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Sun Jan 27, 2019 10:01 am

Greed, Selfishness and Blind Arrogance, resulted in your own individual burning anger of animosity to self importance. Your (In General) Feelings are felt in the self loathing of your own destruction of Lust and Desire for useless power over nothing. Your anger equates to the child taking his ball and going home, since your rules are changed and bent to the benefit the grand desires of this blind darkness within you.

Sitting back and watching the actions of deceit and jealousy has been the undoing of a seemingly, at best, good lineage. Your "Midas Touch" is that of soiled refuge and stink. Be proud of your creation for it is forever now, Your Legacy.

I applaud your efforts of the typical Smear Campaign trail, used by dirty politicians for decades. Giving just enough information, and not the entire truth. Sounding like a victim, drudging up demons of your opponent, then rolling out the carpet for sympathy. I applaud, I really do aside for the fact that it is a repeated tactic, commonly used by the likes of your lineage from any confrontation written and recorded in these papers.

The ghost you hear, and the one is haunting you is a combination of your demons you sleep with and the spirit of dignity that once was. Be well and hope that this small fire burning towards a family of nobody's that seems to fester inside you satisfies your hunger for a made up revenge.
<3 Arallara’s <3
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Sun Jan 27, 2019 10:09 am

You don't get it, do you? Your sire was the one with the greed, selfishness, and blind arrogance. You are pushing her faults off on people that were good to her. I did nothing but support her until she stopped supporting me. I'm not good with being anyone's money maker. Your ghosting of our line just proves your cowardice to do anything but talk, and point fingers. If you had any honor or courage, you would have fought to protect your sire. Not hid from her newly self-created enemies.
Meli || Thia || Dea
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Sun Jan 27, 2019 10:15 am

Cool Story Brother!
<3 Arallara’s <3
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Sun Jan 27, 2019 9:10 pm

Zigma wrote:
Sun Jan 27, 2019 3:02 am
Very mature from a bunch of vampires who are supposed to be my elders, good job everyone good job.
They had an issue and did something about it, Zigma. Deeds are what matter.

Usher the spite seething Draconist
And commit this world to thy ancient sovereignty

:twisted: Banner by Batrisha :evil:
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Mon Jan 28, 2019 8:03 am

Daly wrote:
Sun Jan 27, 2019 8:15 am
Julia should really think about this as a learning experience, Sable. She has absolutely no respect or care for other people and their childer, so I wanted to make sure that she was shown the same respect that she gives.
She has no respect for her OWN people or childer, either.

We zero eight childer on Saturday night. No return fire, but both Anthony and Julia get hitched. On Sunday, we're live and at Anthony's door. He ghosts us while we are literally there, effectively turning himself into a donut eating paperweight. Have you ever seen someone just disappear off the face of the earth? It's wicked. Julia was there live and just kept dipping back into the house like making us scroll her out again to punch her in the mouth over and over was awesome strategy. Derz has been hiding as well, but considering that he's brand spanking new and not a fighter, I'm not shocked.

Then you have Ziggy, who clearly has more balls than the rest of you combined, as he's the only one actually moving. I've actually been considering putting a drop on him so he could at least do something to defend his house since Anthony and Julia would rather honeymoon.

Juliana, you've let nine of them go down without so much as one holy water thrown in defense. Words can not convey how absolutely goddamn disgusted I am right now with you. You know ALL of our schedules. At least show the fuck up while we're taking a nap and defend your fucking people. I hope "all these people" you're getting ready to sire to make your family "really fucking big" are sitting back and taking notes. You're not a matriarch. You're a goddamn sham.

So, let me tell you how this is gonna be, if I may. If we take Zig and you haven't fucking moved your ass in defense, we WILL start scrolling you. Do you want to look like a goddamn coward who hides while your people die around you? Because this is how you look like a goddamn coward who hides while your people die around you.

You have 250 holy water. FUCKING USE THEM.
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Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:58 am

Let us take this back to the beginning, as far as we know. In March of 2018 darkwolf severed his then-wife liquid-vamp (1) and his sire Liski (2) a few weeks later when he, or his childe virgo, led an exodus from Ferrymen which included: virgo, darkwolf, Twizted Jester, Abel, LadyLorrana, ladypeacek, and Ryukostusei (3). He went on to sire both Seyda and ladypeacek (4) which many saw as his upcoming downfall. The city knew they were there to use him for his money, but they played what Seyda likes to call the ‘long game,’ so that people forget her motivations and she has longer to manipulate them into doing exactly as she wishes.

