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Alex Ayres
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Fri Nov 01, 2024 5:13 am

Vex wrote:
Thu Oct 31, 2024 11:19 pm
You mean like the nice conversation the names on that list could have had with us after listening to a completely fabricated story and before taking a vote? This isn't about you. This isn't about your opinions.
Ooffff… and I literally said I was done.

But yes that’s exactly what I mean. If what you’re saying is true (it usually isn’t), then absolutely I think they could have had a conversation.

And I know this whole thread is about a revenge tour you’re going on 6 years after something happened. You’re a confederate flag waving 90s band going on a revenge throwback tour because a group of people decided you and your friends were traitors and now you want to re-write the narrative.

While the war games was actually fun to watch, this looks like a bunch of school children poorly attempting to put on a Shakespearean tragedy.

The thing is you and your friends and family decided to post it on your public website. So now anyone is allowed to tell you their opinion on it. “Anyone” includes me. So buckle up. :lol:

Vex wrote:
Thu Oct 31, 2024 11:19 pm
Alex Ayres wrote:
Thu Oct 31, 2024 7:12 am
If you ever want to grab a drink or a coffee when it feels like you're slipping and you just want a chat without worrying family and friends, I'm basically always free.
Absolutely not. As my family have already clearly stated (you guys are the best, uwu), I'm thoroughly covered.
That’s good! Just seemed like while you were in your depressive state six whole years ago yet still posting on Ab regularly, you weren’t “present” enough to see what was going on with your friends, thus probably weren’t communicating regularly with them as you weren’t “present”, but since you were posting on Ab, you could still be “present” in an alternative way, just not for the people who were going through what ever they were going through.

So if you weren’t “present” enough to deal with what was going on with your friends and within your family, but were present enough to post on Ab almost every day, that would suggest that sometimes it’s easier for you to talk to people who aren’t your family and friends when you are depressed. Thus my offer.

I really didn’t think that needed spelling out, but you’ve never been the quickest so I’m happy to.

Vex wrote:
Thu Oct 31, 2024 11:19 pm
Please stop derailing shit with your need to have the last word. Here's a genuine suggestion: try replying to things without using the words 'I/my/me'. Decentering your worldview from yourself might help you make some friends so you're not basically always free anymore.
…pretty sure offering someone who says they go through depressive episodes the opportunity to get coffee is a friendly thing to do. Not sure why that was met with such attitude but it is what it is.

This whole thing is hilarious because you’re talking about something that happened 6 years ago. Even when this stuff is fresh everything that everyone is saying is rumors and framed in such a way that they look justified in what they’re doing or how they’re reacting and the other person is awful. 6 years down the road and everything you’re saying or anyone is saying is about as valid as a deep fake.

So it’s your frankly not very honest word vs history.

My honest opinion, and one I’m sure is shared, but for people who care about their time and blood, is not worth saying out loud?

You were present (I basically know this because I was around then but I’m not going to argue about something that happened SIX YEARS AGO), and if seven (or more) ACTIVE members of your family make a decision on three ACTIVE members of your family, and no one in your family does anything about it at the time (for example, this entire thing you’re doing now), it seems like your ACTIVE family has spoken.

Gaz and your current family want to make some executive orders reversing that decision? That’s awesome!

But for all of Yawa saying my posts are public masturbation, this whole endeavor is one ridiculous, overblown, expired, circle jerk disguised as retribution.

And as far as the last word goes, it’s funny, isn’t it? Because you could choose to just not reply, you could choose to not quote me, so I don’t get a notification. You could choose to not get the last word…but none of you can seem to choose to make that decision, can you? Again, a bit hypocritical.

I actually don’t have anything else to say on this. So as far as this thread goes, this will be my last word. I’ll allow the focus to go back to Mean Girls on Ice 4: Regina gets revenge for that one time in elementary school where Karen poured sand in her pants. Hope it’s fun for you.
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Fri Nov 01, 2024 5:54 am

The artificially intelligent Alex Ayres cannot see the forest for the trees. Alas. There’s that potential. Close, but no cigar.

