2021 Auction Informational
Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 3:03 am
As Rafiki in Lion King so eloquently put it...
At 10:30pm EST on the 31st of December, 2020, we opened the Auction House to the denizens of Ravenblack City once again for the 2021 auctions. A few things have changed since the 2020 auctions, so let’s go over all of the nitty gritty details, shall we?
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2021 STAFF
• Addie Parker - (ᴵ ᶜ ᵃ ʳ ᵘ ˢ#7571) ((Jay))
• Smerberous Sykonra Court - (Smer#1059) ((Bekkah/Bekka/BeKAW))
• Beatrice - (Bea ~ Sacri#6647) ((B))
• Rain Nahm - (Romi#6760) ((Romi))
Staff members are to assist with:
• answering questions
• helping a participant claim a slot
• helping a participant drop a slot
• adjusting blacklists and waiting lists
• ensuring participants are keeping their stipulations within the two-stip limit
• monitoring the Auction House’s coming and goings
• maintaining the facility
• deescalating tense situations
• mediation when necessary
If you have questions, suggestions, or concerns that you’d like to bring up in private, contact one of the above and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
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SCHEDULE - All times are EST
December 31st, 2020
@ 10:30pm - Auction House opens
@ 11pm - Block sign-up opens
January 30th, 2021
@ 11pm - Silent and Fledge sign-ups close
@ 11:30pm - Silent auctions begin
February 5th, 2021
@ 11pm - Silent auctions close
@ 11:30pm - Live auctions sign-up close
February 6th, 2021
@ 6pm to 7pm - Pre-live cocktail hour
@ 6:30pm - Buyer sign-ups close
@ 7:15pm - Live auctions begin
February 6th, 2021
@ 9:30pm - (Another) Second Chance Prom begins
The live auctions and the Prom are two separate events happening under the same roof.
Prom begins after the live auction bidding has finished.
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I was only in the 2018 and 2019 auctions before running the 2020 auctions, so please bear in mind with this disclaimer that any and all things I say about Past Auctions (pre-2018) are things I’ve heard from other people.
The auctions in the past seemed to revolve around selling your body or some kind of favors of the sexual sort. It was compared to a “meat market.” I don’t really know how well they ran for the last 10 or so years, but I guess the overall numbers were declining - buyers, sellers, spectators, coin earned. Hell, even the terms used in the past auctions insinuated they were specifically for selling sex - “buyers” and “slaves.”
I was an actual slave for a couple years when I was younger. I have a particular ... distaste ... for the word ‘slave’, so when I decided I wanted to try my hand at the auctions, I axed the word. Now we have buyers, and “participants” or “sellers.”
We are trying to refocus the auctions to go from selling sex as the main coin-earner, to selling services and skills. If you know multiple languages, are a professional chef, have a vibe or aura that draws people in so they use you as a listening ear - sell it. Teach someone a new language, teach someone how to cook, be their shoulder to cry on when all they need is someone there for them. Selling sex is still optional, but I'm trying to put an emphasis on selling services and skillsets more so than bodies.
Some people on the block don’t want sex and are not offering it - this is fine because this is the general direction I would like the auctions to go towards.
Some people on the block are selling sex as well as other skills or services - this is also fine because it also goes in the general new direction as well.
Some people on the blocks are only selling sex - this is fine since they’re consenting adults, but we are, again, hoping to turn the auctions from a near strictly sex-oriented event, to a marketplace for selling skillsets, experiences, and services.
The point of the auction is to sell experiences, services, or skillsets in exchange for coin, or purchase said experiences, services, or skillsets.
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This is a public venue. Don’t say anything that you wouldn’t want to possibly come back around to the wrong person, or to bite you in the ass. Auction House is not liable for the consequences of your actions
No racial, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, or any other hateful slurs, hate speech, or shaming of any type (kink, slut, body, etc.), will be tolerated
All conversations that surround triggering topics should be kept in private
We are not accepting applications through private DM, email, text, or verbal communication. All signups must be submitted through the signup kiosk located within the auction house.
Anonymous entries to the block or as a buyer become a security issue for the probation and ban lists, the seller blacklists, and are prohibited as of this year (2021) and moving forward. If they are not willing to submit their request in the kiosk, then they don't get to join the auctions.
Everyone reserves the right to say “no.”
3 warnings = a 24hr kick
• 1st warning - we will contact you in private.
