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[The Remix] Consensus Gentium Poll: What is the role of a journalist in RBC specifically?

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 4:16 pm
by Joy
"What is the role of a journalist in RBC specifically?"

I've previously proposed a summary of opinions offered by others during the debate period (which can be read again HERE). I then put up a poll with those opinions altered in an attempt to streamline them into just three options. This didn't go well. By a motion, four times passed, the poll is now seeing a redo in its originally proposed form. We've earned another deep breath. Here be the poll y'all.

Vote honest, vote brave, be heard.

Re: [The Remix] Consensus Gentium Poll: What is the role of a journalist in RBC specifically?

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 10:08 am
by Joy
Get your vote in while there is still time, if you still believe in time and free will. I've some concerns myself, but this isn't the place.


Re: [The Remix] Consensus Gentium Poll: What is the role of a journalist in RBC specifically?

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:45 pm
by Joy
The poll is closed, the results are clear, and the needs of the people have been heard.

The role of a journalist in RBC specifically is to be true to the intended purpose of the type of piece they are tackling. The news should be class, the fluff could be trash, mess around with that formula and your readers might dash! Journalists near and far, take heed, if you want your newspapers to be a good read! I feel like that needed a trumpet introduction and someone in pantaloons unfurling a scroll. I'M JUST TRYING TO BE TRUE TO MY PURPOSE. Emotions are complicated for me. DEAL WITH IT.

It has been an honor to get to be a part of this discussion and I look forward to our next discussion which is once again a submission. Until next time: wash your hands. These humans are important to our ecosystem!