In the halls of their home darkwolf spoke with Seyda and ladypeacek about his ex-wife (5). He shared snippets of conversations where he would claim to still love the woman but be unwilling to give up his other lovers to return to her. Seyda and ladypeacek then would discuss how his ex was manipulating him in an attempt to win him back for Liski while also having him make their connection stronger and more noted by the general public(6).

In that same room, Seyda and Pea would later talk with virgo about her ongoing fight with Damacus. They were there to consult with virgo on the statement she finally ended up making and to agree that it should come from someone other than her (7). When Louvain followed through on this, giving the public the reason for the conflict (8) Seyda was finally able to step onto the scene and make her play for Damacus by changing the narrative from a simple “fuck you” and private reasons to consent and rape culture which she tried to connect with the ongoing House of Silence/de Draak conflict (9). Damacus did not fall because of her ploy but she did succeed in driving virgo from the city and taking down one of the most influential people between Seyda and Pea and their bank, I mean, sire.

They continued this pattern after a short break from the city during the summer and now if you look at darkwolf it is just as the city predicted: he is alone with only Seyda and ladypeacek. He has lost all of his other active childer, his ex-wife’s name has been replaced with ladypeacek’s and he is well and truly cuckold to them for they are the only ones not trying to manipulate him, right?

They attempted this with Julia. They found her riled up with disgust over the possibility of rape. She had read the papers, she had heard the terrible things being said and she had spoken up because it was the only right thing to do (10). She had sired under darkwolf and bound to Twizted Jester after Damacus had declared war in Club Hades due to the continued slander of his reputation (11).

This is where the talking began. Julia was outraged and they used that. They used her worries and her inability to stand by when something is wrong to their advantage. They pretended to soothe her, to calm her. They told her to be patient, to be smart. They told her they would mold her in Seyda’s image and they formed a plan to take down Damacus. They told her it would take two years. They told her to gather new fighters. They had her hire employees. They slowly maneuvered themselves into position at Club Hades and pushed out others in the process to break ties between Julia and her allies (12a, 12b).

Now, Julia is no longer useful to them. She took the things she built, that they claimed to have helped with, and left Seyda and ladypeacek behind. She removed their access to her family home, she took away their keys to the club. Their response? Take away Julia’s toys because she has been a naughty girl. They must have believed she can’t do it alone, she would fall in line. Julia didn’t, she opened her eyes and saw that she had been used and that her family had been set up to be mindless bodies in Seyda’s ongoing attempts to take down Damacus and make some sort of grab for the power she claims to have once held. ((13a, 13b))

Seyda, ladypeacek and darkwolf argued over a publicly stated change to when the last bids would be accepted on slaves in the auctions to the point of being removed from the building to keep the peace. Then, they attacked their former family members and specifically targeted the fledglings they knew had no chance at protecting themselves while the live auctions were ongoing and they bragged about it all over the papers as they attempted to throw their actions onto Julia so their sins would not be found out (14).

Seyda St. John, you told us that only a monster would attack the fledglings. You told us that Damacus would never do that because he wouldn’t be able to recover publicly from such a horror. How is it that you plan to get away with it….or, is this your attempt to be important again? Have you continued to use Julia, only now from a distance? Is this all a plan so that you can become the monster which must be destroyed? Is this an attempt to go out in a blaze of glory, as you might once have been worthy of, rather than getting kicked into the gutter like the no longer relevant piece of rubbish you’ve become?

We see you. You use people and when they don’t settle in and do as you wish you lash out (15). We see how hard it must be. We see your tantrums and how you act when things don’t go your way. Your girlfriend leaves you to return to her husband? Better attack her (16). Half of the cash cow you were using to fund your dreams leaves? Better kill her. It is shocking that Dea di Luna survived her severance from you and it will be interesting to see what punishment you come up with for LadyLorrana since you purchased her at the auctions and can feasibly extract whatever vengeance you wish upon her (17).

Don’t worry ladypeacek, we haven’t forgotten you, you just have the easier job. Seyda has been set as the family mouthpiece but we see who holds the reins. Congratulations on your control of both Seyda and darkwolf with your whims. If for some reason you get upset, they have to fix it or no permission slips or sex for them, right? Of course, or you will just run off and start throwing weapons and they can fall in line or be left behind. Nice that you can still find work in the oldest profession and prostitute yourself and use sex to control your brain and bank. So keep on doing what you do, you will fall with them when the time comes because you’re all snuggled into your basket together.