• 2nd warning - we will address your behavior as it’s happening, regardless of your location within the auction house
• 3rd warning - we will contact you in private, after you have been removed from the venue.
3 kicks = a 7-day ban
• 1st kick - we will contact you in private.
• 2nd kick - we will address your behavior as it’s happening, regardless of your location within the auction house, then remove you from the venue.
• 3rd kick - we will contact you in private, after you have been barred from the venue.
A 7-day ban + 3 kicks = banned until the next auctions
If you would like to file a formal complaint against an individual or individuals, contact a member of staff with at least the date and time the incident occurred so we can review CCTV footage. Complaints are not shared with the public, nor are the identities of those who have submitted complaints exposed to the public.
If you are receiving harassment outside of the Auction House, you may still contact staff so we can keep an eye out for misbehavior within the auction house.
Each complaint is reviewed as a case-by-case basis. Any member of staff that may have a conflict of interest with a complaint will have no power over disciplinary actions that may happen as a direct result of said complaint.
Yes, you can file complaints against members of staff as well. Contact whoever you’re comfortable with.
If you have a question, please submit it to the questions box. ((And clarify whether the question is OOC or not. The channel is IC by default unless the question is otherwise specified.))
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THE BLOCKS - Staff, Fledge, Silent, Live, and what the differences are
For those of us on staff that would like to have a place in the silent auction without taking a spot on the main block, we created the “staff block.”
By signing up for this section of the silent block, you acknowledge that you are considered underpowered, are looking for a mentor, and that your primary goal is to spend the coin earned on gaining your powers. You cannot sign up as a fledge more than once, and after you sign up, you cannot become a buyer for that year’s auctions. To sign up as a fledgling, we require two things now:
1) proof of life - proof that you existed within the city for a period of no less than 30 days prior to the opening of the auctions. This is to ensure the block isn’t flooded with thralls by those who are dishonest and are simply coin-hungry. We used to require an active Ab Antiquo account, but that isn’t necessarily fair on the grounds that if you were to look me up on AB, it wouldn’t be able to show you when I was last active due to the fact I show up as hidden, and so, we got rid of it. Proof of life must be submitted when you sign up for the block. (( We have been using screenshots of RPs from Discord servers as a form of proof of life. This is acceptable due to the fact they are dated and timestamped. ))
2) vetting process - a member of staff will send you a telepathic code in the City ((on-grid)), and you must repeat that code back to the member of staff that contacted you. Once that is complete, and you have looked over and agreed to the fledgling details - explained in just a moment - you will be given the opportunity to claim your slot.
You have a set amount of time to make a convincing and persuasive ad, and at the end of that time, you can no longer edit it or add to it. Bidding lasts about a week, and you simply wait it out to see who the winning bidder is. You can socialize in the auction house, socialize with others, whatever you wish to do, but you cannot alter your ad in any way once bidding begins.
By signing up for this block, you acknowledge that there is a set date and time we introduce you, and you come up on stage to auction yourself off. It is critical that you’re present for your time slot because who else is going to advertise yourself better than you? You have to get up on stage then show and explain why the buyers should bid on you.
Your slot in the list directly correlates to when you will be received on stage. If your timeslot isn’t ideal for you, contact someone who is sooner or later in the program and ask them to switch with you, or put out an all call that you need to be sooner/later in the program. If someone agrees to swap, both parties need to contact staff to let us know, so we can make the proper adjustments.
If you are unable to find someone to switch with you, let a member of staff know that you might be unavailable. You will still be announced, introduced, and bid on, you just won’t be present. Again, your attendance to the live auctions when you are a live participant is critical because who can sell you better than you?
In previous years, the auctions were split between male live and silent, and then female live and silent. Why was it not done this year? - Asked at the 2020 auctions
Male, female, mtf trans, ftm trans, gender fluid, gender queer, non-binary - I’m not making a block for each one, which means some would feel excluded. A person’s genitals and how or what they identify as is none of my or anyone else’s business except those they wish to inform.
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When you sign up for an auction block - regardless of whether it’s the silent, live, or fledge - you automatically become a walking advertisement for yourself. The buyers are watching, and they notice who is present... as well as who is absent; they are watching who’s around, who stays, who leaves quickly, and who we’ve almost never seen. Your bids and the amount of interest a person gives you will show directly in how much you get bid on. By your absence or scarce presence, you’re hurting your potential income.
