The Comeback of Clans and Community Centers

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Thu May 14, 2020 5:26 pm

For years the popularity and power of clans has declined in this city in favor of commanding families. Long standing organizations have been forced to shutter their doors or live on as mere ghosts of their former glory. The Shadow Court was locked away with seven keys, The Church of Blood was blown to bits, Yggdrasil passed the buck and then kicked the bucket, Republic of Ravenblack retired, and so many others became history along with them. It appeared the age of clans had passed for good but now, against the odds, new organizations have begun to sprout like spring flowers. These new groups add a bit of diversity to the playing field of power. Here now we've picked a few to observe:

Do you worry about maintaining inward activity?
The Ferrymen wrote:I think that's always a concern for any group but people go through phases of activity. We're older and have older members whose time is divided and less available than some. You cannot force activity.
House of Silence wrote:No.
Seventh Rank wrote:Worried isn't the word I'd use, but of course it's a priority.
Enlightenment Castle wrote:No, once students are in the halls, they tend to feed off one another's energy. Getting them in the door is the tricky part.
The NightWatch wrote:Inward activity is indeed something that I worry about fairly often. While our core services can be run by only a few members, it is still paramount to keep our members engaged within the organization. We are a team that works for the overall benefit of the city. This cannot be done without a focused team that is dedicated to their goals, can work well with other staff, and enjoys the satisfaction that brought them to the NightWatch in the first place.
Ravenbane wrote:Sometimes yes. We seem to go through up and down phases, from week to week. It's sort of hit or miss.

Is it important to your organization to inspire outside activity?
The Ferrymen wrote:For me, yes. Our history and purpose has evolved over the years, but generally speaking, we want to promote positive growth and aid in all activities around the Community when we are able.
House of Silence wrote:Sort of. I think we all depend on outside activity.
Seventh Rank wrote:One of our tenets is that one must aim for the betterment of one's enemy, because stagnation is death. Our nature is chaos and conflict; this is what our existence means. Perhaps some members of the Seventh Rank will disagree with me on the finer points of our philosophy, but to me, we are meant to be always struggling and always fighting. We aren't humans; we aren't built for peace. We weren't created as stewards of the Earth. We're killers; we aren't allowed the luxury of a short life, nor what comes with it.
Enlightenment Castle wrote:That is our main goal. We make it very easy for a student to get to the point to where they are armed with the knowledge of the city and what to expect. We encourage them from a very early stage to venture out to meet others. My idea in making sure that was a reality was to incorporate ambassador instructors from different families and factions of the city. I have some in the castle I never dreamed I'd see there. Ideally I'd like to see them get to know all sides of the city so they can decide for themselves where they feel they fit in. Rather it be a clan, a particular family, or if they'd just like to wander the city as a nomad and jump from place to place. Its up to them.
The NightWatch wrote:Absolutely! As we are not a clan, rather a city organization, it is extremely important to maintain public engagement. Whether it is the small things such as handing out transit fare in the stations or helping on a quest, or larger things such as public citywide events, these are the sorts of things that directly influence our public perception. Through our actions, we aim to inspire others in the city to also be helpful and respectful where they can in their everyday lives.
Ravenbane wrote:Hm. That's a difficult one. Yes and no. The outside activity we work towards is new blood being prepared to join and get involved in the city and other organizations eventually, but we don't directly do outside activity as a community.

If there was a larger influx of people wanting to join your organization would it change how you accept new members?
The Ferrymen wrote:No. We've set a certain system in place and follow it through with every applicant.
House of Silence wrote:No.
Seventh Rank wrote: No, not at all. There are rituals and requirements in place to prevent people from joining on a whim. As I'm sure there are with other organizations and clubs.
Enlightenment Castle wrote:I do not believe it would as we do have a screening process of sorts which works well. I suppose there would be a limit to the amount of students the castle can hold. We do regulate the influx if that is what you are referring to. If the need was there, expansion could always be an option.
The NightWatch wrote:Not really. In the past we simply required all members to take an oath. Those days are over, and now entry is based on individual merit. We only require a small essay of sorts where one expresses their interest and why they want to join. There are very few cases where we would ever reject someone. The only change perhaps, would be a bit of extra help in processing applications.
Ravenbane wrote:Well, that's already happened. I've slowed down and try to keep a limited ratio of new people vs those joining to assist, along with trying to get differing perspectives such as clan, bloodlines, warriors, pacifists, etc.

