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End of a Warlette?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 9:16 am
by Vex
The Carousel Warlette[1] began on November 17th, 2017 with 5 members of din Kolesi[2] hitting Seyda St. John. CrimsonClover is the co-matriarch of the din Kolesi lineage, but it was Daly din Kolesi who initially decided to attack Seyda. While St John is not a warring lineage, members of the family quickly banded together to defend their matriarch as more hitters were added to the din Kolesi (DK) side of the conflict[3].

Daly was last sighted at 2174 pints, dropped roughly 1500 pints, and was zeroed from ~500 pints by Kiki, nitenurse, and Pulse. St John does not take credit for the initial 1500 pints Daly lost, nor are they aware of how/why he came to lose them. As Liander previously reported, Daly has remained tight lipped about the reason for the blood loss. Speculation among the defenders range from outside help (though no possible ‘help’ was noted by Pulse & company when they arrived to finish the job), to a botched attempt on a hunter[4].

To date, Team St John have brought three of the offensive team to zero[5] while DK & co. have failed to take out a single St John combatant[6]. While DK/Caedis botched the attempt to stake Pulse, St John had the early opportunity to take out both Dea di Luna and Daciana, who has remained at 973 pints for two weeks, making her an easy target.

“We declined the kill,” Seyda says of both Dea and Daciana. “I was appalled at Crimson’s leadership decision to allow an underpowered vampire, which means she probably didn’t even HAVE stock, to hit at all. And I think the best lesson is by example. We COULD have, but didn’t.”

Seyda has since spoken to Dash, who has removed herself from the conflict. As for Dea, St John simply opted to pass on the kill:

“We passed on Dea multiple times as well, and that was simply because I’m not as obsessed with her as they would like the city to believe.[...] it was ironic that the 'Seyda is obsessed' narrative started to spin the same day she dropped blood and then necroed later, and it screamed of them trying to set up her kill for them to say that I was so obsessed that I killed her first.”

With Daly brought to zero under peculiar circumstances, din Kolesi may be seeing the end in sight. CrimsonClover declined to comment other than to reaffirm that Daly had said all he’d had to say prior to his fall, presumably referring to this conversation between Pulse and Daly:

Pulse: So where is the end? Cause, yanno, I gotta finish up all this stuff before I can crash into sleep again.
Daly: When I get zeroed, I guess. Or when Seyda does. And I don't see her taking a zeroing, so I guess (I a]m.

Based on this conversation, it would seem din Kolesi considers the matter done and dusted. Seyda St John, however, still has a bone to pick.

“Daly made it clear that they all had their own reasons for hitting,” she said, “I don’t think he considered that he had no say. […] The second the 5 of them hit me, they entered my world. […] The issues with Crimson and Nar far outweigh anything with Daly.”

Caedis is another beast entirely, with no ceasefire in sight.

Seyda added that she is very proud of her House, as they have never fought as a unit before; St John values relationships between members and does not act as a warring unit, but the family’s performance has exceeded the matriarch’s expectations.


[1] For reasons of clarity, this conflict considers all skirmishes and altercations between St John-Adaire and din Kolesi/Caedis/de Bouillon/etc as one large conflict.

[2] Daly, CrimsonClover, Narcisssa, Daciana, and Drayden

[3] Complete list of attackers and defenders, with join date.
St John
[11.17] Seyda
[11.17] Pulse
[11.17] ladypeacek
[11.17] Rubi
[11.26] nitenurse
[11.26] Josephine
[11.26] Whitefang
[11.26] Kiki
[11.27] Aida {severed}
din Kolesi
[11.17] Daly {zeroed}
[11.17] CrimsonClover
[11.17] Narcisssa
[11.17] Drayden
[11.17] Daciana {out}

[11.18] Aralyn
[11.26] Aziza Laredo {zeroed}
[11.26] Katelyn
[11.26] Vincent Steele
[11.26] Stein
[11.26] Blane Cargoyle

de Bouillon/Mandruleanu
[11.21] Elizabeth
[11.21] Vetras
[11.21] Tiergan
[11.21] Michiru
[11.21] Dea di Luna
[11.21] Erszebet V
[11.21] Maureen {severed}

[11.30] blackdragon

[4] St John noted unusual blood gains and losses on the DK side of the conflict since the beginning, most notably Dea di Luna’s drop under 1k that led to her necroing 2k. Other spikes in blood (between 100-200 pints) were also observed on CrimsonClover and Narcisssa over short periods of time.

[5] blackdragon, Aziza Laredo and Daly have been zeroed by St John; note blackdragon only hit – and was zeroed for – attacking ladypeacek.

[6] AlexAyres and Jessie_Love were both brought to zero. Jessie by Caedis, and Alex by unaffiliated participants in response to to his comments regarding current events, but neither have thrown a vial in the actual conflict. Likewise, non combatants Alain and Sisillia of Caedis were both zeroed by St John UVG.


EDIT 1 [12.7]:
Footnotes 3 and 6 have been updated. 3- Column headers were flipped; 6- DK did not attack either party; wording changed to reflect actual attackers

EDIT 2 [12.9]:
Wording updated. CrimsonClover is the co-leader of din Kolesi; din Kolesi as a whole is not involved in the conflict, rather several individuals from the lineage.

Re: End of a Warlette?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 3:28 pm
by Josephine
Great article Vex. Thank you for reporting on facts and witness interviews without self supposation. Very professional and journalistic approach.

Re: End of a Warlette?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 3:32 pm
by CordaTacita
Just to point out one thing aside that it's a rather great read, That is not the full list of hitter however carry on.

Re: End of a Warlette?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 4:31 pm
by Vulture
Then by all means, update with who was left out.

Re: End of a Warlette?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 4:34 pm
by Sartori
Vulture wrote:
Wed Dec 06, 2017 4:31 pm
Then by all means, update with who was left out.
And ruin the fun!? Are you MAD!?

Re: End of a Warlette?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 4:37 pm
by Vulture
True. We do not want to expose the Grinch. Or was it the Ents?

Re: End of a Warlette?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 5:35 pm
by Gypsy
Great article Vex!

Re: End of a Warlette?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 5:43 pm
by Michiru
It is well written Vexian, however there are corrections to be made.

Re: End of a Warlette?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 8:22 pm
by Vex
Updated the footnotes.

Re: End of a Warlette?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 10:43 pm
by Willa
Well done, sire.