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Trash Pile Hotties: 1st edition

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:01 am
by Damia
So it hasn't escaped my attention that some new hotties have appeared/reappeared. And old just ok bodies have gotten some fucking delicious upgrades.

And since I'm fucking losing my mind over here, I decided to focus on one of my new favorite things in this body.

Sex baby.

So with no more bullshit I give my picks for the cream of the trash pile hot daddy and mommies! Now unfortunately am these hot trash queens and kings are taken by don't let that stop you from drooling .. like I did.

First up is a newcomer to our fair city. Dominique the delicious, please give me sex on the beach bartender. She's taken but the domi mommy vibes are still real. Her gf will cut a bitch though, so please stay 5 feet away while even begging her for a drink.

Next up is an oldies but can I say much under appreciated goody. Lady Tessa in the streets but could be wild kinky sex queen in the sheets. This subdued beauty hit my radar and may I say while she is taken and maybe a bit repressed, those are the ones who go wild in the sack. This hostess with the most mostest deserves a all the roses and sweaty Palms in town.

Third runner up is a bit of new lady herself. She's not sired but is also taken (damn these smart fuckers picking up the hotties) a lovely vampiress by the name of Sage do me in the moonlight. She might not be widely known but I spied her across a few vials of hw and couldn't help but give a sigh. Luscious are assets and worth several admiring glances.

Last but not least. A male I never thought would give me wet dreams.. but there you go. Our brand new oldie with best sexed Up remake...Vexian please spank me daddy. I mean sure he had a ok face before but now the face and body scream out for all the girls and boys to line up for a smacking. But again sadly my trashy readers.. he's taken. Or at least dating someone. So once again, form an orderly whipping line 5 feet away.

Too much? Over the line? Well then you fuckers write something. Because I'm over the wordy cowards who don't do shit.

Anyways. To my four hotties, I congratulate you on keeping the hot standards high in this city.

Re: Trash Pile Hotties: 1st edition

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:08 am
by CordaTacita
Go daddy vex.

Re: Trash Pile Hotties: 1st edition

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:16 am
by Vex
I got laid and stopped myself from rotting. It does wonders for the complexion, apparently.

Also, I feel violated. Please stop wet dreaming about me.

Re: Trash Pile Hotties: 1st edition

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 8:46 pm
by drew
This was a lot to process. Lol

Congrats, you sexy fuckers!

Re: Trash Pile Hotties: 1st edition

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2023 10:06 am
by Azeara
... I need to unread this.

Re: Trash Pile Hotties: 1st edition

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 2:01 am
by Akria
I read this as ya not getting laid. Hope ya luck changes.

Also do ya not have enough money ta move out of the trash can? I mean if ya need a loan I'm sure someone would give you some cash.

Re: Trash Pile Hotties: 1st edition

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 7:52 am
by ophelia
I feel like I need to do drugs just to understand this jibberish.

Re: Trash Pile Hotties: 1st edition

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 4:30 pm
by Koj
The excessive use of the word Daddy to people you don't know continues to ick me out.

Re: Trash Pile Hotties: 1st edition

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 4:05 am
by Oberon
Please consider never speaking in public again.

Re: Trash Pile Hotties: 1st edition

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2023 9:12 pm
by Damia
Oberon wrote:
Thu Mar 23, 2023 4:05 am
Please consider never speaking in public again.

Like this is fucking great. LIKE OMG BECKY. We can do each other nails while you tell me how much you hate me!