An open letter to the denizens of RavenBlack City

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Sun Sep 08, 2024 10:02 pm

8 September 2024
RavenBlack City

Emotions have been running high this week at the Nightwatch HQ. Our public servants have recently come under fire for the introduction of the “blacklist,” a controversial if well-intentioned operational decision posed by Lt. Everly and approved of by the Commander, as you will see is all a matter of public record.

The blacklist has since then been removed and is now defunct, thanks to the response of concerned citizens who felt that the blacklist was too punitive and not in the interest of a free, empowered society, which has always been the aim of the Nightwatch.

The Nightwatch since its inception has sworn itself to the ideals of enduring liberty and justice. It is a testament to the Nightwatch’s commitment to these ideals that they have listened and heard the vox populi and have taken appropriate action.

Make no mistake: this is a win for the Nightwatch and for the city at large.

While dissension, debate and discussion are in the spirit of the historical Nightwatch charter, penned in 2003 by Archangel, Capadocious, and a list of the founding fathers of our city, and indeed must be celebrated, I am disheartened by the display of what I can only describe as bad faith by two prominent political figures in our city: one Doncey Shadowlight and one Julia Pacherontis.

A member of the CLA until recently, Doncey Shadowlight penned a letter addressed to the members of the Nightwatch demanding the return of the Nightwatch status quo. “Status quo” here means a dying hall and discussions between the Commander and the esteemed Smitsmit to close the halls of the Nightwatch, due to a lack of interest from the society it serves.

Julia Pacherontis and Doncey Shadowlight would have you believe that there is a conspiracy—a “mutiny”—a “takeover” and a “restructure” at the Nightwatch.

I cannot fault them for their ignorance.

By the Shadowlight patriarch’s own admission, due to his own failure, he had considered the CLA defunct. He had not taken an active interest in the Nightwatch or the CLA until he stepped down from his seat as an ambassador, and with others on the board of the CLA, he had allowed the CLA and, by extension, the Nightwatch to stagnate in silence. And indeed, to operate on a shoestring budget, which according to public records equals to a pittance of not even a million coin between Transit Guards.

The House of Pacherontis, according to Julia Pacherontis’s own words, has always had the ability to “pledge a stupid amount of money” to “flush out the NW’s coffers.”

Julia Pacherontis has also stated that she would rather see the Nightwatch close its doors than to see its members attempt to revitalize this organization, all because of two new policies that she disagrees with.

The first policy: To bring the CLA into the Nightwatch HQ in the interest of visibility and transparency.

The second: the now-defunct blacklist.

As a supporter of the Nightwatch, I must regrettably state my disgust, seeing it once again be threatened by paranoia and politics, when all proceedings of the CLA and the NW have been made available for public viewing and public participation.

What is not in the spirit of the Nightwatch is this: abandoning your duty to your city and your lineage as a CLA Ambassador only to return and attempt to sow internal discord in the Nightwatch—a clear political move.

It is not in the spirit of the NW to accept bribes from individuals and lineages whose interest seems to lie squarely in political gain and the maintenance of status quo. Not when the city is changing. Not when voices from your own lineages and clans are here in these halls, attempting to revitalize and re-enliven this institution and the ideals it stands by.

While my lineage does not ascribe to neutrality as a stance, we understand that diversity of voices and representatives in the CLA leads to the city flourishing under several banners. Currently, the CLA members include representatives from my house, Pacherontis, Shadowlight, Lokason, Cuan, Mahorela, Amandine, St John-Adaire-Wolfe, de Draak, the Ferrymen, and one Ohana Fuentes, a new senator.

While my lineage does not ascribe to neutrality as a stance, it is in our best interest to see this city thrive under diversity—which Mr. Shadowlight can attest to, as my husband himself encouraged Mr. Shadowlight to attend and participate in CLA discussions before Mr. Shadowlight stepped down.

The new ambassadors of the HOP and Shadowlight lineages have been invited to partake in discussions on the docket regarding CLA operations, and indeed Mr. Raize Pacherontis is planning on a motion which he will, in the future, present to the CLA docket for votation.

To the Shadowlight and Pacherontis lineages, and indeed all concerned citizens of this city, I have this to say:

If your aim is the promulgation of this institution and the society it serves, then yes: make your voice be heard. Speak to a NW representative about operations. Disagree. Be present.

Mr. Shadowlight, Ms. Pacheronits: if your concern for the NW and this society is sincere, I must urge you to take up the mantle as ambassador to your lineages and to offer your support and coin with no regard for recognition or with the expectation that your coin will buy the Nightwatch’s compliance.

