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Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:09 am

ladypeacek wrote:
Wed Feb 06, 2019 5:20 am
You should leave the attempts to your husband. He's clearly better at it.
Mm'no. As much as I'm enjoying seeing dw's bowl go under the table next to nitenurse's, my wife nicely pointed out that seyda's head is rammed so far up her own arrogant ass as always that she's literally out here calling dw incompetent and talking about how great she is at the expense of her "family" (1). Surprising no one, though it's fucking hilarious since between the two and now three of you you've managed to accomplish exactly not one thing other than falling apart in the last four years of your pathetic plots to try to take me down. Unrefrigerated milk holds up better than the combined efforts of your brains.

(1) idiots you used for coin since in the like 32 years combined you've been here you've managed to build nothing for yourselves what so ever.

"We hav infermashun n will xpose u look out"
Shut the fuck up and get back to having your asses stomped by an army of fledglings and first time warriors.
You're the most washed up one trick pony mother fuckers the city has ever seen.

The three of you combined don't measure up to a 1/3rd of the skill, competence nor especially the strength, willpower, and resolve of ophelia.
0 points for your entire existence.
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Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:21 am

Thank you for your well thought out and helpful suggestion. You've given me something to go home and think about. I hope you and yours have a very nice day.
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Wed Feb 06, 2019 7:00 pm

So, you and Seyda are now the same person because you sound like it. You're both repeating each other. Or is it robots? Perhaps shoulder parrots? I hear an echo. Humm.
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Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:10 pm

Drusilla wrote:
Wed Feb 06, 2019 7:00 pm
So, you and Seyda are now the same person because you sound like it. You're both repeating each other. Or is it robots? Perhaps shoulder parrots? I hear an echo. Humm.

There is a lot going on here so I'm not surprised you're having a hard time keeping up. Here is a little cliff notes version of the answer to that according to this 10+ page pissing match...

Julia wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:58 am
Don’t worry ladypeacek, we haven’t forgotten you, you just have the easier job. Seyda has been set as the family mouthpiece but we see who holds the reins. Congratulations on your control of both Seyda and darkwolf with your whims. If for some reason you get upset, they have to fix it or no permission slips or sex for them, right? Of course, or you will just run off and start throwing weapons and they can fall in line or be left behind. Nice that you can still find work in the oldest profession and prostitute yourself and use sex to control your brain and bank. So keep on doing what you do, you will fall with them when the time comes because you’re all snuggled into your basket together.
ladypeacek wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 5:37 am
The only thing I really have to offer is...damn, I had no idea I was so good, especially in bed. I may offer lessons- this is too much power for one person to have.

Haven't seen a sign up sheet anywheres though...waiting for that update still.
|| de Draak ||
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Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:44 pm

They've been brainwashed by one another's stupid to the point that their idiocy and hypocrisy are matched only by their ability to fit all four feet in their mouths whenever they speak. At least they don't have the exact same banner while they spew the exact same shit so we can sorta tell them apart now.
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Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:48 pm

Jauk wrote:
Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:10 pm
Drusilla wrote:
Wed Feb 06, 2019 7:00 pm
So, you and Seyda are now the same person because you sound like it. You're both repeating each other. Or is it robots? Perhaps shoulder parrots? I hear an echo. Humm.

There is a lot going on here so I'm not surprised you're having a hard time keeping up. Here is a little cliff notes version of the answer to that according to this 10+ page pissing match...
That had literally nothing to do with my comment. My comment was this;
Seyda wrote:
Tue Feb 05, 2019 8:00 am
Thank you for your well thought out and helpful suggestion. You've given me something to go home and think about. I hope you and yours have a very nice day.
ladypeacek wrote:
Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:21 am
Thank you for your well thought out and helpful suggestion. You've given me something to go home and think about. I hope you and yours have a very nice day.
Dama.... Distinction, after all, is a wonderful thing.
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Alex Ayres
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Thu Feb 07, 2019 12:07 am

Drusilla wrote:
Wed Feb 06, 2019 7:00 pm
So, you and Seyda are now the same person because you sound like it. You're both repeating each other. Or is it robots? Perhaps shoulder parrots? I hear an echo. Humm.
I came back to this newspaper to get the secret admirer link and found this delightful little thread which has been a titillating saga.