To say you are a disappointment, darkwolf, is an understatement. You were warned that you were being manipulated and used. I suppose it must be some great power there to completely blind you and bind you to them. The city warned you, you did not listen. Your friends and lovers warned you, you pushed them away. Your chances are done now, enjoy what you have built. You have no line, you have been assimilated, you are a collared mutt in their yard. You fetch them what they demand and hope they will give you a good scratch behind the ear for the trouble it has caused. They might tell you that you are the Patriarch of the Wolfe line but it is a title only. The power in that line resides in the matriarch, didn’t you know they cannot share power? It is the reason they never combined their lines. We all hope the pleasure you’ve gotten was worth all you lost and destroyed...but we doubt it.

Have we waited on taking action against all of you? Yes. You knew exactly where to strike and how to leave us bleeding because you were supposed to be family. We took the time we needed to check on our people, to care for the young and explain to them what you had done. We took the time to look back over what had happened and untangle your web of lies just a little bit so we could see some light through the blindfold you attempted to fit us with, but no more time for you and your games. This isn’t a war, this is a stand. We are a family and we will no longer be used as your footstool nor will we be built as your bank or shield. We are the House of Pacherontis and we will bleed for our people. We will learn from our mistakes. We will grow. You will not end us here or ever.

Everyone from House of Pacherontis.













12b. Image

13a. Image

13.b Image

14. Image

15. Image

16. Image

17. Image
a morte e a ritorno | I fell asleep cradled by my melancholy.
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Tue Jan 29, 2019 5:05 am

I’m sure dw has this handled, but I have a few things.

1- After v started taking her shots publically, I openly admitted to trying to play the verbal tank to pull some heat. I had no idea what she was planning until she did it.

2 - Legion wanted to make the statement.

3 - I don’t have the toys and refused them because everyone thought I was here for them.

4 - At least you’re showing publically that you were planning to roll me up. Well done. Glad I took the deal.

5 - Leave Lorrana the fuck out of this.

Sorry this is short—I’m required to go service Pea for her favor now.
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Tue Jan 29, 2019 5:17 am