The Nightwatch is the City, and it will not be drowned out and destroyed by politics and paranoia.

The Nightwatch is the City, and this City will not be bought.

Yours in Good Faith,
Robert J. von Nassau-Schiaraffa
CLA Ambassador to the Haus Schiaraffa
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Sun Sep 08, 2024 10:46 pm

Vanitas wrote:
Sun Sep 08, 2024 10:02 pm

It is not in the spirit of the NW to accept bribes from individuals and lineages whose interest seems to lie squarely in political gain and the maintenance of status quo. Not when the city is changing. Not when voices from your own lineages and clans are here in these halls, attempting to revitalize and re-enliven this institution and the ideals it stands by.

While my lineage does not ascribe to neutrality as a stance, we understand that diversity of voices and representatives in the CLA leads to the city flourishing under several banners.
To make short of a very long matter: this.
And some of you call us a regime. Dear Lord.

If you want to continue stifling institutions and lineages into inactivity unless you're the ones driving them forth as it may befit your own agendas, I'm going to tell you right here, right now: we're not letting it happen.

You're free to continue keeping to yourselves. You're free to participate and put your concerns forth. You're not free to come piss all over the group of people (because yes, we are aligned in that respect! Imagine different people agreeing to something for the good of the whole!) trying to make change happen.

The status quo is dead. Get with it or move out of the way.
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Sun Sep 08, 2024 11:43 pm

We appreciate all of your continued support. Today was hard, for obvious reasons, but it ended up in some good work. The NightWatch continues to encourage you all to submit your concerns to either us or the CLA. However, please do so in a manner that is conducive to a conversation being able to take place.
Last edited by Coldy on Mon Sep 09, 2024 2:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Sun Sep 08, 2024 11:47 pm

I regret how this letter was received, though I will not apologize for writing it. My intention was to share my opinions on the current state of the NightWatch, without detracting from the excellent work that the officers do on a daily basis. Unfortunately, my words were twisted. I wrote as a concerned citizen, making suggestions that would preserve the NightWatch's identity while ensuring its continued growth and activity. I did not make demands, as I have no authority to do so.

If you believe this concern came out of nowhere, you haven't been paying attention. This issue is not mine alone, nor is it Julia's. There is concern and fear within the very halls of the headquarters, expressed by both officers and CLA members. However, the longer I observed, the clearer it became that no one had the courage to speak up and voice these concerns. My letter was serious, but measured. I didn't call anyone out by name, nor did I insult the officers or their work. I simply spoke what many are already thinking, both inside and outside the organization.

For sharing these concerns, I was initially thanked. But I watched as the officers worked themselves into a frenzy over the course of two or three hours, despite my saying very little. In the end, insults were directed at me. In my view, their reaction was entirely self-inflicted; I did nothing to provoke it.

In my opinion, stepping down from the CLA was the right decision. If voicing thoughts, concerns, and suggestions results in this kind of reaction, it's not an organization I want to be a part of. I sincerely hope that my childe will not be treated in the same way when she speaks as a representative of the Shadowlight lineage.

It's clear to me that such reactions are why many people are hesitant to communicate openly. But that's fine. Once again, the blame can be placed on me for "stifling institutions and lineages into inactivity." Sure, I'll take it.

Julia, bless her heart, stepped in, unbeknownst to me, when blame was being unfairly placed on Dresden. She spoke after the conversation had already deteriorated beyond the point of being constructive.

Take a moment to pause and reflect on the situation before telling people what they can and cannot piss on. That wasn't what was happening here. I hold no allegiances to any of you, and I will continue to speak up when I feel it is appropriate.

Thank you.
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Mon Sep 09, 2024 12:15 am

Dear doncey,

Bless your heart. Another loquacious letter in all its banality and attempt to spin fabrications under guise of civility. This behind the scenes blame game is embarrassing to you and yours.

The Angelarium was opened by Anders and Willa, and since then many others have joined to fill a hole in this city, educating the youth and elders alike in various facets of the city…in a true neutral fashion. And here Marlo slights and throws shade on the hard work of this already successful and selfless establishment. Real evil going on behind those doors…

The CLA is NOT a relatively new establishment, it’s been around 10-ish years. Two of those Chancellors being Ferrymen leadership. I suppose you have so little faith in your own? Imagine the large inactivity of the NW not being an issue or something anyone wanted to bother with preserving, and because some of my line’s names are attached to supporting their revival…suddenly there’s a problem.

