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Alex Ayres
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Thu Feb 07, 2019 2:51 pm

Alphadragon wrote:
Thu Feb 07, 2019 1:15 am
I wonder what the wordcount to bloodloss ratio is by now?

This should be a thing.
Would probably be lower if people finished what they claimed to have started. Perseverance is clearly not one of your strong suits. ;) :lol:

Your propensity to half ass things ruined my experiment, by the way. Thanks a lot.
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Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:29 pm

Alex Ayres wrote: ↑
Wed Feb 06, 2019 11:07 pm

because they think differently than he does thing he's got going on right now
Just to give you an update on a few things:

The plot to destroy Damacus Agrippa that you wanted and I actively assisted you with being one.

They pretended to soothe her, to calm her. They told her to be patient, to be smart. They told her they would mold her in Seyda’s image and they formed a plan to take down Damacus

ongoing attempts to take down Damacus <--Four years strong, generally speaking

Did you let them know you’re dying not only because you wanted to do the dirty against Damacus and got caught, but because you ACTUALLY did the dirty against Daly?<--- Ouch, never a great idea to do a 'dirty' against either man honestly but it sure as shit hasn't stopped all the trying and failing.

Yeah, I'd say his very prominent feelings are Totally about anyone thinking differently than he does.
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Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:47 pm

You say that as if that's where all of this started with him, when it is instead the reason for it. Julia wanted him dead. Julia begged for advice. Julia went to him and played him to get close hoping for Intel. We know because that conversation she shared with us, was the moment this all broke- us telling her, yeah- perpetuating all the shit Dama says by saying it too, for your plotting and social rank climbing is not cool with us. It didn't matter how many times she said she knew it was hard to read but she didn't mean it. We weren't willing to bend over and let her use us to get what she wanted. Pretty simple. Everyone has admitted their part, except her.

If your husband would like me to share all the convos of him telling people that hanging out with us will mean no support from his house, and generally end friendships with him and his, I most certainly can. Anna was very open about that, and he does so with Julia too in their conversation. So, please continue to act as if Dama is as innocent as a newborn childe. Julia wasn't the only one being plotty. He had been all along too, if not with weapons. He is every bit as insistent on trying to get us out of the city permanently, any way he can- so his obsession is every bit as great as he perceives ours to be, no matter how pretty you try to make it.
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Thu Feb 07, 2019 4:11 pm

Go for it. Let's see every last one. I warned Anna exactly what enormous pieces of shit you were and told her that I'd not be in her life while that was her choice. Then I was right about you as always.

Let's see the rest.

And you can keep blaming Julia for everything all you want. You're the stupid cunts that have been plotting and failing for four years while fucking with and harassing my people, posting your pussy freak out open letters, and you're going to keep failing.

Now get back to dying for my amusement.
Single-mindedness is all powerful
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Thu Feb 07, 2019 4:17 pm

Thank you for your well thought out and helpful suggestion. You've given me something to go home and think about. I hope you and yours have a very nice day.
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Thu Feb 07, 2019 4:37 pm

So you're not going to post the rest of the things you don't have and never have but always try to say you have?
Just gonna recycle that shit you use when you there's nothing to say and no argument against me?
Like you fucktards didn't post this whole thread to begin with?
Got ya.
This is even funnier than your usual complete failures.

I wonder how long before you're trying to suck Vex's dick for power now that you fucked this up for yourselves. :lol:
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Thu Feb 07, 2019 4:41 pm

ophelia wrote:
Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:29 pm
Alex Ayres wrote: ↑
Wed Feb 06, 2019 11:07 pm

because they think differently than he does thing he's got going on right now
Just to give you an update on a few things:

The plot to destroy Damacus Agrippa that you wanted and I actively assisted you with being one.

They pretended to soothe her, to calm her. They told her to be patient, to be smart. They told her they would mold her in Seyda’s image and they formed a plan to take down Damacus

ongoing attempts to take down Damacus <--Four years strong, generally speaking

Did you let them know you’re dying not only because you wanted to do the dirty against Damacus and got caught, but because you ACTUALLY did the dirty against Daly?<--- Ouch, never a great idea to do a 'dirty' against either man honestly but it sure as shit hasn't stopped all the trying and failing.

Yeah, I'd say his very prominent feelings are Totally about anyone thinking differently than he does.
Let’s be clear. September 2018 was when a Julia said she wanted Damacus dead. October 2018 is when I gave her a two year plan to build her house and recruit fringe. She already had a coin plan she was well on her way into implementing so that she could do it.