What is the most challenging part of maintaining your organization (thus far)?
The Ferrymen wrote:I think new growth and interest is the hardest, given we live in the age of family over clan. Clans are seen as outdated but they still hold a place for some. It would be nice to see more of them appear and the youth take interest in ownership.
House of Silence wrote:I'm not sure how to answer this. These days I have no challenges. I'm surrounded by good and strong warriors who are responsible and loyal. Couldn't ask for a better band of warriors..
Seventh Rank wrote:We're a nascent group, so we're in the stage of building, rather than maintenance.
Enlightenment Castle wrote:Depends on the day, for the most part maintaining the harmony. But even that hasn't proven to be that big of a challenge.
The NightWatch wrote:I would have to say the most challenging part is inward engagement. While there are plenty of members, we seek individuals who are working with passion, not for themselves, but for the organization and what we represent. Through the years, I have worked with many members who have done this quite well, and others who are somewhat preoccupied, but still available when called upon, or available when they are in the city. These days it is becoming harder to find individuals who possess a true passion for the work in the NightWatch. While it is certainly not unavailable, it is something we always strive to improve.
Ravenbane wrote:The activity. As new ones come in, we are on a high, then we dip a little between new blood showing up.

What makes/keeps you committed to your organization?
The Ferrymen wrote:History and family. That is to say, not just those of my lineage but every member has become my family and I would do anything I can for each of them. They keep me grounded and keep me committed to their betterment and my own.
House of Silence wrote:I believe in what we stand for.
Seventh Rank wrote:We've all been brought together by the same guiding philosophy; I suppose that philosophy will keep us committed for as long as we hold it.*
Enlightenment Castle wrote:I missed running the schools. I had always had the goal of education within the city. The fact that the Castle is no longer a clan makes that task even easier. And more enjoyable if being honest. Nothing makes me happier then seeing students that I helped introduce to the city, within it, visiting different establishments, and enjoying what the city has to offer.
The NightWatch wrote:I suppose my personal commitment is based on passion for what the organization represents, and a degree of satisfaction from seeing how the city reacts to our everyday goals. Seeing folks say "thank you" for coin given at the transits, or perhaps mentoring newcomers and helping someone out with quests. Even seeing the respect shown by everyone in protecting the memory of those we loved and lost. I stay committed as it is always great to see the personal improvement, respect, and gratitude of others. I believe there is a good side to this city, that despite politics, wars, or drama, is still prevalent to a degree in all of us.
Ravenbane wrote:You know, I was really worried this would fail. Even though I still worry [from] time to time, I think what keeps me committed now, is how amazing it had been to see people who don't always like each other or get along, still walk in there and work together to help new blood, and make it feel welcoming.

*What makes/keeps you committed to your organization? - Notations*
Seventh Rank wrote:*Joy: Is there an easy way to answer if I ask, 'what philosophy'?
Magwayen: I suppose it can be condensed to three points. One is self-mastery. The Universe is mental; once you master your mind, you master the Universe.

The second is that pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.

The third has to do with synchronicity and karma. As above, so below. What comes up, must come down.

The Ferrymen [
Liski#3585, Hells Gate#4754]
Seventh Rank [
demiurge#8224, Princess#9118]
House of Silence [

Enrichment Foundations:
Enlightenment Castle [
doncey shadowlight#6916]
The NightWatch [
smitsmit ((scott))#2287]
Ravenbane [

The omission of any clan or organization, currently active, that was not represented in this article was in no way meant as a slight. If you feel your clan or organization was left out in error, please feel free to comment or message. Thank you!
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Thu May 14, 2020 6:45 pm

Well done, Joy. I like this kind of spin on standardized interviews.


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Thu May 14, 2020 7:02 pm

This was wonderful and enlightening, Joy. Thank you.
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Thu May 14, 2020 8:24 pm

Daly’s “No” cracked me up lmao. But this was interesting to read!
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Fri May 15, 2020 4:09 am

Thank you, Joy!


Jude Sinclaire
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Fri May 15, 2020 5:21 am

Interesting. Thank you Joy, Perhaps next we could get an in-depth look into each clans goals/aims/philosophy.
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Fri May 15, 2020 1:12 pm

Very well done, Joy. Thank you for doing this.
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Fri May 15, 2020 7:58 pm

Good read. The format was a refreshing way to a handle a fair amount of information and convey it so succinctly. Looking forward to more.
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