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Liander D'dary - Auction Advertisement

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:52 am
by Liander


  • Best Teacher - 2016 Ab Antiquo Awards
    Teacher of the Year - 2016 Ravenblack Necropolis Awards
    Most Wanted to Rise from D&B - 2016 Ravenblack Necropolis Awards
    Shut Up Already - 2015 Ravenblack Necropolis Awards
    Runner Up for Best Ass - 2015 Ravenblack Necropolis Awards
    Runner Up for Best Physical Attribute (Nominated for "size") - 2014 Ravenblack Bite Awards
    Notable Mention - Nine admirers in the Secret Admirer Dropbox

It's that time of year again, ladies and gentlemen - the smell of sex, loneliness, and desperation wafting through our streets as the auctions approach and a number of individuals offer their unique services for a paltry amount of coin. But why bother? The auctions of old are gone, replaced by unenthusiastic slaves and unimaginative owners. It has become a monotonous routine, slaves offering themselves up more out of habit and boredom and the pool of buyers slowly decreasing yearly until the event has become little more than a flimsy excuse to run an annual brothel.

That's where I come in. With every passing year, the auctions grow more selective. "I won't do this or that," the sensitive slaves cry. "I'm strictly here for X or Y, but don't you dare try Z." I'm having none of that. Do you want stipulations? Here are mine -

None. Let me repeat that: I do not have any stipulations. Your coin, your rules. I will not limit either of our experiences in any way. We're taking it old school, kids. Fuck your safe spaces, your hard lines, and your safe words.*

*Any and all activity at the Halls will be paid for by the buyer and not included in the initial cost of purchase.


But what can you expect? Well, that depends on your needs. You'll find I'm talented at a variety of services, such as...



With Valentine's Day right around the corner, it's understandable to feel left out or alone. Though the bidding begins in March, the spirit of that Hallmark holiday can certainly carry through to my service with you. With my sole attention focused on you, we can spend our time on casual dates at the fair, the zoo, a fireworks display, or even just dinner and a movie. In public you can have my affection to yourself. In private, I can cook for you, bring you flowers, provide massages after a long day, or even just hold you on the couch as we enjoy each other's company.



Whatever your needs, I am here for your pleasure and satisfaction. Is your partner not doing the trick? Whatever happens between us stays there. I have a measure of experience in the BDSM community, particularly as a Dominant, though I am not unfamiliar or unwilling to kneel as your Submissive. Got a kink you're ashamed to talk about? That's okay too - your coin, your rules. While some slaves you buy may put in a lackluster performance from boredom or hesitation, I guarantee to perform to the best of my ability for our time together.


I'll let these speak for themselves.



Whether I'm more or less expensive than simply taking out a contract with The Void is up for debate, but if you want to buy me to have me wreck something - then by all means. I've participated in countless wars and skirmishes and proudly claim the name of the most competent warring group in the city, and those services can be at your disposal. What does this mean, exactly? In the most simplified explanation - you point, I shoot. I will not torpor and I will not stop until the task you have set me to is completed. Or do you want some training and insider tips from one of the "elite"? Having been voted Best Teacher for two different publications (and being nominated for it this year as well), I can dedicate our time together to shaping you into a functional, self-sufficient warrior.

Warring Resume
  • Patchwork Alliance War - 2009
    Chickenbroth War - 2013
    Fairymont War - 2013
    D'dary versus The Republic of Ravenblack - 2015
    World War Ravenblack - 2016

Dueling Resume

  • Andre - Loss
    Dahlia - Victory
    Daly - Multiple losses, multiple victories
    Ezra - Loss
    King Lestat - Victory
    Koz - Loss
    Sheyrena - Victory
    Vex - Victory

Notable Mentions

  • Turning Tournament Host - 2016
    Minor League Dueling Tournament Host - 2016



As the city's only full-time journalist, my expertise in this area will also be at the service of your whims. If it's a fluff piece or honest review of yourself, your friends or family, or your group, I promise to devote as much time to your piece as to any other I have done. Have something more diabolical in mind? I can spread disinformation as easily as the truth. Whether it's gossip or a straight-up verbal assault on someone you despise, you'll find I'm more than up to the task. As my ex-wife once put it -

Inu wrote:I was more referencing your tendency to verbally eviscerate figures of authority.

Always remember, kids... Lies + Slander = Liander.



