I am seeking other critical reading volunteers to join me and offer your assistance to anyone who reaches out. If you are interested in taking some time to critically read and examine anyone's piece of writing who submits it, please reply to this thread with the following information:
Code: Select all
[color=#FFFFFF]Preferred Contact:[/color]
[color=#FFFFFF]Critical Reading Skills Offered:[/color]
**NOTE: To anyone submitting writing, please note that anyone who volunteers is not obligated to respond quickly. Critical reading takes time, and if there is a time limit on your piece, please note that before a Critical Reader accepts to help. Also, unless stated by your Critical Reader, please note that none of us are professionals and this is just as much a hobby for us as writing is. Edits might not be on a professional level. Any edits by a Critical Reader are ALWAYS a suggestion and never a requirement. As a writer submitting writing, you can reject any or all suggestions by your Critical Reader. I will continue to update this first post with a master list of Critical Readers for ease of access.
**NOTE: If you do not want your work to be examined this closely, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Writing is a hobby for most of us, not a job. It's something we do out of joy or escapism and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that approach. Keep being you and enjoy what you write! This thread is only for people who want a critical review of something they've written.
**NOTE: If staff could pin this thread, I would be so grateful. ♥
Here you will find a list of resources on and off this forum to help with writing. If you have other tools and references you wish to share, please include them in your response post and I will add them to this master list.
Hemingway Editor - If you are still interested in this process, but would prefer not to interact with another member of this community for whatever reason, here is a nifty little app that Broccli/Jamie and I use for our writing!
50 Word Story Challenge by Megatron
tell me without telling me: a writing exercise (aka proust questionnaire i fuhuhuhuhkin hate u) by Nikki
Writing Prompts by Alessio
100 Dialogue Prompts by Megatron
"Big Words" Challenge by Megatron
Drabbles Challenge by Megatron
Considering Absurdism by Princess
References by Carrot/Aimee
Name: Carrot/Aimee
Pronouns: she/her
Preferred Contact: pm on this forum via this account (Marlo)
Critical Reading Skills Offered: Will read for grammar & spelling mistakes, adverb & adjective misuse, clunky sentences, proper tense usage throughout, filler words, & story flow
Name: Alessio
Pronouns: he/him
Preferred Contact: PM on this account (Alex Ayres), or DM on Discord (quad3)
Critical Reading Skills Offered: We can talk about it! I'll read for anything. My strengths are probably more revision than editing based, but I am not a bad editor!