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EVENT COVERAGE: The Auctions - Breakdown

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 10:36 am
by Liander
The auctions are back and in full swing again this year, helmed once more by Julia with the assistance of Daciana, Michiru, and Xedanis. Julia has hosted the last nine auctions, though they were a yearly staple even before she took charge of them. This year seems to have drawn more activity than in the past few years, with a total of fourteen males, nineteen females, and one couple available on the block - and still time to sign up. For comparison, there were only twenty individuals and two couples up for bid in the last auction. While this is likely due to the change in venue and the subsequent ease of availability, it could also be a sign of life finally breathing its way back into the city.

The purpose of this article is to assist those who are vaguely interested in the auctions but can't be bothered to go the venue themselves, or if those just tired of sorting through all the information there. What follows is a breakdown of the need-to-know information, including rules, standards, and who's doing what without the fluff.

First the rules, but simplified*:
  • Slaves are allowed three stipulations - what they will not do - but this seems to be very fluid this year, with some slaves outlining multiple "hard limits" and going on at length about it to fit in as much into these three things as possible.
  • There are two events running simultaneously: the silent auctions, which take place over a week, and the live auctions.
  • 10% of your bids need to be paid to staff; the rest goes to the slaves.
  • Failure to abide by rules results in Julia shoving a banhammer up your ass - and yes, you have to pay if you want her to do that anyways.
*For a full breakdown of the rules, please check the pinned messages at the venue.

Next, we will provide an analysis of the slaves, separated by gender and whether they are "pleasure" or "company" slaves. For the purposes of this article, a pleasure slave is willing to do both. We will also provide a brief summary of each slave.

  • Alistair, AKA Who the hell is this guy?
    • Length of service: One week.
      Stipulations: Three paragraphs of fluff that amount to no hall activity, no bank activity, no disfigurement, no attacking others, no "servicing" men.
    • Length of service: One week.
      Stipulations: No hall activity, no bank activity, no disfigurement, and no pegging.
    Liander, AKA The Man, The Myth, The Legend, The Guy The Dos Equis Guy Looks Up To
    • Length of service: Price dependant.
      Stipulations: None.
    Zuri Petteri
    • Length of service: One week.
      Stipulations: No hall activity, no bank activity, no disfigurement.
    Ren, AKA Asian Kink
    • Length of service: One week.
      Stipulations: No bank activity, no scat, no bodily fluids in/on/around his person, no non-con or "dub-con" because apparently this society now uses the linguistics of anime and fanfiction obsessed teenagers.
    • Length of service: One week.
      Stipulations: No hall activity, resources and weapons will remain his own (loopholes, anybody?), and safeword: pineapples.
    Kurayami Itami, AKA Asian Kink 2.0
    • This slave has not posted any information.
    Cameron Dawson, AKA ... No but really, who?
    • Length of service: One week.
      Stipulations: No hall activity, no bank activity, no scat, no weapon activity.
    Brom, AKA I Still Don't Understand The Appeal Here
    • Length of service: Price dependant.
      Stipulations: No city events (i.e. the grid), no scat.
    Xedanis, AKA Vex's Butt Pirate
    • Length of service: Two weeks.
      Stipulations: No coin activity, no weapon activity, no hall activity, no sexual activity without Dahlia's consent.
    • Length of service: One week.
      Stipulations: No hall activity, no bank activity, no weapon activity.
    Jacomo Varis, AKA Watch out, We've Got A Badass Over Here
    • Length of service: One week.
      Stipulations: No severing, no attacking, no spending his coin, don't be boring, no "My Little Pony, two girls one cup bullshit."
    • Length of service: 168 hours spent together.
      Stipulations: No bank activity and keep it hygienic.

  • Ira, AKA I'm The Cool Nobody, Guys
    • Length of service: One week.
      Stipulations: No sexual activity, no eating feces, no bank activity.
    • Length of service: One week.
      Stipulations: No sexual activity, no hall activity, no bank activity.