So many plots afoot, indeed. Trying to pick up the pieces where you and yours have failed. The city has been destitute and decaying for years under your thumbs. Step aside and let those who actually care take the wheel. Your power is imaginary, your coin is moot, and your education has proven lacking.

Your reign is over. Accept it and let us fix the damage you’ve done.

Adamas Mahorela
Ambassador of the CLA
Patriarch of Mahorela
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Mon Sep 09, 2024 1:23 am

I wrote as a concerned citizen, making suggestions that would preserve the NightWatch's identity while ensuring its continued growth and activity. I did not make demands, as I have no authority to do so.
I quote your letter to the Nightwatch Headquarters, which is now a matter of public record:
My relationship with the current commander on the NightWatch is well known. I do not blame Dresden for this current situation. I am quite sure she welcomed the advice and help she has received and quite possibly reached out for.
Who do you blame? And why did you not state names so that the nature of your concern could be addressed? Why hide behind vague, baseless accusations instead of being a true advocate for your cause, whatever cause that may be? True advocatorship means saying what you mean; true advocatorship means speaking your truth and standing in your convictions, regardless of who may disagree with what you say.
However, there comes a time when as a commander, she has to learn to say NO. No, it is not okay to move into the headquarters
For what reason?
No it is not okay to demand restructure of something that has run without help for years
Restructure was not demanded. Another baseless accusation.

The Nightwatch runs with the help of the society it serves. Perhaps if you had stayed to help the organization you purport to be passionate about, you would know that.
No it is not okay for the CLA to elude to the fact she could be replaced when she was placed in this position by somebody that is absolutely sure she can and will run the NightWatch and keeping to true to its values that kept it running for many... many years. My conclusions has come after making a comment that the NightWatch was acting in an uncharacteristic manner by calling out and listing city members on a “blacklist” in a local paper, I was instantly called into the CLA and “reminded” as a CLA member that I could have partaken in this conversation, and if I had something to say I needed to be speaking about it in the CLA, while sure this “reminder” was valid, I will not now, nor ever, have my public opinion censored by any one group or organization I belong to or am part of.
I will quote Chancellor Vexian de Draak's addendum to your letter, which is as follows:
A couple points of record:
  • the blacklist was not approved by the CLA as it was an operational decision, so I’m not sure why you were reminded of anything; the CLA guidelines for members are to represent their groups faithfully and be respectful of one another, that is all. There’s no provision against public criticism, though if there’s a problem with an operational aspect, it absolutely should be brought up
  • the CLA votes used to take place on-site and were only sliced off in 2018; the alternate voting location was used only briefly and really didn’t work as intended, hence moving CLA HQ back here. That does not give the CLA blanket access to operational affairs and things remain separate
  • the NW is responsible for operations and the CLA are responsible for oversight; usually this includes formalizing new commanders (for example as happened with Solanea, and her subsequent removal in a vote of non-confidence). Dresden was never formalized as new commander and I was personally hoping this could be rectified in short order once the CLA is a functional unit again.
  • CLA members are not privy to internal discussions on operational matters.
You continue:
It was at this point I followed the action I was already contemplating and stepped down by placing my childre as a representative of my lineage in my stead.
Why were you contemplating stepping down, if you believe yourself to be an advocate for the Nightwatch? To what end? Is it not better to stay and speak and make change, if you are indeed concerned for the wellbeing of this institution and this city?
If you believe this concern came out of nowhere, you haven't been paying attention. This issue is not mine alone, nor is it Julia's. There is concern and fear within the very halls of the headquarters, expressed by both officers and CLA members.
What issues? Why were they not brought forth to the CLA and by extant Nightwatch guardians, who are working to revitalize their institution?
However, the longer I observed, the clearer it became that no one had the courage to speak up and voice these concerns. My letter was serious, but measured. I didn't call anyone out by name, nor did I insult the officers or their work. I simply spoke what many are already thinking, both inside and outside the organization.

