place feel more neutral and not so one-sided- and to do that, he needed me and others to be involved and help out- not just his family/friends. Clearly, this is not worth my time or effort.
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Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:34 am

I'm mostly certain Dae doesn't even know Aralyn. What it sounds like is you being unable to take criticism without having a fit and throwing your toys out of the pram.

Love you, Pea, but you're doing yourself no favors nor garnering yourself any support in playing the martyr where it's not at all necessary.

ETA: So we're abundantly clear, here, I'm not "jumping on you" to defend anything, I'm pointing out that your PR game needs a whole lot of work. You have amazing ideas, but who in their right mind is going to want to work with you/for you with an attitude like that over essentially nothing? Owners/editors/whatevers tend to keep their shit together in public - if this is your public face re: your ventures, the private one cannot be expected to be better.
Last edited by Vex on Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:41 am

Stalking. :lol: Yeah, that's what this is.

As for the rest, I'm damn sure no one actually held you at stake-point and forced you to advertise anywhere, but sure, you didn't want to do it.
Blaming everyone else is certainly easier than accepting that what you're doing - or trying to do - isn't working. At least, not with the way you're doing it.

I have no affiliation with Dae, either. Don't even know the guy.

ETA: I don't even think doing some Dedications is a bad idea, I just think you need to stop throwing a fit and derailing every time someone disagrees or points something out.
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Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:46 am

Have you stopped to consider that the comment up there may not have been a personal attack or snipe, and may have been a compliment?

Granted, I can see where it can be taken both ways. Still.

My point being, if you spend time posting things just to assume everyone will attack you, does it not defeat the purpose? Post for you, regardless of the replies, and don't feel the need to justify each comment with some sort of explanation.

As they say these days, "don't feed the trolls" because eventually, they'll starve in their boredom and go elsewhere for their bitter sustenance.


Now, back to the idea itself:
It's not a bad one. Dedications, especially personalized ones, can be a nice touch - or as you said, a more personal way to let that certain someone know you're coming for them with a well spoken threat. I'll be interested to keep eyes on this, see how it works going forward.
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Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:52 am

Aralyn doesn’t know Dae. Wow that was thrown out there quite quickly and emphatically.
Ab’s readership and staff is not accepting of ideas unless they are “new” ideas that they themselves stole from elsewhere.

My first dedication: All of you need to get over yourselves.
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Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:57 am

Annabelle wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:52 am
Ab’s readership and staff is not accepting of ideas unless they are “new” ideas that they themselves stole from elsewhere.
I think you've lost the plot.
I don't see anyone shaming the actual idea itself.
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