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CoF/PLL/SC/RBC Movies present Halloween Haunt!

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:08 am
by melanctha

Join us as we haunt the city and celebrate the Halloween season for a multi-venue pub crawl! Watch this space for information from each of the venues and for more details on the larger crawl events!

Re: CoF/PLL/SC/RBC Movies present Halloween Haunt!

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 7:33 pm
by Smerberous
Hi everyone!

Halloween is the season that people really get into (willingly) scaring the living daylights out of themselves... Whether it's looking up creepypasta online, brushing up on urban legends with your friends, indulging in some Poe at home, or reading the Brothers Grimm at the library, everyone enjoys scary stories to some extent or another.

Join us Friday, October 11th, from 9pm to 1am EST at the Cabal of Fuckery for drinks, a costume contest*, some creepy trivia, and other shenanigans!

Oh... and Don't Say "Halloween!"

C'mon. It's time for some Dark Tales at the Cabal!

[[• Costume contest is judged not just by the costume itself, but also how you, the writer, present it in your posts. ]]

Re: CoF/PLL/SC/RBC Movies present Halloween Haunt!

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 7:47 pm
by ophelia
This sounds as though it will be a grand time

Re: CoF/PLL/SC/RBC Movies present Halloween Haunt!

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 8:13 pm
We hope to see you there ~

Re: CoF/PLL/SC/RBC Movies present Halloween Haunt!

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 8:20 pm
by Caden
Oh, this looks fun. I can't wait. These have all been amazing so far.

Re: CoF/PLL/SC/RBC Movies present Halloween Haunt!

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 5:32 pm
Thank you to everyone who came out for our Carnival of Creeps at KRKN last night. We had an amazing night, so much fun and excitement, music and games! The winners of our contests were as follows:

Costume Contest winner was Abel for 150k
Pub Crawl Contest winner was Ichi who found our employee Squiddy in the streets and took an awesome selfie for 150k
Carnival Game overall winner with the most points was Alluvial with 19 points and for 200k
There were also giveaways of a silver tankard that went to Joy, a ring of choice going to Sahrimir and a baby dragon going to Alluvial!

A huge thank you to our PLL Team who worked hard to make this event possible and to our host and DJ Lannair who also spearheaded the carival games! Also a special thank you to Anders who read tarots well into the morning for anyone who wished a reading.. which we all did!

Without this team these events would not be possible and without you all we could not enjoy them! So thank you and stay tuned for the next event!