It was also ME that flat out told her and anyone else who rambled incessantly about killing Damacus (Jester, I’m looking at you, Bro) that if the goal was to literally kill him, they needed to look at it differently because after being allied with Liski so long, she probably has him stacked with more coin than Jesus and between that and his shadow strategy, would not allow him to actually go to zero.

The decision to go talk to Damacus to try and manipulate him and all that shit? All Julia. And while this was going on, our houses were none the wiser, with their angsts directed towards others in this city they actually hate more than Damacus.

P.S. There wasn’t an ongoing plot to kill Damacus for multiple years. There was, however, a plot to save you by many people who still cared, which I have already discussed with you at length over a year ago.

P.P.S. We are doing what we’re doing because I’m the only adult in this situation who took ownership of her involvement in any of this, and we will continue to do so because that’s what people who put their big girl pants on do. If they end up with 76 hitters to our 5, we will still be the only ones owning up to my shit. I’ll take that over begging every random in the city that has issue with us to come fight my battles for me any day of the week.

Have a great day, ophelia.
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Thu Feb 07, 2019 4:51 pm


Oh what a kind and caring cunt you are, seyda. Curious what point you knowingly lying about rape and trying to twist Ezra's arm came into the mix of all your social justice retarded bullshit, but since you're so talkative again all the sudden,

You sorta ran out on this like the coward fuck you are last year, so lets tie up some loose ends before you go hide again.
Damacus wrote:
Tue Jun 19, 2018 6:48 am
Alex Ayres wrote:
Mon Jun 18, 2018 5:15 pm
Please, show me all of the times over the years where they've wronged you, and I'll show you a man who lives in the past and does not actually care about the betterment of the city, but to see his own revenge exacted at the expense of others.
Where you're missing the bigger picture, is that it isn't the past. It's the past, the present, and as you can see, the future. This is the trend, the very unique trend of their relationship with people and how they treat everyone. It is a cycle I do not intend to be subjected to without retaliating; and it can be factually seen that they're doing it to others around the city in spite. They aren't attacking Dea for any other reason than her helping me, or they'd have done so six months ago. They're treating Ezra like shit and as though they have a leg to stand on because she didn't subject herself to their manipulation and dared to make her own decisions, which didn't profit them. They've immediately castigated and insulted Abel, who just died for their failed power grab, just a short time afterward for not being a mindless zombie to what they all want. The rest is a fictitious bunch of bullshit. It's not the past, it's not just once, it's right now, and it's always.

You yourself believe that they falsely, and knowing themselves to be false; accused me of Rape; which is not what virgo said I did, and specifically in transcripts I've provided, said I didn't do. They knowingly and intentionally lied and tried to twist the facts, the lie which Ryu just repeated in their zeroing thread. What kind of people do that? And what kind of people don't stand up and fight against those sort of people? I am sure I don't want to know. And I'm doubly sure that I will not suffer them any longer, or sit idly while they perpetuate the same lies and slander and horrible treatment onto others. You are free, as ever to believe what you want. I have never faulted or slighted you for it; but buyer beware should you make the mistake of doing it to them.
Seyda wrote:
Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:42 pm
no you
Mm, I factually quoted "consent" at Alex in regards to his championing the word in the Suction debate, which he can confirm, as we'd spoken beyond this whole thing. Nice try though.
You like to cherry pick history to suit your story, and that's cool. Most people realize that's what you are and how you roll, so let's talk history.
No, most people are standing against and speaking out against you. If not hitting you and having, in a huge response, overwhelmingly shut everything you've been doing down. So lets dispense immediately with your "most people."

When I left the city a few years ago, I came back months later to see your posts all over about how I killed poor ophelia's Yggdrasil

I've never once shed a tear feigned or otherwise for "poor yggdrasil." I've openly laughed just at you.
When you tried to rally them all up because you had a "big special target for everyone to kill" and your pet chihuahua of a childe came yapping behind you with "grrruff' That could only be Agrippa!" and you had your little maniacal chuckle - Which was all pretty much in the clan board minus my dramatization; You had No other response to speak of. They didn't respect or want you as a leader in the slightest. They didn't even acknowledge you with a reply. It's safe to say, they certainly weren't going to follow you to kill ophelia. . So you eventually fragged it and had a temperfit, closing the clan.