What the active members of D’dary do with their name is their business. I do love a good vengeance kick. I do love some fire and brimstone. Love to see it.

Personally I’m here to give names, not take them.

Interesting to see the names Alex Ayres tries to turn on you/me/we, though, see. Hypocrite, he says. Mean girls, he says. Confederate, he says. (Weird? Aren’t they the ones telling everyone to “get over it” usually?) I wonder if he knows how much he’s revealing of himself here, with these cute little names.

Am I a hypocrite? I Am.

Am I a Mean Girl? Awfully Republican of you to misgender me, Alex, but all right. :/

Am I mean, anyway? I Am.

Are we the drama?


Yes. We are. Clearly!


I’m glad we’ve cleared that up.

Get out of our shot. Wanker.

P.S, Why’s everyone so worried about fun? And as if six years is a long time to hold a grudge? :? I know we’re vampires et al on social media, and everything, but you…

You know what. Never mind. Kids these days. As you fucking were.
Last edited by Yawa on Fri Nov 01, 2024 6:38 am, edited 2 times in total.


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Fri Nov 01, 2024 6:34 am

I don't remember tuning into the Ceaseless Ramblings of Mr Ayres - 'I don't know what actually happened but here's my take and by the way, fuck you, Vexian™' channel but this is a paper that allows for free speech, even to those of the unlearned, self-absorbed, self-righteous variety.

When there are so many accounts and records that have already shown what a shady business this entire ordeal was six years ago, including a letter from a dead man who has absolutely nothing to gain by releasing his statement (because he's dead,) I'm inclined to believe their take.

Are you just upset that Vex doesn't want to have coffee with you? No means no, Ayres. Take it on the chin and leave it at that.

Yes, it happened six years ago. Dahlia stamped the D'dary name back onto herself six years after after ousting three members, despite not.. actually being a named member at the time, according to her, but I suppose that one is still up in the air. Regardless, it has, obviously, inspired a lot of feelings, six years after the fact. I'm personally not surprised.
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Fri Nov 01, 2024 8:13 am

I wasn't around when this happened six years ago, but once upon a time, when I was a fledgling, names that were passed down, earned, or given meant something. I can say that as someone who was given a last name and earned some last names from lineages that no longer exist.

I can understand why someone would be upset if they had their name stripped from them, no matter how much time has passed. Being stripped of something earned implies something about that person and theirs and it's not a good connotation. If you haven't earned a name, then you likely don't get the sentiment.

I hope everyone can move forward from this and there can be some closure when the dust settles.
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Fri Nov 01, 2024 9:10 am

Church wrote:
Fri Nov 01, 2024 6:34 am
I don't remember tuning into the Ceaseless Ramblings of Mr Ayres - 'I don't know what actually happened but here's my take and by the way, fuck you, Vexian™' channel but this is a paper that allows for free speech, even to those of the unlearned, self-absorbed, self-righteous variety.

When there are so many accounts and records that have already shown what a shady business this entire ordeal was six years ago, including a letter from a dead man who has absolutely nothing to gain by releasing his statement (because he's dead,) I'm inclined to believe their take.

Are you just upset that Vex doesn't want to have coffee with you? No means no, Ayres. Take it on the chin and leave it at that.

Yes, it happened six years ago. Dahlia stamped the D'dary name back onto herself six years after after ousting three members, despite not.. actually being a named member at the time, according to her, but I suppose that one is still up in the air. Regardless, it has, obviously, inspired a lot of feelings, six years after the fact. I'm personally not surprised.
He doesn't like that 2024 has turned into the year of accountability and would rather gaslight the city into thinking this is unreasonable. Perhaps to take attention off his own sins in which he was hit for last month but pretends didn't happen.
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Fri Nov 01, 2024 10:00 am

I've been called a lot of things, but rarely dishonest - have you met me? :lol: Nice to see Alex does have something unique to offer.

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