Another concern stems from attendance: if you make little to no effort to make yourself seen to the buyers, how can we guarantee you’re going to come around once purchased? If you are on both the live and silent blocks, your risks are doubled due to the fact you have not one, but two slots, and the potential of having two separate buyers.
If attendance becomes a concern, you will be contacted three times. The first time will be after a one-week absence, meaning if no one has seen you around the auction house for a minimum of a week, we will be in touch. The second one-week absence will result in another meeting, discussion on whether or not you would like to keep your slot, as well as the warning that if we have to contact you a third time, you will lose your slot(s).
Upon meeting the third time, we will inform you that you have lost your silent and/or live slot(s). If you lose your slot(s) due to truancy, you are effectively barred from participating in the blocks, and you may not reclaim it if a spot becomes available again. You had your chances, you squandered it, it’s final.
The minimum length of servitude is 7 days. Many on the blocks like to increase their length of servitude based on how high their bid can go, like this:
25k - 7 days
50k - 14 days
75k - 21 days
100k - 30 days
The length of servitude is 100% up to the seller, but can be no less than 7 days.
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If you believe your attendance may be an issue due to living arrangements, we have rooms available to those who wish to use them. Simply inform a member of staff and you will be given a keycard, and have a choice between a one-bed and a two-bed living space, and will also gain access to laundry facilities.
Each living space contains:
• a TV
• a dresser and nightstand
• a closet
• a small table with two chairs
• a lounge chair
• a desk with office chair
• a mini-fridge and microwave
• Extra blankets and pillows
Each bathroom contains:
• Uterus hygiene products - pads, tampons
• Basic first-aid kit
• Bubble bath and bath bombs
• Shampoo and conditioner
• Body and facial wash and wash cloths
• Bath and hand towels
• Two pairs of unisex clothes - shirts, pants, and socks
If you still need a place to stay after the auctions, please notify a member of staff. We’re here to help.
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If you sign up for one of the blocks and there is an individual you do not want bidding on you, contact a member of staff to inform us who it is.
If the individual is present in the auction house - we can bar them from being able to see your ad, and they will be unable to bid on you during the auctions.
If the individual is not present in the auction house - we can bar the person from viewing your ad and bidding on you upon their arrival. Let auction staff know regardless.
To avoid drama, buyers are not informed if they are on a blacklist for the silent auctions; they simply won’t be able to bid on the blacklister. For the live auctions, the blacklistee’s bids on the seller will be disregarded.
Blacklists are carried over year to year. If you completed the 2020 auctions, contact a member of staff to see your blacklist and update accordingly.
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stip·u·la·tion - /ˌstipyəˈlāSH(ə)n/
noun: stipulation; plural noun: stipulations
a condition or requirement that is specified or demanded as part of an agreement.
Stipulations are an intrinsic part of the yearly auctions to insure our sellers’ safety, and for the most part, each person’s stipulations vary from the next and are only applied for the services being offered. However, there are a few stipulations that are considered “included”, meaning that they don’t count against your two optional stipulations.
All stipulations are adjustable in accordance with an agreed upon buyer-seller dynamic, so long as both consenting adults can provide proof of this agreement upon staff request to ensure seller safety.
Included stipulations are as follows:
Buyers are prohibited from isolating a participant. This includes, but is not limited to, from:
• friends;
• families;
• partner(s);
• job(s); and/or
• establishments
Buyers are prohibited from demanding a participant go to:
• the Hall of Binding
• the Hall of Severance
• the Requiem of Hades
Buyers are also prohibited from damaging their seller’s:
• body - maiming, dismembering, mauling, torture, and all other forms of permanent damage unless it is a previously agreed upon arrangement within the buyer-seller dynamic
• psyche - e.g. intentionally triggering their seller’s mental illness(es), phobias, etc.
• belongings - burning, raiding, cracking, destroying, marring items of value to the seller
Buyers are also strictly prohibited from murdering their seller(s) (yes, it apparently had to be said).
Sellers are strictly prohibited from murdering their buyer(s) (why does this also need to be said???).
Should a participant come to harm directly due to the order/wish of their buyer, it is the buyer’s responsibility to get their participant immediate medical aid.
Buyers cannot gift a seller to another individual without the seller’s permission, especially if that person is on the seller’s blacklist.