You throw The Wheel in my face any chance you get, and have for years now.
The city didn't care about you anymore than it does now, and certainly didn't decide you were it's villain. You're like the crystal lite version of Tifereth. She at least commanded respect and was a leader. If you notice, no one came after you or gave you the time of evening when we fought D'dary. Which of course, is one of the Three wars in a row that directly involved your family and or ally which you sat out of like a coward. All of course after telling your childe directly and the rest of the city through her to "Shut the fuck up" and that if she didn't "Shut the fuck up" you would have them hit every day by your band of idiots. That's how you treated your own blood, and your sworn allies. It should be branded on your face for all time and so that all see your insurmountable shame until the end of your nights. As for the wheel, it was hidden away years ago so it could never be used again, and I very much doubt you anticipating us making a Carousel of Seniors in which Capadocious and Lucius would put on a fine easter theater, as well as UnicornDream; who blew the Church of blood up -- and it was put on in spite of your idiot bullshit. Not caused because of it.
Thank you however for showing us how little you know of your city's history. Better at least than you wife, who doesn't even known her own.
You throw my "abandoning" NN and RoR in my face any chance you get as well.

M'yeah well unless you lied to the clan when you were in their halls telling them how you're here to help now that you abandoned them to the wolves, I've pretty much read just about every word you've ever said about it all. I also have presented the facts, and nn lied through her fucking teeth in the necro about it because she's your whipped dog. I'm also acutely aware of how a great many Ror members felt about it, as no one of the many who left were shy in the telling or sharing, and I happen to house a few myself.
You talk incessantly about The Alliance war and how you lot got together to push the big bad D'dary bullies out of the city so that everyone could have peace.
Please provide examples of this talk since you're completely making that up from top to bottom. Be sure to include time stamps this time.

As for the rest of your bullshit, I was actually more proud of, and picturing him as King in the North by the transformation he's gone through to become the man and leader he is today. Incase you hadn't noticed, I was the surprise on horseback, so really, derp on you.

Rien was specifically instructed not to move because Caden had every available resource to necro, and in fact wasn't zeroed and then necroed. He moved anyhow, and rather than lead people who already largely used up Ap, as they were a band purely consisting of live fighters in need of necro themselves, to being zeroed following someone who was awol, he was zeroed. Then he came and apologized for us. If I'm supposed to feel bad about that, I don't.

How exactly was Daly my meatshield? Sonvar was only hitting me. What did he Meat-shield me from, the gentle breeze of being out of shadows for a week while virgo hid?
Oh, and you never answered my question as to how we hit people who were only moving to hit me, once they moved, if I wasn't moving. Which you noped the fuck out of in Ryu's thread because you had absolutely nothing to say. Which of course is because there's no answer, and you're a lying idiot.

Real quick tho; the reason in total that Ror was heavily hit was that Tifereth was doing her utmost to try to intimidate NN into pulling Ror out of the war, both in the streets, and threatening to her face. Plus NN wouldn't change up the times they hit as she was advised to, and she was most likely to crack like she did the last time they'd faced off. And you of course did nothing to help her.

Coin? You literally in all the years of being big bad seyda have between you two, jack shit that you've worked for and pretend to know my financials. Curious how you've been here since noah's ark and don't have shit.

As for "slapping together" I mean, If we're just going to numbers, Dumont outmatched this major pea accomplishment at every turn and actually fostered prosperity and activity in the city. And if we're going off of just "we ourselves" and not a preexisting clan or family I'm really not impressed by either of your retinues of expendable bodies compared to our family. Not in the slightest. It's a joke. No one's joining you, you're bleeding members and running around place to place looking for a way to get someone else who isn't my wife to build for you and hand you some power since she's done with that now and you've failed miserably at making anything for yourselves.

Sorry that you'll never be ophelia, pal.

So you scamper off and pretend you sit at the big kid table by worming your way into things and trying to feed off them as you've always done, and we'll hang out with what we built from the ground up for a second time, while you sit in seething envy; for a second time.
Don't worry, I'm still waiting.

No Alex, you're not in the twilightzone, this is just me being right again while they pull the same lyin'ass shit as ever.
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Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:02 pm

Thank you for your well thought out and helpful suggestion. You've given me something to go home and think about. I hope you and yours have a very nice day.
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Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:17 pm

Look, can we just let them kill each other and sort themselves out?

Wouldn't that be nice?

That would be nice.

I would very much like to see some dead people. I am also accepting very kind and generous donations of eyeballs *winkwink*
~Amandine~Mahorela~della Spada~Schiaraffa~de Draak
~The Eye Collector~
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