Do you need a nanny, a cook, or someone to just tidy up? I'm your man. I am methodical to obsessive-compulsive levels and will ensure your living area is pristine during our time together. When's the last time you were spoiled with breakfast in bed? As your slave, this is a service I will provide daily. Whether it's trimming hedges, plucking weeds, cleaning out old closets, or getting those annoying blood stains out of your white shirt, you will find that I am proficient at any domestic or mundane task you need to be performed.


But don't take my word for it, just hear from these satisfied customers! (Further reviews incoming. Some customers were not available by time of publishing.)

Ezra wrote:10/10 dick. A+. Would recommend to friends. 0/10 boyfriend. Really mean.
Lilou wrote:You are... unexpected. Gentle. Patient. Chivalrous. And incredibly charming. You know how to make a woman feel special.
Wind wrote:5 stars. Will be ordering from here again.
AnnaMolly wrote:You like it rough, you like being in control but you enjoy a woman who knows what she wants and takes it. If I had to put a rating on it I would say... Seven or eight stars. He will... Get you where you need to be. Ten out of ten, would sleep with again.
Kiia wrote:You are loyal to your family and people closest to you. You're always challenging not only others but yourself, and despite your gruff exterior and behind that cunning wit, you can have a soft, sweet heart that radiates this desolate City.
Sheyrena wrote:Not the worst person.
KainsSon wrote:Well, in absolute honesty, you're one of those people that everyone hates to love or loves to hate. You're outspoken, passionate, and intelligent. You also have a knack for knowing just how to grab people's attention. Finalist for best ass last year. Enough said.
Soledad wrote:Intense, loyal, fierce. Not one to duck your head and hide away, always everpresent and to those you love or respect a silent strength, witty brattish delight, devil of a man. There's a tempered softness and vulnerability to you as well if one is so lucky as to spend enough time and gain the deeper connection required to allow it to be seen.
Dae wrote:Liander is a hard worker who always puts a 110% into any project he has here at Ab. I find working with him has helped me to grow, and he has a way of pushing for those around him to be better. He can be a bit abrasive, but nothing a few good spanks wouldn't fix.

And the question you've all been asking: how much time do you get with me? The standard for the auctions this year is one week, but I've setup a pricing guideline (one you'll notice a number of other slaves have taken to mimicking since) detailed below:

  • 0 - 249,000 coins - One week
    250,000 - 499,000 coins - Two weeks
    500,000 coins or more - Three weeks

To bid on me, simply join the Auctions here. I look forward to our time together, whatever may come.

Re: Liander D'dary - Auction Advertisement

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 8:59 am
by Sartori
I doubt I'll be bidding on you buddy, but I'll be damned if it didn't make me grin to read this. Kudos.

Re: Liander D'dary - Auction Advertisement

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 7:31 pm
by Liander





Lorrana wrote:You're a dangerous but intriguing combination of many things. Strong willed with an immense drive to get things done, and you're like a dog with a bone when it comes to getting what you want. You also have the entertaining ability to charm (sometimes literally) the pants off of anyone, but even with that said, I know you can also be very thoughtful and kind.
Jaenelle wrote:Eh, he’s not half bad to be around. Nice to look at I suppose, when he’s not talking.
Anonymous Author wrote:I applaud Liander for trying to "genuinely" get rid of the divide that exists but does he really have the qualifications. Won't it already inflate his already oversized ego?


Re: Liander D'dary - Auction Advertisement

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 12:50 am
by Liander




(Some taken from Ab Antiquo threads)

Elijah wrote:Engaging conversation, if anything, and I guess he's alright. If plaid's your thing.
Vetras wrote:You've provided some of the most in depth editorial coverage that I've bothered to read fully in the last ten years.
Aralyn wrote:Jesus take the wheel, cause damn, boy.
KyileeZ wrote:Sir.. you are my favorite one to see selfies of. You are quite Witty and i love it.
Gir wrote:(...) one of the most abrasive, rude and offputting people that has ever walked our streets.

Re: Liander D'dary - Auction Advertisement

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:36 am
by Sartori

I'm sold.

Re: Liander D'dary - Auction Advertisement

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 11:33 pm
by Michiru
I’d buy you just because of this. On principle. Well done.

Re: Liander D'dary - Auction Advertisement

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 11:36 pm
by Gypsy
Finally, someone who gets it.

Re: Liander D'dary - Auction Advertisement

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 3:37 am
by Liander





Sartori, Michiru, Gypsy - I'm looking forward to seeing you all when the bidding begins. And before you ask, yes, I'm into ducks too.

Re: Liander D'dary - Auction Advertisement

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 7:55 pm
by Gir
I mean, I guess you can twist that into a compliment if you want..