Buyers and sellers are prohibited from using racial, transphobic, xenophobic, and/or homophobic slurs, or other hate speech toward each other unless it is a previously agreed upon arrangement within their buyer-seller dynamic. These terms are still prohibited from being used within the auction house regardless, as per the rules and policies.
Buyers cannot force sellers to give up:
• properties - physical and intellectual
• establishments
• friendships
• relationships
• private information
Buyers cannot force sellers to give up or use their own:
• coin
• weapons
• items
• belongings
Services are contingent upon discussion and agreement of limits
Services are discussed and agreed upon at each interaction
Infringement upon a seller’s hard limits will be seen as a breach of contract on the buyer’s part and will result in the termination of servitude, thus freeing the seller from their contract at no penalty to them
Kink-, slut-, and body-shaming are absolutely unacceptable unless it is part of a previously agreed upon arrangement between the buyer-seller dynamic. Kink-, slut-, and body-shaming are unacceptable within the auction house.
Your hard limits are under the BDSM & Sexual Services stipulations umbrella in that you reserve the right to say “no”, and they do not count against you as stipulations. Hard limits =/= stipulations
A contract can be written up for those involved, if requested.
When we have a participant who doubles as a buyer, that participant’s purchase is their own - their buyer has no rights to their purchase. Example:
We have Buyer A, Seller A/Buyer B, and Seller B.
Seller A is also Buyer B.
Buyer A purchases Seller A.
Buyer B purchases Seller B.
This does NOT mean that Buyer A has any power over Seller B.
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the City - Ravenblack City
Buyer - An individual who signed up to make purchases.
Mentor - A buyer who is interested in purchasing a fledge to teach them the ropes of the city or other valuable things
Seller(s) / Participant(s) - An individual who signed up to be purchased.
Slave(s) / Servant(s) - archaic - Commonplace in prior auctions, I am vehemently against using the words ‘slave’ or ‘servant’ for those on the block for personal reasons and therefore, they have been axed from the auctions as of the 2020 Auctions.
Fledge - An underpowered individual
Proof of Life - Proof that a fledgling has existed within the City at least 30 days prior to the start of the auctions. We will also contact that person in the City ((on-grid)) and telepathically send them a code. It’s then the fledgling’s responsibility to contact that person on staff to repeat the code back to them to gain access to the block.
Blacklist - If a participant doesn’t want someone to be able to bid on them, they contact a member of staff and add that person to what is called a ‘blacklist.’ Those on the blacklist cannot see the ad of the participant whose list they were added to, and likewise will be unable to bid on that participant should they be in the live auctions.
Spectator - Someone who is in the auction house just to watch the drama that will inevitably unfold on the live auction night. Or, ya know, they just haven’t decided whether they want to be a buyer or seller yet.
Bank receipt A time-stamped screenshot to present to a member of staff as ‘proof of purchase’ that the transaction between a buyer and a seller has been completed. One from the buyer showing they gave the coin, and one from the seller showing they either received or banked the coin is preferred. If there is a discrepancy between the numbers, a small investigation will be launched. If it is found that individuals are doctoring screenshots to make it seem as if they paid/were paid, all parties involved will be barred from the next two auctions.
Gifting - The act of a buyer ‘giving’ their participant they paid for to another person. This can only be done with the seller’s consent, and as long as they are not being gifted to someone on their blacklist.
“Kept in Private” - A euphemism, meaning that the topic of discussion should best be had behind closed doors, not in a public setting.
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• If you do not pay your participant(s) the total amount they are due, you will be barred from participating in the next two auctions.
• Once you have paid your participant(s), please inform a member of staff with a bank receipt. This covers everyone’s ass.
• All purchases are final. The Auction House does not do refunds should a buyer become dissatisfied with their purchase.
• All bids are final. You may not remove a bid once you have placed it. Do not place a bid if you are not 100% confident that you do, in fact, wish to make that purchase. Retracting a bid that’s been placed can cause the bidder before you to be erroneously barred from the next two auctions due to failure to pay.
• Bidding begins at 25,000 coins. Bidding increases in increments of no less than 5,000 coins. If your bids go higher than your pockets are deep, you will be barred from next year’s auctions. Once you have made your purchase, pay your participant(s) as soon as is convenient for you all within one week’s time from the end of the silent, then the live auctions. We will be checking in on you.
