ALERT: Recent Paladin Aggression

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Thu Dec 05, 2024 10:27 pm

Fair Citizens:

Please be aware that during the last forty-eight hours, FOUR Paladins have been spotted and neutralized directly outside of The Peacekeepers Mission 1 (Emerald & 67th) and The Peacekeepers Mission 3 (Emerald & 33rd). One of these very Paladins attacked me on my way into the building. The other three were spotted stalking Ohana Fuentes to her office. If it were not for her husband's bravery, Luciano Fuentes, I might have a different report on my colleague and fellow member of the High Council.

If you are currently a member of the guild, an aspiring member, or just in need of help traversing between any areas around the guilds, please feel free to reach out to us. Those of us dedicated to Battle Cloak will happily take up arms to defend any citizen during their transport.

At this time, there have been no reports of Paladins from our colleagues at The Peacekeepers Mission 2 (Unicorn & 33rd).

If you or anyone you know has any information on what might be driving these zealots to stalk and attack the more peaceful and law-bound citizens of our underground sanctity, please reach out to me or Ohana Fuentes.

Thank you.
Yours in service and honor,
High Councilor of Battle Cloak
Mrs. C. Matsuda
Peacekeepers Mission 3
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Rubi Roo
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Fri Dec 06, 2024 3:25 am

If their armor bore a rabbit emblem, those are wearing stolen gear from the ones we trained.. If you kill one with that armor, we'd like it back for appropriate grave rites! If you see one with a Rabbit Tattoo though.. yeah that's one of ours and we'll punish them accordingly.
Cannoness of the Crusade
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Fri Dec 06, 2024 5:00 am

Carrot wrote:
Thu Dec 05, 2024 10:27 pm
If you or anyone you know has any information on what might be driving these zealots to stalk and attack the more peaceful and law-bound citizens of our underground sanctity. . .
You think they care if you swore yourself to pacifism (?/peace?/insert vague concept here)? :lol:

Why should they? They know you're killers and that you have teeth; they don't know that you've chosen to defang yourselves in the name of never throwing a vial at so-and-so for whatever such-and-such reason.

Paladins and hunters don't care if you'd rather play nicey nice with others, they have a quota. Which I can honestly respect. Good for them.

Too bad the SoS don't seem to be around anymore. They could've helped with your pest problem.


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Fri Dec 06, 2024 11:16 am

There is a severe distance between the ideas of honor and "defanging" oneself. No one has ever claimed that religious zealots have high reading comprehension skills, but surely they can sound out and understand "peace" and "keepers", for they, themselves, think they are "keeping the peace". Those of us dedicated to the true Peacekeeper's mission follow a code, no different than these fanatics holding some "code". I find myself asking: what is your code? Bloodlust, rage, and the ever-present argument of "nature" are not codes, but easy desires to surrender to.

If you find that you possess real input, please don't hesitate to reach out.

After reaching out to my colleague, neither I nor her husband discovered any such markings on armor or skin. Thank you for the information regarding these specifications.
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Fri Dec 06, 2024 12:01 pm

i ain’t ever hear a paladin saying they wanted to keep peace lol more like kill supernaturals of all kinds

ur all still supernaturals so idk why u think calling urselves peacekeepers would make them give a shit - a cow can call herself a baker all she wants, she’ll still end up in the slaughterhouse
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Fri Dec 06, 2024 12:09 pm

Carrot wrote:
Fri Dec 06, 2024 11:16 am
There is a severe distance between the ideas of honor and "defanging" oneself. No one has ever claimed that religious zealots have high reading comprehension skills, but surely they can sound out and understand "peace" and "keepers", for they, themselves, think they are "keeping the peace". Those of us dedicated to the true Peacekeeper's mission follow a code, no different than these fanatics holding some "code". I find myself asking: what is your code? Bloodlust, rage, and the ever-present argument of "nature" are not codes, but easy desires to surrender to.

If you find that you possess real input, please don't hesitate to reach out.

After reaching out to my colleague, neither I nor her husband discovered any such markings on armor or skin. Thank you for the information regarding these specifications.
While the words themselves are easy to understand, paladins wouldn't have any concept of what it means in terms of supernaturals. For all they know, our version of peace is to be rid of humans entirely. That's certainly the mission of some. Or they may not even care. Humans have every capacity for killing off "different" so, who's to say Paladins aren't fulfilling what they believe their mission to be for peace...removing supernatural beings that could prove to be a problem later.

Frankly, I've seen people join and leave "peacekeepers" many times over in my city time. So it's not without validity that the word "peacekeepers" means very little for a creature capable of killing a human with ease.
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Fri Dec 06, 2024 12:34 pm

Unlike a cow, we (humans, vampires, werewolves, shifters, faeries, paladins, hunters, what-have-you's) are capable of complex thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Cows don't call themselves anything. They eat grass, they drink water, they reproduce, they shit, they die.
ladypeacek wrote: [...] paladins wouldn't have any concept of what it means in terms of supernatural.
If you have intimate information on the inner workings of Paladins, please, I implore you to share this with the community at large. It is imperative that we maintain the balance between our species, and currently, four attacks in forty-eight hours scream something more sinister.

To those you have seen join the ranks of the Peacekeeper's mission and leave: They are not who they claim to be. They take advantage of deep cowardice and fear instead of committing to a true creed. They hide, and in this time that myself and the other High Councilors, we pledge to purge our ranks of those who wish to hide. What you have seen and known in years past is not the core values we have been working to relay and display as of late.

Thank you all for providing more information. These interactions are being documented in detail for our Mission's records.

Yours in service and honor,
High Councilor of Battle Cloak
Mrs. C. Matsuda
Peacekeepers Mission 3
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Fri Dec 06, 2024 12:39 pm

Carrot wrote:
Fri Dec 06, 2024 12:34 pm
Unlike a cow, we (humans, vampires, werewolves, shifters, faeries, paladins, hunters, what-have-you's) are capable of complex thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Cows don't call themselves anything. They eat grass, they drink water, they reproduce, they shit, they die.
to the paladin, you’re the cow

but thx for missing the point
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Fri Dec 06, 2024 12:55 pm

Carrot wrote:
Fri Dec 06, 2024 12:34 pm
Unlike a cow, we (humans, vampires, werewolves, shifters, faeries, paladins, hunters, what-have-you's) are capable of complex thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Cows don't call themselves anything. They eat grass, they drink water, they reproduce, they shit, they die.

Yours in service and honor,
High Councilor of Battle Cloak
Mrs. C. Matsuda
Peacekeepers Mission 3
Cows are quite capable of complex feelings and emotions including fear, anxiety, joy, grief and social bonds. Without the ability for actual speech, it is a bit difficult to say anything about whether or not they have ideas, though I, after years of extensive time spent with animals in general believe they do, even if rudimentary in comparison to the more evolved bipedal animals.

Do not dishonor the cows
Tell the wolves I am home
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Fri Dec 06, 2024 1:04 pm

ophelia wrote:
Fri Dec 06, 2024 12:55 pm
Do not dishonor the cows
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