Sonvar vs. Agrippa

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Alex Ayres
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Tue Apr 17, 2018 6:24 pm

Louvain wrote:
Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:22 pm
Dama calling other people liars is amusing.
Anyone calling anyone a liar in this city is amusing.

This is the equivalent of sitting in a den of thieves and standing up and pointing at someone and yelling "thief!"

Show me the time stamps, Jerry.
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Wed Apr 18, 2018 12:16 am

Friendly, non-moderator reminder (before the mods get you) that this is the News & Reports section, and so responses have to be more than just an emoji, image, gif, etc.

As for this, I don't know. I honestly disagree with a lot of points here. Ignoring the validity of this, since a few of you have the right in it that the only people who know for sure are Damacus and virgo herself, the argument of "Well, he's nice to me and respectful to me, therefore he must be nice to every single person he's ever met or will meet" doesn't hold any weight, at all. I like Damacus; I count him among my acquaintances, if not friends. He's always been completely lovely to me. But I don't think saying "He's definitely been nice to everyone because he's nice to me" and "We're all monsters here who do monstrous things" in the same breath is valid, at all. Also the argument of "Well, if he did something, why didn't you do something about it?" She is doing something. She's actively zeroing him. He just necroed from ~1K to ~3K very recently.

Though I admittedly did find it strange that the only screencap that wasn't given a timestamp was the only one that mattered, my main issue was with the responses to this, which seemed super contradictory to me.
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Wed Apr 18, 2018 8:09 am

The fact that this is "news" is pitiful.
Someone post some hit stats.

Also; regardless of 'personal' opinions, I don't see Damacus running around breaking into women's homes and assaulting them sexually....
But Dama Claus could be a thing....

I digress; I call a spade a spade; ya'll motherfuckers are or were bored and you were looking for any excuse to run up. Wish granted; now just enjoy it, do what you came to do, and shed glorious blood. Forget this other sideline drama that should have been kept private regardless of what was being said publicly.

And this goes towards Sonvar and Agrippa; in case I need to make that clear.
Just kill each other already.
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Thu Apr 19, 2018 12:16 am

I'm not even sure why this is a public issue. This is a whole he said/she said issue and quite frankly none of our damn business. If you want to smack the hell out of Dama it's a free world , go for it. You don't need our approval to do it. If you're right you shouldn't have to give excuses.
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Sat May 12, 2018 6:38 am


Here is the TLDR version.

[*] Damacus touched virgo without her consent.

[*] virgo said no more and hit Damacus for it, saying no more, thus starting Sonvar vs. Agrippa

[*] I post a few messages on the necro about supporting women when they say no more.

[*] Ezra gets "so inspired" by this that she and Liander start on a quest to gather their side to hit Orion. She tells anyone who will listen how inspired she is.

[*] Drella casts the crew out of D'dary for recruiting D'dary hitters behind her back. Liander gets scapegoated for all of it by de Draak and leaves the city.

[*] House of Silence hits Ezra because they found out and made a preemptive strike, thus starting HoS vs de Draak

[*] Wharz: Sonvar only hit Damacus when he moves unless they catch a wave and had no intentions of necroing, as they are making one point; no more. de Draak beat the holy snot out of HoS.

[*] HoS and Agrippa make a deal - kill mine and I'll kill yours. This then creates Sonvar vs Agrippa and HoS--a 30-9 (approximate) advantage. The Sonvar zeroes begin.

[*] virgo gets dragged through the mud as a liar publically, when she's not. I handle these deflections.

[*] Agrippa then offers a deal so that de Draak doesn't die: make a fixed number of hits on Sonvar and everything ends.

[*] de Draak is inspired to take this deal, thus ending the HoS vs de Draak conflict and abandoning their entire point to begin with because it's "mutually beneficial." This now starts the Sonvar vs Agrippa, HoS, and de Draak conflict--Now a 40 to 4 advantage.


[*] Values in this city are optional when your blood is on the line.

[*] All women moving forward had better think twice before denying Damacus Agrippa, or you too will end up like virgo.

[*] "Business" is non-emotional, as long as it isn't your person getting hit in the nose with the newspaper.


[*] He with the most toys still needs to keep his hands to himself, because none of this would have happened had Damacus Agrippa exercised self-restraint.

[*] Like it or not, Sonvar won this because they stood on their principles and they died/are dying for them, which was their intention from the start.

[*] This has been a case study in the fragility of the male ego, because Agrippa would have had no problem dispatching Sonvar on their own. But no, you had to make the point that you would not be denied and live to tell the story. However, the more you dog pile on, the worse you look, because I can guarantee that Daly and Vex give negative fucks about the premise--they're only looking at their side's own blood counts and coffers.

