Club Hades Closure

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Tue Apr 23, 2019 8:54 am

Earlier this evening, Club Hades closed its doors, and all patrons were removed from the premises. Located at Walrus and 41st, the venue is best known for hosting the Ravenblack City Auctions for the past two years. While the list of staff members has changed considerable over the years, at the time of its closure, Club Hades was run by a team consisting of Julia (owner), Raize, Vetras, and smitsmit.

During its prime, Club Hades was a popular meeting place for those of the Pacherontis, St John, and Wolfe lineages. The city of Ravenblack is known for its peaks and dips in activity. Most establishments have been quieter than 'normal' over the past few months. Julia, decided that a temporary closure would suit best, citing a lack of activity and her own waning energy/motivation to continue running the Club.

While she assured that the establishment would not remain permanently closed, she did not give a time frame for reopening.

Another venue, The Reaper's Arms, also recently closed down following the burial of its owner Batrisha. The fate of The Reaper's Arms also remains unknown.

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Tue Mar 17, 2020 10:22 am

Very interesting that all these months I am just now seeing this. Being away does wake one up. Interesting still, the owners and operators. Very well, claim what they will. Glad to see it is up and running now. Well, running at least at this point. I am glad to see that a couple more partners were able to be introduced to the infrastructure. I hope that it helps the growing of the club. I hope that the same standards that were discussed back when it was first opened are still intact and able to prosper as the plan was to do all along.

Time and commitment shall see as one never knows of what the future holds and what changes may transpire in the future, whether near or far.
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Tue Mar 17, 2020 3:23 pm

bro why this was in april
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Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:08 pm

Sunday-Go wrote:
Tue Mar 17, 2020 3:23 pm
bro why this was in april
Really?? Didn't notice the date, aside from the part of me stating that I just noticed this due to my absence and this article being lost in the darkness of AB.
<3 Arallara’s <3
House of Blackstone
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