That was a really long and convincing read.
Julia wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:58 am
Let us take this back to the beginning, as far as we know. In March of 2018 darkwolf severed his then-wife liquid-vamp (1) and his sire Liski (2) a few weeks later when he, or his childe virgo, led an exodus from Ferrymen which included: virgo, darkwolf, Twizted Jester, Abel, LadyLorrana, ladypeacek, and Ryukostusei (3). He went on to sire both Seyda and ladypeacek (4) which many saw as his upcoming downfall. The city knew they were there to use him for his money, but they played what Seyda likes to call the ‘long game,’ so that people forget her motivations and she has longer to manipulate them into doing exactly as she wishes.
Yes, many in the city believe that is what they are doing... But further from the truth than you know.
Julia wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:58 am
In the halls of their home darkwolf spoke with Seyda and ladypeacek about his ex-wife (5). He shared snippets of conversations where he would claim to still love the woman but be unwilling to give up his other lovers to return to her. Seyda and ladypeacek then would discuss how his ex was manipulating him in an attempt to win him back for Liski while also having him make their connection stronger and more noted by the general public(6).
This is completely true. Lils knew I still loved her. So did my other lovers at the time. It doesn't change the fact of how I still felt at the time.
Julia wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:58 am
In that same room, Seyda and Pea would later talk with virgo about her ongoing fight with Damacus. They were there to consult with virgo on the statement she finally ended up making and to agree that it should come from someone other than her (7). When Louvain followed through on this, giving the public the reason for the conflict (8) Seyda was finally able to step onto the scene and make her play for Damacus by changing the narrative from a simple “fuck you” and private reasons to consent and rape culture which she tried to connect with the ongoing House of Silence/de Draak conflict (9). Damacus did not fall because of her ploy but she did succeed in driving virgo from the city and taking down one of the most influential people between Seyda and Pea and their bank, I mean, sire.
Cause that's what families do. They support one another any way they can. Ask anyone else in the city if they don't get advice from their family members? virgo did not leave the city because of Seyda. I know the real reason she left. The results of the war being a major part in it, but not all of it.
Julia wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:58 am
They continued this pattern after a short break from the city during the summer and now if you look at darkwolf it is just as the city predicted: he is alone with only Seyda and ladypeacek. He has lost all of his other active childer, his ex-wife’s name has been replaced with ladypeacek’s and he is well and truly cuckold to them for they are the only ones not trying to manipulate him, right?
Nice painting. You are a real Bob Ross. Let me paint you the picture I see. Which is always... the truth. I fell in love with four beautiful women and one handsome man all within a span of months after leaving my ex-wife. Two of those lovers didn't get along. They fought constantly, and one wanted me to choose them over the other. I told them I wouldn't ever choose that way. I promised to love them all equally. The one left and four remained. The other that fought fell to sleep and it hurt. I had lost my ex-wife to sleep. After making up, the other lover returned. When the sleeper woke, she thought it would be fun to scroll the other lovers home. Cause fuck them. So days after telling her to back down after she was hit in retaliation, she broke it off with me. Because again, I didn't choose. I lost another to bickering between them and I. Then I fell in love with Pea. I still had 3 that I loved, but not as much as I loved Pea. I went to them. I was honest with them. One gave me up without a fight. Another understandably got hurt and lashed out. The third said she was happy. So I was down to one lover and Pea. Months pass, and the other lover saw just how much I loved her, and she couldn't handle being second. This is again understandable, and why I let her stake me. All of this was not Pea or Seyda's doing. This was my own doing. You just don't understand what true loyalty is... Read my banner some time... As for the others, drama took a heavy toll, and their loyalty was tested. I wasn't worth the drama going on. If I am alone for the rest of my eternity, so be it. I will do so with loyal people. People who stay through the thick of it and come out the other side smelling of daisies.
Julia wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:58 am
They attempted this with Julia. They found her riled up with disgust over the possibility of rape. She had read the papers, she had heard the terrible things being said and she had spoken up because it was the only right thing to do (10). She had sired under darkwolf and bound to Twizted Jester after Damacus had declared war in Club Hades due to the continued slander of his reputation (11).
I love how you are now painting Damacus in a positive light. Cause that's not what you say behind close doors. You yourself claimed he had tried with you on several occasions.
Julia wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:58 am
This is where the talking began. Julia was outraged and they used that. They used her worries and her inability to stand by when something is wrong to their advantage. They pretended to soothe her, to calm her. They told her to be patient, to be smart. They told her they would mold her in Seyda’s image and they formed a plan to take down Damacus. They told her it would take two years. They told her to gather new fighters. They had her hire employees. They slowly maneuvered themselves into position at Club Hades and pushed out others in the process to break ties between Julia and her allies (12a, 12b).
This is so not true. I have never asked any of my line to fight for me. If I had, St. John and Wolfe would have been included in the Sonvar vs Aggrippa/HoS/de Draak War. No one ever told you that you had to fight for me. I never once asked for your help in taking down Damacus. You led with that every time. I sired you because you were my friend. We joked about it and you spontaneously told me to get my ass to the halls. You bound to Jester and I both the same night. You plotted and planned his downfall because you hated him. You kept going off at the mouth about him when his name came up in conversation.