  • Julia
    • Length of service: One week.
      Stipulations: Reservation of the right to say no to anything. Is it just me or is she missing the point of this thing?
    Lorrana, AKA I'm Buying This One, AKA Thank God There Won't Be A Pissing Contest Over Her This Year
    • Length of service: Two weeks.
      Stipulations: No hall activity, no bank activity, and no disfigurement.
    Addie, AKA This One Is Mine Too
    • Length of service: One week, though two weeks can be "spoken about."
      Stipulations: No using resources, no binding, keep it hygienic.
    Drusilla, AKA The Obligatory Regular
    • Length of service: Two weeks.
      Stipulations: No hall activity, no bank activity, no weapon activity, no disfigurement/permanent wounds, no bodily fluids besides cum and blood allowed to touch her.
    Sacred Harte
    • Length of service: Price dependant.
      Stipulations: No hall activity, no access to her resources, Safeword: CarrotStick. I'm not entirely sure how safewords became a stipulation, but hey - fucking millennials, amirite?
    Amaya Shannis
    • Length of service: Price dependant.
      Stipulations: Nothing permanent, which apparently includes damage, lineage, coin, property, piercings, and tattoos, no bodily fluid exchange besides cum and blood, no fighting.
    Dea di Luna, AKA I'm Here To Be Relevant
    • Length of service: Negotiable pending price.
      Stipulations: No permanent damage, no body modifications, "what is mine remains mine" (a lot of people actually have this, can someone please explain what the actual fuck this is supposed to mean?), reservation of the right to say no to anything, no hall activity, no bodily fluids, no public humiliation.
    Elisia Arden, AKA Seriously, who the fuck are these people?
    • Length of service: One week.
      Stipulations: Resources off limits, no hall activity, and the right to say no to anything - because fuck it, once there's a bandwagon everyone wants to jump on it.
    AnnaMolly, AKA You Should Buy This One, You Won't Be Disappointed
    • Length of service: Two weeks.
      Stipulations: No bodily fluids besides blood, nothing permanent - includes coin, vials, lineage, and scars, and safeword: Foliage.
    • Length of service: Price dependant.
      Stipulations: No permanent bodily damage or modification, reservation of the right to say no to anything, including but not limited to hall activity, bodily fluids, and public humiliation, and what is hers remains in her possession.
    • Length of service: One week.
      Stipulations: No bank activity, no hall activity, no attacking other people.
    Daciana, AKA I Think I Recognize This One?
    • Length of service: Price dependent, but not outlined.
      Stipulations: No permanent disfigurement, "belongings" remain hers, no hall activity.
    • Length of service: Two weeks.
      Stipulations: Coin and weapons remain hers, no hall activity, no disfigurement.
    Danica Rayne, AKA The Redhead You'll Actually Be Able To Afford
    • Length of service: Two weeks.
      Stipulations: No using coin or weapons, no hall activity, nothing "degrading" - oh honey, you must be new.
    Leiren, AKA The One That Just Lays There And Takes It
    • Length of service: Two weeks.
      Stipulations: No hall activity, nothing using her resources, and nothing "on a BDSM sheet" --- question, what if it's an S&M sheet?
    Airey, AKA I Think People Like Me More Than They Actually Do
    • Length of service: Price dependant.
      Stipulations: Subject to change if you try some "disgusting, foul shit", starting bid of 75K, no sexual activity for less than 300K, no binding for less than 3mil.
    • Length of service: Two weeks.
      Stipulations: No Fear Factor or Jackass stunts, nothing humiliating, nothing permanent, nothing that uses her resources.

  • Ezra, AKA My Chick Bad, The Best One, Spend All Your Money Here, Folks
    • Length of service: Two weeks
      Stipulations: No sexual activity, no overt BDSM elements, no hall activity, and any resource usage must be compensated for.
    Lilou, AKA The Mostly Virgin
    • Length of service: One week.
      Stipulations: No hall activity, no bank activity, no weapon activity, no sexual contact, BDSM scenes require a safe word.

