Discount Magic, right by Ruby and 34th.
Discount Scrolls, right by Alder and 98th.
Potable Potions, right by Fir and 5th.
Potion Distillery, right by Eagle and 39th.
The Potion Shoppe, right by Horror and 17th.
Herman's Scrolls, right by Yak and 93rd.
Paper and Scrolls, right by Ruby and 88th.
Scrollworks, right by Fir and 58th.
Ye Olde Scrolles, right by Kyanite 80th.
Checkers Pawn Shop, right by Beryl and 83rd.
Dark Desires, right by Nightingale and 20th.
Sparks, right by Regret and 81st.
Credit: Aydan, Seyda, Oberon.