For sharing these concerns, I was initially thanked. But I watched as the officers worked themselves into a frenzy over the course of two or three hours, despite my saying very little. In the end, insults were directed at me. In my view, their reaction was entirely self-inflicted; I did nothing to provoke it.
What you fail to mention is that you and your wife did, in fact, provoke an emotional reaction from members of the Nightwatch when you so very subtly accused the current lieutenant, who has been working night and day with the Commander to revitalize the institution, of acting against the best interest of the Nightwatch. I quote:
Remind your officers that as such, they should remain neutral in all aspects of the city while representing the organization. This would included not calling out citizens for perceived threats unless detrimental to the longevity to the security or ethics of the city. Example, personal opinions, thievery, or acts of war, including instruction of latter subjects.
In her defence, the Lieutenant wrote:
Oh, and as for your mention of teaching classes - first, I haven't taught any warring classes. I have specifically mentioned in my thieving classes that it is not my purview. Those records are also publicly available to view in the Angelarium if you don't believe me. But if we chose to, it would be with the same purpose and intent as the classes I have held - citywide education and arming people with the tools to prevent what almost happened here, and what has happened to a thousand clans and lineages before us. And if you have a problem with general education from a neutral organization, I can't honestly say I trust your motives.
While I'm here, I'd like to quote Julia's letter, which closely followed yours:
Looking at you Coldy, the wiki information is there for all. You may need a remedial class, just saying.
You continue:
In my opinion, stepping down from the CLA was the right decision. If voicing thoughts, concerns, and suggestions results in this kind of reaction, it's not an organization I want to be a part of. I sincerely hope that my childe will not be treated in the same way when she speaks as a representative of the Shadowlight lineage.
If in your opinion, your childe cannot speak to the CLA and the Nightwatch without fear of a "reaction" - "reactions," I may add, that you and your wife, in fact, provoked - why appoint her at all? If your concern is sincere, would it not be better to stay in the CLA, be courageous, speak your truth, and be prepared for "reactions"?

They are, after all, in fact only reactions. We cannot divorce passion from advocacy, the same way we cannot divorce logic and measured responses to these proceedings. Logic and measured responses, by the way, include fact-checking your accusations before you level them on an entire institution.

Again I must ask: To what end? Is it not better to stay and speak and make change, if you are indeed concerned for the wellbeing of this institution and this city? Is it not more courageous to stay in these halls, to speak, to work towards the goal that you purport to share with the Nightwatch and the CLA?
It's clear to me that such reactions are why many people are hesitant to communicate openly. But that's fine. Once again, the blame can be placed on me for "stifling institutions and lineages into inactivity." Sure, I'll take it.
See above. You are not a victim of your voice being stifled. You have in fact been heard. You must understand, sir, that as is your right to speak, it is my right and indeed the right of every citizen of this city, to respond in kind.

I'm sorry to see that you don't seem to understand that freedom of expression goes both ways.
Julia, bless her heart, stepped in, unbeknownst to me, when blame was being unfairly placed on Dresden. She spoke after the conversation had already deteriorated beyond the point of being constructive.
Patently false. You received a response from a CLA Chancellor and the Lieutenant, responding to your accusations in kind. The above quote from Ms. Pacherontis is from the letter she herself wrote.

Commander Dresden received feedback from the CLA, designed for this very purpose. She is the leader of the Nightwatch. And I quote Seyda, a Chancellor of the CLA:
On the NW side, in the past 30 days, outside of a promotion and sporadic greenlighting of projects, the entire revitalization efforts have fallen on the shoulders of Everly, Coldy, and Lilou while Dresden has been largely absent. After the blacklist public debacle and still no word from Dresden for a day, I pulled both she and Everly, the other NW officer, into a private conversation after speaking with Vex. The intent was to get everyone on the same page since there was still purview confusion and to also ensure that the imbalance of work was addressed. During that conversation, I told Dresden that she needed to have more of a presence, and she needed to take on more of the workload, and if she did not have the capacity, she needed to resign. She told me that she would not, and she and Everly would work it out. Considering that Everly is the one who was functionally doing Dresden’s job for her and therefore being taken advantage of, that was not an acceptable answer. Due to that, I gave Dresden a 24-hour deadline to submit a work plan that included public presence to the Chancellors and if it was not received, we would make a motion to remove her as Commander. She requested an extension to Monday because she wished to consult with smit, and that was granted.
You say:
Take a moment to pause and reflect on the situation before telling people what they can and cannot piss on.
I must urge you to take a moment to pause and reflect on a situation - and gather information afforded to you - before putting your next accusation in writing.
I hold no allegiances to any of you, and I will continue to speak up when I feel it is appropriate.
As will I.
Thank you.
You're welcome.

I hope to see you and your wife rise to this challenge. Prove me wrong.
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Mon Sep 09, 2024 10:05 am

Vanitas wrote:
Sun Sep 08, 2024 10:02 pm

Thank you for posting this for those of us that weren't present and unsure of what happened. It's greatly appreciated!
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Mon Sep 09, 2024 12:32 pm

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Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:16 pm

ophelia wrote:
Mon Sep 09, 2024 10:05 am
Thank you for posting this for those of us that weren't present and unsure of what happened. It's greatly appreciated!
My pleasure!
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