[*] When believing in something, you either need to stand or you need to sit--for fuck's sake, don't wobble. Ezra de Draak wobbled.

You burned Ezra with Holy Water! #dontwobble #youtoo #justbusiness
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Sat May 12, 2018 7:11 am

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Sat May 12, 2018 7:31 am

How increasingly interesting..

So, in light of all this esteem you hold for the anti-rape culture. Why do you all continue to defend Liander, and Why were you housing Jessie love? Who factually was almost turned out of the city for drugging and trying to fuck people, by Raven himself? Why are you still Rubi's sire - who is the most notorious harassment case the city has ever known and habitual line stepper on people saying "no" to violence and her advances? She's been banned from every publication, the city Permabanned, and other locations because she's a legit non stop abuser; As it seems to me, like you're not only completely full of shit, but that you're the worst offender in the entire city of defending and wide spread broadcasting rape culture, while falsely accusing others, and of course while promising evidence that just... never comes. How do you explain these things? To any of us...?

It's insane. All of these actions have been defended and condoned by you. But again, things are only okay when comrade Seyda says that they’re okay. After all. Some equals are more equal than other equals here and we don’t fall into their demographic. Liander, Jessie, rubi however are the chosen few of our society to emulate, protect, and defend for their actual crimes of which we all, and the patron of the city, even, are fully aware. Raven even threatened to remove two of them permanently, and had to do so with one because she simply wouldn't stop.

And regarding Virgo talking to me about hugs.. You knowingly lied and misrepresented the information. You out right cut and pasted what you tried to make look bad, out of conversations where me being "creepy" isn't even discussed?! She asked me to stop yelling at and fighting with her because she hated it, and I bowed to her wishes. What possible reason could you have, on this planet, to twist that as evidence other than the fact that there's nothing else and you know it fully. So you resort to lying, again.

HMM equitable to Ophelia, is she a shoulder raper too!? Great Scot..


I'm truthfully confused... where's the creepiness.. where's the don't touch me, I'm violated...? For What Possible Purpose Would You Misrepresent this conversation other than to be a slandering lying pack of cunts like you were about Brom and my "join or die," about your absolute hilarious shit fire bringing Kaio back only to sit in shadows then runaway, and every other claim you've tried to make?

You're a fraud, you're pathetic, and the nickname barbie is probably a play on words at your fake ass.

Then what? You go and pump Anima. Who you told I was a creep years ago while she shared the misfortune of your blood, and since has not only embraced me, but considers me one of the few men she's ever trusted inthe city as a whole.. Of course, you already knew she had a a checkered past in the city with men, which is why you went to her to try to sell your pathetic bullshit, and again, failed there; as you do with every breath you take. Yes, when - - years ago, you lied to her about me, it sounded creepy, and since she's come entirely to embrace me without a second thought. That must SUPER work for your narrative. I'm sure.

And since now you all have a new plight for poooor baby Dw, that unfortunate soul being molested by his own scythe... How, I wonder, did I come into possession of this scythe? Through what action? Maaayyybe he shouldn’t have stuck his scythe through my chest at the start of this fight if he didn’t want it used on him in return. I happily avenged us all on him for his treachery, and returned the blade having avenged itself in his blood, to the ferrymen. I would happily cut him down again for aiding these lies and slandering, even dragging my wife’s name through the mud.. You are the worst pack of lying disgusting, rape aiding degenerates this city has literally ever known; So fuck all of you, and your rat queen, Seyda.
- Damacus
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Sat May 12, 2018 7:47 am

You are the worst pack of lying disgusting, rape aiding degenerates this city has literally ever known; So fuck all of you, and your rat queen, Seyda.
- Damacus

For this statement right here, I'm going to hit you a single time as a reminder of 2 things. You don't know me. And be careful of your generalizations.
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Sat May 12, 2018 7:53 am

Damacus wrote:
Sat May 12, 2018 7:31 am
How increasingly interesting...[edit for space]...So fuck all of you, and your rat queen, Seyda.
- Damacus
[*] Your straw man deflection tactics don't work on me. Keep your hands to yourself.

[*] Liander and Jessie can both die in a fire. IDGAF

[*] I love your vitriol. If you had that much emotion at the thought of keeping your hands to yourself, you'd be good.

[*] Regarding Anima - LOL. I knew you wouldn't be able to keep your mouth shut on that one.



Get the fuck outta here with this amateur shit.

[*] There is a distinct difference between jamming a weapon into someone and cutting them in half. Just like there is a distinct difference between friendly family touches and running your hand intimately down someone's body. But, you've already proven that you don't understand that concept, so by all means continue.
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Sat May 12, 2018 7:55 am

You went to Anima, Not her to you. I was simply informed of it. Way to reply to the rest of your bullshit though.. Soooo

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