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Ezra's Mistake

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 5:34 pm
by Daciana
"Since my return to this city, I have made deals with a handful of people to avoid this exact scenario.
Since I've made these deals the handful of people who were attacked today have broken these agreements step by step. I have been very willing to work with you every step of the way. But when you run around the city and try to muster up people to attack my childe, you have single-handedly shown me that your word means nothing. If some of you did not know this agreement took place, it is because you did not need to know.
And I know in a lot of areas you find me and my childe guilty and say we have broken this agreement first."

You burned Ezra with holy water!

"The reason you were attacked is because there are multiple people who can attest that the abuse Orion gave you, you directly asked for for foreplay. I'm not going to sit here and believe for one second that for one time and immortal man, now an immortal woman, could not defend themself against this "abuse" if they did not want it."

You burned Vex with holy water!

"You're a lying piece of shit, a complete failure as a leader, and all the losses to your de Draak lineage is evidence to that, that is not my fault."

You burned Liander with holy water!

"Because you're a manipulative piece of shit and you should know better than anybody that fighting your girlfriend's ex makes you look weaker than her."

"I'm done pretending that this lineage is above me, mine, or anybody else. I do not have an outstanding beef with the D'dary lineage anymore. The reasoning behind this attack was because I received concrete evidence that Ezra was gathering numbers to attack my childe. I'm not going to sit around and talk to you. If you want my fight, then come fucking get it."
Daly din Kolesi
Leader of the House of Silence

Re: Ezra's Mistake

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 7:30 pm
by Rain
Not to start some shit, but.... Dash =/= Daly, so.....

Re: Ezra's Mistake

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 7:57 pm
by Josephine
Yep. Dash is not Daly.. Hence why the release was signed by Daly. Dash was just the eternally lovable messenger.

Re: Ezra's Mistake

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 11:09 pm
by Admin
REMINDER: Community Standards apply to this thread and any other filed under News and Reports. Posts in breach of our standards have been split off into the WAYT thread.

Thank you.

Re: Ezra's Mistake

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:53 am
by Madadh
Sorry. What I meant was.


If you could hear me, I'd be chanting it.

Re: Ezra's Mistake

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:43 pm
by Drella
You burned Orion with Holy Water!

Andre: You burned Orion with Holy Water!
Dahlia-: You burned Orion with Holy Water!
Sheyrena: You burned Orion with Holy Water!
Jaenelle: You burned Orion with Holy Water!
Ephiny: You burned Orion with Holy Water!
Tarin: You burned Orion with Holy Water!

As was originally asked of us, Orion's blood has been shed. There has been speculation as to the why of things, and generally speaking we do not condone abuse of family members - which leads to the more pressing issue at hand. You picked the wrong hill.

When you abuse members of your family, bad things happen. Planning coups, guilting members, and misrepresenting family ideals to suit your narrative is not the way to enact the change you wish to see.

Your link with Liander has been severed.

When you abuse the love and respect your family has for you, bad things happen. Manipulating facts, giving ultimatums, and using leaders from other factions to sway our hand regarding family matters is not the way to settle personal scores.

Your link with Ezra has been severed.

When you abuse the power your family has awarded you, bad things happen. The name of D'dary is not a bargaining chip to be used at one's convenience. It is not a free pass to sow discord among members. It is not a tool for you to wield freely at the expense of others you claim to support.

At this time, any prior alliance between the houses of D'dary and de Draak is officially null and void. Vexian de Draak, Ezra de Draak, and Liander del Vecchio - you no longer hold the rights to the D'dary name and are to continue as free agents of the city.

-House of D'dary

Re: Ezra's Mistake

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:44 pm
by Jaenelle
“I don’t fully understand your reasons, but treason has NEVER been accepted within D’dary, knowing my history you know this is a hard line for me that will never be accepted.”

Liander del Vecchio, I, Jaenelle D’dary hereby strip you of all right to bear the name D’dary, and cast you out of our House.

Ezra de Draak, I, Jaenelle D’dary hereby strip you of all right to bear the name D’dary, and cast you out of our House.

Vexian de Draak, I, Jaenelle D’dary hereby strip you of all right to bear the name D’dary, and cast you out of our House.


On behalf of Sheyrena D’dary

"There is healthy disagreement with your leadership, and then there is treason. We've learned the hard way never to put up with the latter. The three of you do not deserve to bear our name."

Liander del Vecchio, I, Sheyrena D’dary hereby strip you of all right to bear the name D’dary, and cast you out of our House.

Ezra de Draak, I, Sheyrena D’dary hereby strip you of all right to bear the name D’dary, and cast you out of our House.

Vexian de Draak, I, Sheyrena D’dary hereby strip you of all right to bear the name D’dary, and cast you out of our House.

Re: Ezra's Mistake

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 6:02 pm
by Josephine
And this happened.. Drella, can you teach me to be savage like you? Pretty please?

Re: Ezra's Mistake

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 6:29 pm
by Caillie

Re: Ezra's Mistake

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 6:43 pm
by Daly
Caillie wrote:
Thu Apr 12, 2018 6:29 pm

While being a sire, you need to think of your entire lineage not just the selfish demands of one person. I wouldn't go pissing people off while your lineage is at war.

Find some offs to fuck, and quickly.