  • Brom & Rosa
    • Length of service: Seven sessions within four weeks.
      Stipulations: All sessions held with both partners. None others outlined.

  • AnnaMolly - 250,000
    Lorrana - 450,000
    Daciana - 550,000
    Xedanis - 300,000
    Drayden - 80,000
    Brom - 105,000
    Vetras - 460,000
    Brom & Rosa - 100,000
    Liander & Inu - 420,000

THE MOST BANG FOR YOUR BUCK (see what I did there?)
    • Xedanis
      Danica Rayne
    • Sacred Harte

NUMBER OF SLAVES WHO EXCEEDED THREE STIPULATIONS: Technically 15, but really this boils down to a debate about the letter of the law versus the spirit of it. Every slave has numbered their stipulations, but I've extrapolated from the fluff to bring you the basics, and the problem is how everyone wants to word theirs and how we can all get away with shoving five stipulations into one so long as we just number our paragraphs.

This brings up an interesting point, which is that either the limits on stipulations need to be done away with entirely or enforced better. What constitutes a single stipulation? Apparently, that's a very vague definition. Another question is whether the auctions have lost their spirit - while it has never been a secret that sex sells, there used to be some level of danger and fear in going up on the block, which has evaporated entirely. What are your thoughts on these matters? Tell us in the comments below.

Re: EVENT COVERAGE: The Auctions - Breakdown

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 10:48 am
by darkwolf
I agree the stipulations are an issue this year. If you can't fit them all into three, people are running with "reserving the right to refuse anything". This honestly makes it harder to want to purchase said people, but to each their own.

Re: EVENT COVERAGE: The Auctions - Breakdown

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 10:54 am
by Lorrana
Sometimes you're just too much, Li. Too much of what, I'm not sure yet.
Also, I agree - the stipulations thing needs some work. The main three of hall, bank and disfigurement seem to be the focal points for most of us - myself included. Maybe there should be a 'master list' of stipulations created and every slave picks 2-3 from that? However that could cause even less people to sign up. Just a thought though. Good luck to everyone!

Re: EVENT COVERAGE: The Auctions - Breakdown

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 10:58 am
by darkwolf
I still stand by making the hall bank and resources default and then giving them like 1 or 2 stipulations past that.

Re: EVENT COVERAGE: The Auctions - Breakdown

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:23 am
by Airey
Liander wrote:
Tue Feb 13, 2018 10:36 am
Airey, AKA I Think People Like Me More Than They Actually Do
  • Length of service: Price dependant.
    Stipulations: Subject to change if you try some "disgusting, foul shit", starting bid of 75K, no sexual activity for less than 300K, no binding for less than 3mil.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't want anyone to like me; what ARE you talking about.
If you like me, you love me, if you don't, I really don't give a single fuck...

Also, I demand a change to this title.

Thanks for the free press Lia-li

Re: EVENT COVERAGE: The Auctions - Breakdown

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:22 pm
by Michiru
You never cease to leave me smiling.

Re: EVENT COVERAGE: The Auctions - Breakdown

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:47 pm
by Ezra
Thanks for the free press~

Re: EVENT COVERAGE: The Auctions - Breakdown

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:50 pm
by Aziza
Perhaps this article should be in the Editorials section given the obvious personal perspective additions to it.

In any case, hopefully you enjoyed writing it.

Re: EVENT COVERAGE: The Auctions - Breakdown

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 1:57 pm
by Amara
Aziza wrote:
Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:50 pm
Perhaps this article should be in the Editorials section given the obvious personal perspective additions to it.

Re: EVENT COVERAGE: The Auctions - Breakdown

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:10 pm
by Amaya_Shannis
Liander wrote:
Tue Feb 13, 2018 10:36 am

Amaya Shannis
  • Length of service: Price dependant.
    Stipulations: Nothing permanent (which apparently includes damage, lineage, coin, property, piercings, and tattoos), no bodily fluid exchange besides cum and blood, no fighting.

Thank you, Liander