Guidebook [New? Read me!]

Please make sure you read the rules of this site, we must all do our best it keep things running smoothly.
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Posts: 10
Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:49 am

Sat Sep 16, 2017 5:58 pm

Joining a new forum - especially a large one - can be quite overwhelming. We've compiled a list of threads/links/tips you may find useful.

General Information
  • If you're new to the game, introduce yourself here and let us know. Most people are happy to help out newbies! You can also check out this board; it has some useful information, and we're always looking to expand it!
  • This introduction thread gives you an idea of what Ab is, from the OOC sections to the IC sections, and what can be found in each.
  • Returning to the game? Here's a nifty Bloodchat Guide. Bloodchat being the game's accompanying chat room, also known as the 'tavern'.
  • Flesh out your character by posting a character sheet here. If you're not sure how to start, feel free to peruse others' sheets to use as a reference in writing your own!
  • Post your character's face claim here, and if you don't have a banner, you can request one here. If you'd rather not post an open request and hope it gets filled, you can request a banner from a specific artist.
If you have any specific requests, concerns or suggestions, feel free to contact any of our board Admins.

Most importantly, have fun!
Ab Antiquo Staff
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