Sonvar vs. Agrippa

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Mon Apr 16, 2018 4:20 pm

I don't care about all the rest of this trash, if you want to spill blood, spill blood.

However...I'm more interested in this love affair. Was it suppose to be secret? Was the marriage always open or did it become open because someone's fly was continually unzipped? More so, I'm asking because I need new material for the soap opera I wrote for years. I'm picking it back up after a hiatus in the dirt. This storyline has potential.
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Mon Apr 16, 2018 4:25 pm

Michiru wrote:
Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:40 pm
Malinovyy wrote:
Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:47 am
Daly wrote:
Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:16 am

Xedanis holds key points here. Just because you're butt hurt doesn't mean you pull your people together and say "Hey, let's hit this asshole cause he hurt my feel goods." We are immortals. We aren't weak little humans who can't defend ourselves against vampires. Somewhere in this city, a lot of you have forgotten that. We are the species that creates victims, we are not victims here. We are all bred monsters. There are simple ways to get people to leave you alone if you want them to.

This city isn't full of weak vampires. It is, however, starting to fill up with weak minded immortals who want the attention of being a victim far too often. Which is sad, plain and simple.

Well said, both of you.
As amusing and immature as the reason for war is.... This is what happens when things get stagnant. People look for bullshit reasons to start war.

That said: Grow the fuck up.
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Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:30 pm

Louvain wrote:
Sun Apr 15, 2018 9:42 pm
While we at Sonvar have, for the most part, kept the lot of why and whats from the public eye, it's been made clear to us by Damacus that he does not care to admit wrong-doing in regards to why we are attacking him and instead has taken the liberty to advise that virgo is simply lying about any wrong-doing on Damacus' part.

Correct me if I'm wrong:

You, at Sonvar, have been quiet about what happened, but have now decided that you're going to do a complete 180 and divulge everything in an attempt to completely embarrass Damacus, because, as 99% of this city does at some point in time, he's chosen to lie, and/or you were just looking for a reason to drag his name through the mud, the preferred tactic in verbal warfare. Whichever.
Louvain wrote:
Sun Apr 15, 2018 9:42 pm
At 5:45 AM the next morning, Damacus showed up to pet on virgo. Since by this point virgo was in bed with her husband, Louvain, and the house is wired, they do have video recording of him entering to pet on her before he departed from her. virgo, whom was sleeping at the time, did not know this had happened until she awoke the next morning and watched the video footage. That footage has been supplied.[1]
Interestingly, the timestamp on this footage has been entirely removed, unlike the rest of your footage. For all I know, this happened years ago. And there's no footage before or after? Suspicious, to put it mildly.
Xedanis wrote:
Mon Apr 16, 2018 12:18 am

None of this is necessary. There are plenty of reasons to start a war; even "hey you, lets fight" is a reason. That the need for a spotlight, for public and venomous shenaniganry has been important enough for it to be made a public affair, only makes me feel more disappointed.

+2 for the use of "shenaniganry".

Ezra wrote:
Mon Apr 16, 2018 3:54 am
I really have to disagree with you, Xed. People have gone to war over a lot pettier things than consent.

So because people have made the mistake of going to war for asinine reasons in the past, that means making the mistake of going to war for an asinine reason now is OK?

We're supposed to learn from history, not repeat it.

Daly wrote:
Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:16 am

Xedanis holds key points here. Just because you're butt hurt doesn't mean you pull your people together and say "Hey, let's hit this asshole cause he hurt my feel goods." We are immortals. We aren't weak little humans who can't defend ourselves against vampires. Somewhere in this city, a lot of you have forgotten that. We are the species that creates victims, we are not victims here. We are all bred monsters. There are simple ways to get people to leave you alone if you want them to.
Arguably, the reason why beings are pulling their people together and saying "hey, let's hit this asshole cause he hurt my feel goods" is because they are immortal. When you aren't fighting for your survival every day and don't wake up every morning with the realization that this day could be your very last, the big issues are non-existent, so you entertain yourself with the little issues. We're over here clawing at each others eyes over not being invited to pillow fights, meanwhile, the city around us is crumbling from its very foundation.