• If you do not pay your silent participant(s) by the end of February 12th, you will be barred from next year’s auctions.
• If you do not pay your live participant(s) by the end of February 13th, you will be barred from next year’s auctions.
• At the end of the live auctions, you are expected to set up a time and day to pay your participant(s). The sooner the better. Again, please provide a bank receipt to a member of staff.
• There are no discounts on sellers that go without bids. Signing up for the auctions also means recognizing the very real possibility that you may not be bid on.
• All purchases are to be paid in full with Ravenblack City Coins. Purchases cannot be paid with out of city currency, or animals. Why do I even have to say that? Why would you try to use animals to place bids?
Payment via thralls is acceptable, however payment to one participant must come from a single account. You cannot pay one participant with coins from two different thralls’ accounts. Different thralls may, however, be used to pay different participants.
Buyer must pay Participant 1, 2, and 3. The following dispersal of coin is acceptable:
Thrall 1 pays Participants 1 and 2
Thrall 2 pays Participant 3
The following is NOT acceptable:
Thrall 1 pays Participant 1
Thrall 2 pays half of Participant 2
Thrall 3 pays half of Participant 2
Thrall 4 pays Participant 3
Payment extensions can only be decided among buyers and their participant(s). Staff will not be involved in the transferring of coins. If you require an extension and have discussed it with your participant(s), inform a member of staff so we’re aware of it and don’t erroneously list you as barred from the 2022 auctions.
Some individuals that signed up are on the Fledge Block. This means they are underpowered, and would like to learn more about earning their powers, learning about the City, and other, finer details of the inner-workings of Ravenblack. If you are already signed up as a buyer, by also signing up as a Mentor, you are agreeing that your main focus is to teach. If you are interested in taking on a fledge for the purpose of helping them navigate the City, please notify a member of staff so you can be entered into the system as a Mentor. Abuse of this power over an individual can result in a one- to two-year auction ban.
Can I bid xxx coin?
Bidding is meant to go:
Some form of increments of 5 (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) is the goal to keep things relatively simple.
No, you may not bid 5001
No, you may not bid 6000
No, you may not bid 1000
No, you may not bid 4382
If someone is purchased, but you doubt their ability to carry out even the most basic tasks, is it possible to have their payment held in trust until the end of the service period?
If you are not confident in your bet, do not place it. This could lead to a lot of participants not being paid by their buyer for a myriad of petty reasons to potentially gain the services, without having to pay for them.
Can I leave?
If you would like to drop out of the auctions, simply notify a member of staff.
Wait, no- I wanna rejoin!
If you change your mind and wish to sign up as a buyer and/or mentor again, notify a member of staff.
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How long do I have to make my ad?
Fledge, Staff, Silent
You have until 11:00pm on January 30th to finalize your advertisements. Any changes to your advertisements after this time renders your slot on the block null and void.
You have until 6:45pm on February 6th to finalize your advertisements. Any changes to your advertisements after this time renders your slot on the block null and void.
What can I put in my ad?
You may put whatever you wish into your advertisements, but put emphasis on what you are selling. Too many sellers fail to garner attention due to bad advertising. If you want feedback, advice, or help, contact a member of staff, or another seller whose ad template may help you. You can also check out the advertisement tools for ideas.
Are there limits?
There are no limitations as to what you may put in your ad. Again, just emphasize what you are selling.
Please review house stipulations while thinking of ones for your own ad. Stipulations are only applied to what you are 100% sure you are selling. If you are not offering sex, stipulations saying ‘no sex’ are null and void due to the fact that it is not a service being offered.
You may alter your stipulations at any time before the cut-off time listed above.
What does it mean if someone purchases you in silent and live auctions?
When you have two buyers, you would have to figure something out so each buyer gets their appropriate amount of allotted time. If the same person purchases you in both auctions, the length of time is your silent and your live lengths of servitude combined.
Help! I’m in both blocks! Does this mean I have to have two ads?
No. Fill out one, and we can link your empty ad to the ad that’s already been filled out.
Can I leave?
If you would like to drop out of the auctions, simply notify a member of staff. We do not delete your ad from the database, however, it’s simply removed from the public’s eye.
Wait, no- I wanna rejoin!
If you change your mind and wish to rejoin a block, your ability to rejoin depends on whether or not there are slots available for the block in question.