You were specifically told to only hire as many employees as you could handle. Everyone knows I have a method of running employees autonomously. If they don't, they do now. I don't hide it. I am the only one who has access to this method. I gave you access to this method, and you thought I was going to continue to give you access to it while pushing me away publicly. You hired your siblings. No one else. When issues arose, I stood with Vex and agreed that you didn't need to hire them as staff. We didn't want the club to look onesided. I stepped down as a Mod that day, and you kept me on as Auction Staff because I was giving out coins for games, and would most likely bid a lot at the auctions. Like I did the year before. We will get back to this in a bit. No one drove a wedge between you and anyone. You drove that wedge all on your own.
Julia wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:58 am
Now, Julia is no longer useful to them. She took the things she built, that they claimed to have helped with, and left Seyda and ladypeacek behind. She removed their access to her family home, she took away their keys to the club. Their response? Take away Julia’s toys because she has been a naughty girl. They must have believed she can’t do it alone, she would fall in line. Julia didn’t, she opened her eyes and saw that she had been used and that her family had been set up to be mindless bodies in Seyda’s ongoing attempts to take down Damacus and make some sort of grab for the power she claims to have once held. ((13a, 13b))
Julia decided we were no longer useful to improving her reputation in the Public Eye of the city, and kicked us from her home and removed us from staff at Hades. I warned her against such actions. Told her that Damacus was manipulating her into breaking away from us. She didn't listen and continued on with her plan. I then took her "toys" from her. The autonomous method I discussed earlier. Now having over 300 self-claimed employees and no way to move them, she got upset and started a smear campaign to ruin us. Julia wasn't expected to fall in line. dw wouldn't have her back if she begged. He valued loyalty. She had yet to show any since it was pointed out by some that Seyda, Pea, and dw hurt her image. It was about her family first. What she didn't understand, was when she said that. She no longer considered dw family; because if she did, he'd have been included in those thoughts.
Julia wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:58 am
Seyda, ladypeacek and darkwolf argued over a publicly stated change to when the last bids would be accepted on slaves in the auctions to the point of being removed from the building to keep the peace. Then, they attacked their former family members and specifically targeted the fledglings they knew had no chance at protecting themselves while the live auctions were ongoing and they bragged about it all over the papers as they attempted to throw their actions onto Julia so their sins would not be found out (14).
Yes, every year the bids end at 11:59:59 pm Central Standard Time. The auction rules stated that much. I will admit it was a childish bid on my part. But it was the auctions and I had every intention of doing right by Brom if I had won. The auctions closed with my bid at 11:59. Then when they opened again, Julia had a posted bid of 12:00 am. This means she closed the bids, and then bid on Brom to keep him away from me. Last year, bids were deleted that were done at 12:00. I was staff and that was the ruling. So when she opened it back up, she posted something directly opposing the rules of her auctions. No bids later than 12:01 would be accepted. This was so she could claim her bid was a good bid. Of course as soon as I proposed a sensible question, my questions were silenced (deleted from Discord.) When I asked why I was being censored, I was then kicked from the club. When Seyda and Pea opposed her as well, they were kicked as well. Gotta follow your own rules, Jules...
Julia wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:58 am
Seyda St. John, you told us that only a monster would attack the fledglings. You told us that Damacus would never do that because he wouldn’t be able to recover publicly from such a horror. How is it that you plan to get away with it….or, is this your attempt to be important again? Have you continued to use Julia, only now from a distance? Is this all a plan so that you can become the monster which must be destroyed? Is this an attempt to go out in a blaze of glory, as you might once have been worthy of, rather than getting kicked into the gutter like the no longer relevant piece of rubbish you’ve become?
Nice spin. I'm the monster that killed most of your fledglings. I tried to get my hands the dirtiest because you were my childe. Your attempts at manipulation were done during my watch over you. I don't care if I ever recover from it. I was told it's either my family or yours. I chose my family over yours. Just like you did. Or did you not understand her picture in an above post? You see... That's what true loyalty is. I would have had your back from now until eternity... Just as I would have had everyone else's that had left. I am fiercely protective of my family. Always have been. But they chose to leave for one reason or another. There are still many I am friends with. You chose this path for yourself. The path of my enemy.
Julia wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:58 am
We see you. You use people and when they don’t settle in and do as you wish you lash out (15). We see how hard it must be. We see your tantrums and how you act when things don’t go your way. Your girlfriend leaves you to return to her husband? Better attack her (16). Half of the cash cow you were using to fund your dreams leaves? Better kill her. It is shocking that Dea di Luna survived her severance from you and it will be interesting to see what punishment you come up with for LadyLorrana since you purchased her at the auctions and can feasibly extract whatever vengeance you wish upon her (17).
You see Julia... That's a mirror. Just look at how you reacted to Dea and Jacomo. I read your diary. On many occasions... Half of the cash cow? You are no cash cow. You were overambitious, and it bit you in the ass. Now you lash out with nastiness instead of truths. You give half truths and perceptions. Perceptions is all you are concerned about. LadyLorrana and Seyda are still great friends. You and Annabella not so much. See the difference in leaving on good terms? I mean... LadyLorrana staked me. Did anyone retaliate? Not in the least.
Julia wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:58 am
Don’t worry ladypeacek, we haven’t forgotten you, you just have the easier job. Seyda has been set as the family mouthpiece but we see who holds the reins. Congratulations on your control of both Seyda and darkwolf with your whims. If for some reason you get upset, they have to fix it or no permission slips or sex for them, right? Of course, or you will just run off and start throwing weapons and they can fall in line or be left behind. Nice that you can still find work in the oldest profession and prostitute yourself and use sex to control your brain and bank. So keep on doing what you do, you will fall with them when the time comes because you’re all snuggled into your basket together.
You are really fucking yourself here. Peas never done anything to you. Oh wait. Yes, she did... She's the reason I wasn't bidding in the auctions this year like I did last year. So your big 10% cut was reduced to zero because the auctions didn't make enough. This is something you just don't get the concept of. If you love someone, you make them happy. You don't go doing things that would make them sad or hurt. How would anyone feel if you just started dating someone, and suddenly he was about to have a plethora of people trying for his attention. I'm fairly certain she was justified in her feelings. But here is the thing. Pea didn't ask me not to. She in fact told me I could. I just knew better. So I told you I wasn't going to because of Pea.