Daly wrote:
Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:16 am
This city isn't full of weak vampires. It is, however, starting to fill up with weak minded immortals who want the attention of being a victim far too often. Which is sad, plain and simple.
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Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:28 pm

Was all of this necessary? Really and truly?

No matter what you feel about Damacus, because let's face it, you either like him, begrudge him, or dislike him. Damacus is not one to actively pursue a person beyond their personal boundaries. I have known him for years and never ever had an issue with him overstepping anything. Damacus is an asshole, which I can easily admit, but intentionally molesting? Well those who know him can decide where they stand but those lacks of time stamps is a bit suspect.

Even if he overstepped a boundary- spoken or unspoken- airing it here is unfair to Ophelia's and Virgo's dignity. Having been on both sides of the coin I can understand the humiliation and the hurt that both sides are feeling. More so that this being thrown out in public when instead it could have been privately aired and simply stated as the battle falling to 'Personal issues' between the lines.

It saves your dignity, doesn't start collateral damage in the way of those who may be hurt as collateral damage, and it doesn't leave your reasons suspect for those who are sitting in arm chairs. Putting this piece out is a blatant and unnecessary attempt of spinning public opinion.
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Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:18 pm

Josephine wrote:
Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:28 pm
Was all of this necessary? Really and truly?

No matter what you feel about Damacus, because let's face it, you either like him, begrudge him, or dislike him. Damacus is not one to actively pursue a person beyond their personal boundaries. I have known him for years and never ever had an issue with him overstepping anything. Damacus is an asshole, which I can easily admit, but intentionally molesting? Well those who know him can decide where they stand but those lacks of time stamps is a bit suspect.

Even if he overstepped a boundary- spoken or unspoken- airing it here is unfair to Ophelia's and Virgo's dignity. Having been on both sides of the coin I can understand the humiliation and the hurt that both sides are feeling. More so that this being thrown out in public when instead it could have been privately aired and simply stated as the battle falling to 'Personal issues' between the lines.

It saves your dignity, doesn't start collateral damage in the way of those who may be hurt as collateral damage, and it doesn't leave your reasons suspect for those who are sitting in arm chairs. Putting this piece out is a blatant and unnecessary attempt of spinning public opinion.
Well said, and fully agreed.
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Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:10 am

#TeamDama on this one. I’ve known him to be nothing but respectful thus far. Obviously the only people who know the truth are Damacus and virgo but I just don’t see any evidence to support serious accusations such as these. Hopefully both sides can come to a resolution sooner rather than later.
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Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:52 am

Damacus and I have been enemies, friends and indifferent over the years toward one another. He's not overstepped boundaries with me. Immortality (and the powers that come with it) changes the playing field dealing with sexual predators. Cut his cock off and let him pray it grows back. Even if it does, it's going to hurt like hell. ;)
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Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:25 pm

I may not have known Dama for 5 years but in the small amount of time I have known him, he has shown me every ounce of respect and has done more for me than I can ever repay; ophelia as well and I just do not see a reason why this had to be posted.

The first incident was dealt with and nothing further happened. The second could have been handled in a similar manner without bringing all this negativity and mud slinging into it and hurting some very good people.

Dama, I love you and I appreciate you. I know you care deeply for those you love and would never intentionally hurt them or force yourself on them. Opi, you are an amazing woman and I love you for how strong you are and how much strength you give to all around you.

Please lets stop all this shaming and go back to the old ways. Work it out either with respect and communication or on the battlefield.
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Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:22 pm

Dama calling other people liars is amusing.
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Tue Apr 17, 2018 4:43 pm

Louvain wrote:
Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:22 pm
Dama calling other people liars is amusing.
Did you seriously just hop on here after all of that just to say, 'Nuh uh! You're a liar!'? Yikes. The shit really has hit the fan for you, eh?
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