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If you are a fledgling and you sign up for our program, you are agreeing to the terms of use, such as:
• You are using the coin to help fund your powers
• You can only use this program once
• You accept that you are prohibited from being a buyer
• You are offering your studenthood to a potential mentor
• You are looking to learn more about one or more of the following:
○ City politics
○ War - the ins and outs, hitting someone, working as a team to take down a target
○ City history
○ Earning powers and what the significance of each one is
While you are allowed to advertise whatever skill or experience you wish, by signing up for the Fledgling Block you are acknowledging that your main focus is learning.
If you would like to join the Fledge Aid program, please let a member of staff know when you sign up.
If you would like to join the live auction as well to potentially double your earnings, let a member of staff know.
If, for whatever reason, you are ineligible to join the Fledge block, you will also be unable to join the silent and live blocks as well. You’re welcome to come and go as you please, hang out in the auction house, and ask for advice, but you will be unable to join the block until the next year.
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If you have an idea as to what you would like your introduction to be - as in, what is said before you step up on stage - simply let me know; I’m taking notes. If you do not get back to me with how you would like to be introduced, I will use a generic introduction that includes your name, stipulations, and length of servitude.
Unfortunately, due to trial and error, having an individual step up onto the stage to a song is unavailable this year. Sorry, guys!
What should I do on stage?
When it comes to your time on stage, you can do anything you want. A magic trick, a dance, karaoke, list random facts about yourself, whatever you want to do! The only thing I (Smerberous) will be doing, is trying to get the bid to increase. Everything else is up to you!
What should I wear on the live auction stage?
Anything you want! While we are trying to steer the auctions away from solely selling sex, we won’t stop you from wearing whatever you want for your time slot. No one can advertise yourself better than you!
There was a dress rehearsal for live auction last year. Are we doing it again?
Yep! We sure are! More details later, but the dress rehearsal definitely helped many last year as to what's expected, and how to handle sudden questions while on stage. Since it was so beneficial, it'll be happening once or twice at every auction so long as I and my team host them.
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On top of being part of the auction staff this year, Bea has also offered us her services to help teach the following:
• practicing consent, not necessarily sexual in nature;
• how to identify and communicate boundaries; and
• how to *enforce* health boundaries;
• polyamory; and
• its various dynamics
and other relevant topics!
To sign up, simply head over to the #workshop-signup-kiosk and enter your name. You'll be notified of when the next workshop is, and contact the day of as a courtesy reminder.
For a few examples of her work, you can open up the Nibblr app and scroll down to the Birds and Beas segment! It really is an enlightening column!
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If you have bought someone in the past who was exemplary and exceeded your expectations, please don't hesitate to leave a glowing review!
Do not use this board to unnecessarily spread hate. If you were unsatisfied with a prior purchase or buyer, you may still leave a review, but please be respectful.
Please note that the review board is not the place for arguments. If you would like to argue a review, please contact the person who posted it.
If you would like to submit an anonymous review, please inform a member of staff. Your review must include the person’s name, the year(s) you purchased them, and why they were or weren’t worth purchasing.
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For those of you on the block, I understand how hard it can be to make an ad, especially if this is your very first time at the auctions. I’ve put together a list of tools that can help as inspiration. These are not required, they’re simply here to help should something catch your eye.
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Available to all that enter the auction house are a few amenities that include access to a fully-stocked kitchen, a reading room, indoor pool and hot tub, and an outdoor lounge. Bea’s workshop tent is only available during specified dates and times, and the practice stage will only be available during dress rehearsals for the live auctions. If you are a house guest, you will also gain access to the laundry facilities.
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MENUS - and their Contributors
Red Tray or Black Tray?
Red Tray items are vampire-friendly, in that blood is used in the recipe
Black Tray items are untampered with, “mundane” consumables
Every menu item available has a red-tray counterpart!
Laurentius’ restaurants, Tramonto and Aurora
Kiia’s bakery, Doux et Divin - Sweet and Divine
Jungle Juice & Live Donors
Smerberous’ establishment, the Khumbuza Cabal
Melanctha’s Demeter Estates
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To keep this advert as IC as possible, all OOC information will be kept in the auction house server. Please contact a member of staff, or come check us out to learn more about the OOC aspects that have been changed, encouraged, or discouraged.
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Interested to see us in action? Come give us a whirl.
Directions: https://discord.gg/RZpQPA5DsE