Out of all the comments, this one caught my eye, though. I have to ask: Do you actually believe what you wrote here as viable reasons they're repeating each other, or are you just trying to bait them into a response as hard as Dama is?

In case it's the former, and others are as confused as you are, let me present my theory:

Seyda and Pea have decided on a unified message that is one part sarcasm and one part truth.

Dama's messages are neither helpful nor thoughtful. They only succeed in being vulgar for vulgarity's sake, and utilizing a debate tactic where someone presents their point of view, and he replaces their point of view with what he wants everyone to believe their point of view is, effectively attempting to silence and oppress dissenting opinion and free thought. Currently, it comes across as near unintelligible drivel spouted off by a child enraged that he lost his binky and trying to drive a select group of people out of the city (much like other well known Machiavellians tried to do, just on a much smaller scale).

He does this to try and bait them into making emotional responses that he can respond to because most of his arguments are based on getting emotional responses out of people while using very little of these things known as "facts" and "evidence" (a fond tactic of the generally undesirable current sitting president of the United States) and preying on those stirred emotions to fuel his slanderous, revolting campaign against an individual or group of people to further divide the city into an "us" vs "them" mentality.

It appears that they've collectively decided that as long as Dama continues to behave like a stark raving mad child in a sand box that's watched a few too many episodes of [insert recyclable television show that has a lot of vulgarity and an entitled male lead that thinks everything is his birthrite], they will present him with this message to show him, and everyone, that they refuse to be treated by him like they are sub human (another favored tactic of his Machiavellian bretheren) and will actually engage with him when he starts acting, as the saying goes, his age.

Just a theory, though.

And while I can already hear the calls of "there he goes sucking their dicks again" to try and discredit me, please see my recent posts to both Seyda and Pea if you want my current thoughts on their behavior.

Don't have to be in favor of someone to have a theory on what they're doing. In fact, 90% of the time they do the same deceptive, conniving, shitty things that Dama and the rest of the warring families do. This whole "cleansing" the city of a group of people because they think differently than he does thing he's got going on right now is a whole new level of "inherently evil" "murderous fuck who doesn't care" though, and frankly I'm not astonished everyone is just sitting back and letting it play out because it's "not me, not my problem."

But I'm wasting my time telling you all that. This city is a pillar of objectivity and impartiality.

Anyway everyone enjoy this trash can fire. 8-)
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Thu Feb 07, 2019 12:36 am

Alex Ayres wrote:
Thu Feb 07, 2019 12:07 am
or are you just trying to bait them into a response as hard as Dama is?
Rather replacing their horse shit with the conversations they've provided and ones I have which all disperse any of their high horse "we didn't do it" bullshit?
So, as usual, you're full of shit and I can actually prove what I say while you opt to prattle on until everyone in the city is telling you how full of shit you are so you get to scream "nuh uh" - because you're so wise and mature. What they've decided on is not arguing with their usual lies. I guess they've finally discovered after four years that it's not one of their very few strengths. They aren't responding because they have nothing to say and most especially while I can pick apart any pathetic argument they can try to make with their own very clearly stated words.

They're a bunch of lying coward fucks trying to get anyone else but them to take the blame for their own plotting and disgusting obsessions.

Also, feel free to peruse on back to where dw admitted that I was right and he's the fuck up, despite being displeased with my methods.
Or are you going to ignore the facts of the case, as usual, to try to sow your ass backward agenda Alex?

As a matter of fact, lets play a game, you show me where I'm wrong and I'll be happy to make you look like the enormous asshole you are with their private conversations they don't want to share with the city, and or the ones they shared themselves where they all sit around and discuss what the best way to make me being a rapist for allegedly touching someone's shoulder sound believable and who should post it. Ready? Go.
Last edited by Damacus on Thu Feb 07, 2019 7:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Thu Feb 07, 2019 1:15 am

I wonder what the wordcount to bloodloss ratio is by now?

This should be a thing.

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And commit this world to thy ancient sovereignty

:twisted: Banner by Batrisha :evil:
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Thu Feb 07, 2019 1:28 am

Alphadragon wrote:
Thu Feb 07, 2019 1:15 am
I wonder what the wordcount to bloodloss ratio is by now?

This should be a thing.
Not enough...
Give in to temptation, take your time I'll be patient.
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