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Faction Directory

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 12:21 am
by Inu
Faction name: [name here]
Kind of faction: [clan, lineage, other]
Warring: [y/n]
Leadership: [names & contact info]
Affiliations: [any official, publicly known allies or organizations you'd like to put here]

Profile: [brief summary of your organization here. details to consider - age of your organization, stance on politics, moral compass (if any), accomplishments; please keep in mind this is not a timeline or historical page]

Desired Demographic: [what you're looking for in people interested in joining you & why they should]

Undesired Qualities: [what you're not looking for]

The above is a directory template for faction leaders to share information about their groups. This information will help citizens and, especially newcomers, get a better understanding of what factions exist in the city.

Please feel free to post your completed template below.

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Faction name: Ailios
Kind of faction: Lineage
Warring: Not unless attacked.
Leadership: Inu (Discord: Inu#7398, Trillian: caithom)
Affiliations: Lateralus

Profile: The Ailios were created when Inu took the name in 2010. They include Inu's childer, grandchilder, and several honorary members.

Desired Demographic: Genuine, honest and kind people who are looking for a family to call their own. Multiple personalities and backgrounds are encouraged, however Ailios are not interested in drama. We are not a lineage that focuses solely on warring so non-warriors are welcome, but we will defend our own.

Undesired Qualities: Drama, selfishness, dishonesty.




Faction name: de Draak
Kind of faction: Lineage
Warring: Yes, if provoked
Leadership: Vex (Discord: Vex#2657)
Affiliations: None

Profile: House de Draak is a tight knit lineage under Vex's leadership, and although the name was carried for years, it was in mid 2015 that the lineage was fully established with its own motto and independent goals. The family motto is familia supra omnia - family above all.

Desired Demographic: While de Draak does not actively recruit, those willing to learn, those looking for a close-knit family, and those willing to work damn hard to earn that sort of trust and form bonds with the lineage members are welcome to apply.

Undesired Qualities: Blind loyalty, dramatics, sheeple, people expecting instant acceptance.

Faction name: der Toten
Kind of faction: Lineage
Warring: Generally no
Leadership: Jaqueline der Toten (Discord: Niiaw#1956, Trillian: niiawc9)
Affiliations: None

Profile: der Toten is a family that extends beyond blood and lineage. Where Jaqueline was once the sole user of the name back in 2010, der Toten now consist of people from various walks of life and with colorful personalities.

Desired Demographic: The core traits shared by the family are the same as their motto. With honour unquestioned. With loyalty unwavering. With passion unbound.

Undesired Qualities: Dishonesty, immaturity, trying to flee the bed one has made.

Faction Name: din Kolesi
Kind of Faction: Family
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Michiru Mandruleanu din Kolesi (Trill: Michiru.M Discord: Michiru#1911 )
Malinovyy Afanasii din Kolesi (Trill: Crimsonclover Discord: Crimson#3944 )

Affiliations: House de Bouillon

Profile: House din Kolesi follows a moral code of honor from a time long past in this city. Creatures of the night they may be, but dignitiy and integrity remain paramount in all of their efforts. With that however, House din Kolesi fights for what they believe in and desire. This means they fight for whatever they feel like, whenever they feel like. Politics have little to no bearing on the goings on of the family.

Desired Demographic: Where as House din Kolesi does not actively seek to grow its numbers, we are not above helping the young in the city or adding those that fit with our blood. Those with interest are encouraged to make that interest known but, when it boils down to it- don't call us, we'll call you.

Undesired Qualities: Riff Raff, Tavern Rats, and those without a desire to be pushed toward growth and be more than what they currently are, regardless of current status or station.








Faction name: Kim
Kind of faction: Family
Warring: No
Leadership: Kim Dae-Hyun (TheMany #6894)
Affiliations: None

Profile: The Kim family is dedicated to city improvement. Every single thing we do we do in the hope of bringing activity to the city, as well as encouraging new and fresh blood to speak up. We are small, tight knit, and new - but we have a connection that is deeper than blood. To be a Kim you do not need to be part of the family its self, you simply need to be connected to those inside of it.

As this is a new family, we are still settling into ourselves and building up our own structure, be aware if you chose to join then we will be growing as a family and changes will happen as we learn.

Desired Demographic: The type of people who would suit the Kim family are those who seek to always be improving themselves and helping others. We are not seeking to be huge, powerful or politically minded - we only want to give back to the city in whatever way we can.

Undesired Qualities: We are not a warring family. We will never be a warring family. Due to the nature of the family it is asked that those who want to climb social ladders look else where - we are not important, we will never be important, all we want is to be the support for the city.

Faction name: KRKN - The Kraken / Port Luna LIVE
Kind of faction: Radio Station / Live Events Company
Warring: No
Leadership: Xedanis Sykonra (KRKN) / Melanctha Cuan-Demarchis (PLL)
Affiliations: No affiliations. KRKN / PLL are both neutral entities.