You just held the slave auctions, and have held them for the better part of a decade. What is it you have against the oldest profession? Hypocrite much? That only to mention, I don't give Pea or Seyda coin. They have their own thralls to make coin for themselves. And if you knew anything already have an employee on the rich list. How again are you one half of their cash cow? I don't have anyone on the rich list. You don't have anyone on the rich list. They are their own cash cow. This is just jealousy running rampant at this point.
Julia wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:58 am
To say you are a disappointment, darkwolf, is an understatement. You were warned that you were being manipulated and used. I suppose it must be some great power there to completely blind you and bind you to them. The city warned you, you did not listen. Your friends and lovers warned you, you pushed them away. Your chances are done now, enjoy what you have built. You have no line, you have been assimilated, you are a collared mutt in their yard. You fetch them what they demand and hope they will give you a good scratch behind the ear for the trouble it has caused. They might tell you that you are the Patriarch of the Wolfe line but it is a title only. The power in that line resides in the matriarch, didn’t you know they cannot share power? It is the reason they never combined their lines. We all hope the pleasure you’ve gotten was worth all you lost and destroyed...but we doubt it.
I am not here to make anyone but my family proud of me, and they are. Manipulation comes in more than just one form. Being told you are being manipulated looks just as manipulative. When someone pushes out others for their own sake by means of warnings, that's just another form of manipulation. Everyone manipulates. Its in our souls from birth. A baby cries to manipulate its mother into giving it what it needs to survive. It's what the manipulation is use for that matters most. That to say this... I know manipulation when I see it. Seyda and Pea have never manipulated me into anything I wasn't already willing to do. They have never coaxed me into leaving any of you. They have never said anything negative about any that was in my family during their stay. They have always loved my family as much as I have. I drove most of my family away with my drama. The same relationship drama I spoke of before. It's what I get for falling for so many at once. Others though... They manipulated me for things I could offer them. Julia for example... I was a shoulder to cry on when Jacomo left her. I comforted her, and was there for her. So she sired under me, and when she came to me with plans of taking down Damacus, I offered her assistance. It's what I do as a sire. I support my childer through whatever they need. She told me she had plans to hire employees. I gave her advice and the autonomous method... I was asked to let her do her thing... I wasn't good with that manipulation.
Julia wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:58 am
Have we waited on taking action against all of you? Yes. You knew exactly where to strike and how to leave us bleeding because you were supposed to be family. We took the time we needed to check on our people, to care for the young and explain to them what you had done. We took the time to look back over what had happened and untangle your web of lies just a little bit so we could see some light through the blindfold you attempted to fit us with, but no more time for you and your games. This isn’t a war, this is a stand. We are a family and we will no longer be used as your footstool nor will we be built as your bank or shield. We are the House of Pacherontis and we will bleed for our people. We will learn from our mistakes. We will grow. You will not end us here or ever.
We struck where we were told. You did not take time to check on people. You ran to the halls for war bindings. Granted these were binding in the works, but war bindings none the less. You can lie and paint yourself the heros. I am good with that. I am the monster. You can stand for whatever it takes to make yourself feel better when you sleep at night. None the less, you will die for everything you have done.
Julia wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:58 am
Everyone from House of Pacherontis.
Oh, and I can do the screenshot thingy too!


and the auction house screenshots
Before being kicked. Please note the screenshot was taken EST
After being kicked.
Auction House rule:
Meli || Thia || Dea
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Tue Jan 29, 2019 5:37 am

So, Julia deleted her side of all recordings with Seyda and wolf ...not us, her. That's not what innocent people do. Too bad we knew her pattern and made duplicates first. Julia, I advise you to be real careful right now.

The only thing I really have to offer is...damn, I had no idea I was so good, especially in bed. I may offer lessons- this is too much power for one person to have.
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Tue Jan 29, 2019 5:55 am

P.S. Did you inform dru squared that the stand they are making is not against us, but against the House of Silence? Did you let them know you’re dying not only because you wanted to do the dirty against Damacus and got caught, but because you ACTUALLY did the dirty against Daly?

Asking for a friend.
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