Mon Apr 20, 2020 3:51 am
This is actually a topic I had going for awhile. It is one that I like to reignite usually after a conflict of some sort, so this timing is actually right on par. The thing is that when discussing the leadership aspect of actually leading, it always goes into interpretation and words understood and regurgitated by those that practice and preach it. I will pretty much summarize from my last posting a few months ago and kind of rekindle this spark.
A topic thrown throughout the papers/the city/ improvement planners. Yet, it is a position that is always beaten down and brought back down to the normality of the city. What is “Normality of the City”? Yes. The city has been in the same shape of politics, although different figure heads, unnecessary drama and a made up reasons to move forward, some how/some way. This is so common in RB that it is the Norm.
Change is also debated to ensure ease of use to welcome new fledglings. This is a counterpoint used in many debates; however, it is a counterpoint that has been used for over 15+ years to counter any improvement. If helping new fledglings improve, why grant more and more obstacles for them to improve. A new fledgling wants to learn the ropes, they are hungry for knowledge. However, force feeding more and more down their throat and using them as a scapegoat, is not a way to welcome a fledgling.
What do we do? Welcome fledglings and show them the proper way to prosper, make the conversion into this new world of wonder smooth and not overwhelming. We have fighters, we have politicians, not all are one type, and hence the few different leadership models we have in the Clans, Families and Guilds. This is not a fix or even a suggestion; it is my observation of the city throughout the years.
How to "Proper way to Prosper" ? It is one of those comments that elude even the best of Leaders/Elders/Sires. First question is, if I am asking this question, either, what am I doing wrong, or what can I do to be better. From experience both education and firsthand knowledge to work in and out of the situation, Leadership is formed and spread throughout by none other than those willing and able to lead. Sometimes those most qualified are those not wanting the mantle or responsibility. But, you never know until you challenge yourself.
A leader from my past made me study a book and the book was very informative and gave a list of seven ways to be a good leader and to institute the proper way to prosper. Some of these may be more difficult than others, but there are so many ways to be a Good, Bad, Decent, or even, a Bad leader. I will leave those to your own interpretation.
Seven ways to institute a good foundation of a solid leadership role are; Be a team player. Lead from where you are. Be an expert, but learn and master new skills. Be open to feedback and criticism, and use it to grow. Demonstrate a firm understanding of fledgling and of those around, needs. Learn to communicate well. And, take actions and make recommendations for the good of the city/clan/family, not you.
Most would be self-assessment before moving forward. A leader must be open to criticism, it happens from one way to another. A group “Sensing Session” would help, only if the leadership is open minded. Should you follow all suggestions? Maybe, but nice to know what it is that is bringing down morale and improve if needed or wanted.
I have read a book called the “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz, and indeed many great elements. His other book “The Voice of Knowledge” has a great quote:
“The only way to end our emotional suffering and restore our joy in living is to stop believing in lies.”
Which rings loudly in the eyes as well as actions taking by myself in haste. Like I have stated before, Self-assessment is a wonderful way to catch anything that may have adverse effects to everyone around you. On the counter, the same could also be said for the positive aspects, boosts in morale being the main focus of course.
Roundtable groups for leaders are always tough. I look at leaders as being Alpha Positives and Alpha Negatives. A Positive just knows. Does not have to announce it or show it. A Negative is those that are loud for no reason and is pretty much the bulldog. In some instances a Negative is great to have mainly in war as a Lt. for the leader, thinks for their self and win at all costs. Alphas think, strategize and listens to all scenarios and works it out in their head. Pros/Cons, adverse /positive effects, all that in my mind show great competence.
We are lucky to have a few Alpha Positives in the community and they flourish well. The Few Alpha Negatives are the ones that everyone sees fighting to stay above the surface.
These are words and topics I tend to bring forward a lot. Most go their own ways and doubt read anything, simply because they think and feel "Hey, my way has always worked." But, to that, It is never bad to have more tools in your tool bag to learn and to adapt to each new situation. I had a leader tell me once "A lot of leaders always forget where they came from...Never lose that, or you will lose yourself."
Thank you Joy for bringing this back into light.
<3 Arallara’s <3
House of Blackstone