Profile: Founded simultaneously in the late days of 2015, KRKN - The Kraken and its equal-partner company Port Luna Live both fall under the parentage of Port Luna Holdings And Export. KRKN is RBC's premiere Radio Station, serving the community with entertainment on a near-daily basis. Port Luna Live is the live-events arm of the company, existing as a seperate entity with close ties to one another. Port Luna Live is responsible for the popular annual events the city enjoys from the Port: including the Booze Cruise, Grand Tournament, Zombie Pub Crawl and of course, Port Luna's birthday Celebration usually held at New Year's Eve.

Desired Demographic: Port Luna Live and KRKN exist to entertain the entire city. Our mission is one of non-partisan entertainment and unity. KRKN is always interested in new DJs, whether casual or dedicated to our long term growth and success both inside and beyond the city limits. All we ask is an outgoing personality, a good knack for entertaining people, and a fearless enjoyment of being on the airwaves. PLL is searching for much the same thing: albeit with a flair for planning and executing the city's best community events, and encouraging the city to grow beyond its old wounds.

Undesired Qualities: Propagandists, Provocateurs, Naysayers and Ne'erdowells need not apply. Well... maybe the ne'erdowells can. They're more fun than those other types.




Faction name: The NightWatch
Kind of faction: Neutral Organization
Warring: No (predominantly neutral)
Leadership: smitsmit [Discord: Scott (smitsmit)#2287] Aida [Discord: Aida#9198, Trill: sheltered.rain] Solanea [via NW HQ]
Affiliations: CLA - Civilian Legislation Authority

Profile: The NightWatch is a neutral organisation of Guardians. They protect the Graveyard and vigils and guide the Transit Guards to help those stuck in the stations, or requiring help with powers. They were once called the 'City Police' back in the days of the Courts, though this is no longer the case. The actions of the Nightwatch are guided by the members of the CLA from across the city. They offer a mediation service, a Binding service and two training schools. They have been a part of the city since their creation in 2003.

Desired Demographic: The NightWatch will accept any honest, trustworthy, genuine individuals that wish to learn and grow, not just as individuals, but as part of a team, who will uphold the neutrality the NightWatch is known for. New members of the city are welcome to join the Nightwatch as student to train and work on their initial powers and are not obligated, though they can if desired, to join the Nightwatch as this is considered an open school.

Undesired Qualities: Selfish, uncaring individuals. They do not support dramatics, thoughtlessness or breaches of confidentiality.







Faction name: The Ferrymen
Kind of faction: Clan
Warring: Yes
Leadership: Liski - Stygian [Trillian: liski999]
Hells Gate - Oracle [Trillian: hells.gate2021]
Affiliations: Last known major alliance with 'The Alliance'

Profile: See history from 2003 to present

Desired Demographic: An extensive library of resources and corridor for learning about history, powers, strategy and items.
An active tight knit community.
Training in all aspects of combat including live fighting, waves, duels, and more.
Badges. All the Badges. Games and Social Nights.

Undesired Qualities: People who have no desire to work.
People who have no desire to better themselves or the city.



Faction name: The Void
Kind of faction: Mercenary Network
Warring: Everything is available for the right price
Leadership: Kains Son- trillian:madmanwbox. Discord: KainsSon#0779
Affiliations: Coin

The Void is a open sourced mercenary network that believes simply in providing it's services for proper payment. Members are free to come and go as they please, and The Void strives to ensure that anyone from surrounding clans and lineages is welcome. We don't care where you hang your hat, as long as you get the work done.

Desired Demographic: The Void is always on the search for more contracts and members to bring on to our platform. A good throwing arm, indiscriminate aim, and willingness to hold to agreements once accepted are all ideal qualities in prospective members. An ability to dictate terms clearly,excess (or at least an ample supply) of coin, and desire to watch others burn are all qualities desired in prospective clients.

Undesired Qualities:
Those with flighty dispositions are not barred from becoming members, however they are advised that they are beholden to the work they agree to.





Re: Faction Directory

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:24 pm
by Draugluin_Hatti
Faction name: The Grey Lords
Kind of faction:
Covenant (Group of Groups)
Only if attacked
Draugluin [discord: Draugluin Hatti#0693]
Et al TBD
(Lore of the name) The Grey Lords, also known as the Lords of Neutrality, are deities who serve neither Law nor Chaos, and instead uphold Neutrality and the Cosmic Balance itself above all other things.

A NEUTRAL, family-oriented covenant to allow those seeking to no longer run solo, or just have too many family that have gone to sleep and are showing no signs of waking. Or for those seeking the odds and ends of knowledge, or even just general overall assistance.
Your current affiliations with family/clan/etc do not matter in this place.
This will be considered a Covenant, a group of groups that holds no political standing. No past drama or quarrels, current or past fighting will be allowed in this place. Only goal and honorable minded willing to put things aside to help the city flourish.
Being able to operate together and to support one another to aid one another in building up the city and come together if need be when the hyenas are at the gates.
Desired Demographic:
Honorable (being able to do interact in a general setting regardless of affiliation outside of this place)
Growth minded (Being willing to assist in breathing new life into the city and make things enriching once more)
Undesired Qualities:
Unwillingness to grow