Election - Trailblaze It Q&A portion

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OOC: Ashley
IGN: Lorrana
Lineage: Amandine

Fri Jan 26, 2018 7:35 pm

Trailblaze It Q&A
Over the last week, I got in touch with the candidates to speak about their running in the election that Ab Antiquo is hosting. They answered the call and below you will find out just who they are and what they represent. Some of their answers may shock you.

First up, we have darkwolf who put his name forward first. I sat down with him to shine a light on a few things.
Lorrana: Alright I have some questions laid out that I'd like to ask you. Whenever you're ready, say when!
dw: When?
[Lorrana rolled her eyes and sighed.]
Lorrana: I can't take you anywhere. How long have you been in the city?
dw: Since 2002, before the city streets.
Lorrana: You’ve been here a hell of a long time. What’s kept you here all this time?
dw: I started off alone and didn't have anything, so the first few years I was looking for my brothers murderer. After that, I found a clan, and friends and family. My key thing to keeping me around this long has been family though. Family always comes first for me.
Lorrana: Have you always been a wolf, or perhaps you were a fox in another life?
dw: I have always been a wolf/vampire hybrid. I was born into what I am. As for another life? I haven't any memories or thoughts of that natures.
Lorrana: What prompted you to run in the election?
dw: For the fun and to support a clan members endeavors.
Lorrana: Which I truly appreciate. At least someone loves me. Why High Grand Poo-bah of All Things Fluffy - what makes you qualified to have such a boast of all things fluffy?
dw: Cause I am the fluffiest. You may have yet seen me in my fluffy form. I stand fluffier than any other in all of RBC.
Lorrana: Look at all the fluffy magnificence! As fluffy and cute as you are, I still have to ask. How does Lils put up with such a strong odor of dog? She doesn’t bathe you herself does she?
dw: Well, I tend to bathe myself, but when Lils is in the bath with me there is little bathing going on...
Lorrana: My virgin ears won't be able to handle hearing that. So I'll just continue with the next question haha. If this election did give you such a power, what would you do with it? As in, what would you change about our city? What would you like to see happen?
dw: Add more cuddling and fluffy things to it.
Lorrana: A very dw answer. I think we could all do with more cuddling. Perhaps build a dog bed for the whole city.
dw: Ooo, a bed to rule them all.
Lorrana: I’m all for it. ONLY TWO QUESTIONS TO GO! Any words of wisdom or advice to your opponents?
dw: Do I have opponents? Use a comb? Get fluffier?
Lorrana: DAMN DW. #nofilter
dw: HA!
Lorrana: Alright my dear. This is the most important, burning question I need answered. Why shoes, dw? WHY SHOES?
dw: Why not shoes? Sometimes it’s the smell and sometimes it’s just instinct. Lots of reasons why I chew… But shoes? I would say to get that person’s attention? Chew their shoe and they notice…
[It was at this point, dw pointed out that he currently had one of Lorrana's shoes in his mouth.]

Second, is Miss Amaya. My associate, Rosa, caught up with Amaya and was able to catch their talk on video. I hope you enjoy their interaction just as much as I did.
[Rosa set the recorder up on a table, taking a seat. She gestured to the one across from her and hit record.]
Rosa: So, Goddess of Impulsive Spending huh? Quite the title. What made you think of it?
[Amaya took a seat, laughing and shaking her head.]
Amaya: "Well, to be frank.... I had just dropped more money than I meant to in Italy and was experiencing a bit of buyer's remorse."
[Rosa laughed.]
Rosa: Well in your defense I hear Italy is one of the best places in the world to shop! So, on the topic of shopping, of course, if you could buy yourself a lifetime supply of anything what would it be?
Amaya: Miss Rosa, I'm a vampire. A lifetime's supply is nigh infinite, but.... I have recently been introduced to the Port Luna rum. It was delicious.... I wonder if Xedanis would be open to such an idea... [Trailed off thoughtfully]
[Rosa laughed again.]
Rosa: That's fair. Poor wording on that I suppose. Mm yeah, that rum is killer, so I guess I don't need to ask you the follow up: Why? So we'll move on. If you could buy the city as a whole something, what would it be and why do we need it?
[Amaya fell silent for a few minutes]
Amaya: "I may seem glib or rude when I say this, but an army of therapists. It was recently pointed out to me that every inhabitant of this City was brought here because of cruelty experienced elsewhere. You would think that our individual experiences would make us kind and generous, but it doesn't. We end up either becoming the bullies and sociopaths we were once victimized by, or we continue being victimized."
[Rosa paused a minute at the gravity of that answer before smiling again.]
Rosa: You know...that is fair. I can't argue and I'd gladly take a therapist, thanks. Buuuut on the flip side of that coin, if you could take something from the city, what would it be and why?
Amaya: I think my previous response indicates some of the things I would like taken from the City, but- seeing as I believe you are referring to material objects-.... I think I would remove the weapons of war. We are not humans, with lives fleeting and an increasing incapability of using our words to resolve conflict.
[Rosa nodded.]
Rosa: I feel like you have a good point about people needing to use their words. I also feel like you will have a lot of crabby citizens if that were the case. Though...I suppose that's where the therapists could come in.
[Amaya laughed.]
Amaya: "Most likely."
Rosa: Speaking of the citizens, is there anything you'd like to say to the other candidates?
Amaya:I wish them all well and must confess that I am an ardent admirer of Sir Duck, if I may address him so informally.
[Rosa laughed.]
Rosa: Noted, I'm sure he'll be pleased to hear that. We're almost done, don't worry. If you do get elected, how do you plan to celebrate? Shopping spree?
Amaya: Miss Rosa? What else would a Goddess of Impulsive Spending do to celebrate?
[Rosa grinned.]
Rosa: Well, you have my vote. looked down at her notes and laughed Oh, right uh..one last thing. My associate, Lorrana is dying to know which you prefer, Papayas or bananas? She says choose wisely.
[Amaya laughed.]
Amaya: "I must confess that, while I love bananas, I adore the exotic taste of papayas on occasion. So.... Papaya”
[Rosa laughed, nodding.]
Rosa: Thank you. And thank you again for the interview
Amaya: Anything I can do for Ab.
Rosa: Much appreciated. [she hit stop on the recorder]

Next up, I got a few moments to speak with Xedanis and Liander. Unfortunately, I had to cut the interrogation, I mean, interview short. I still had a wonderful time speaking with the pirate and his... PR Agent.
[Lorrana turned on the recorder, totally pretending to know what she was doing.]
Lorrana: I’ve been warned that I probably won’t even get any of my questions answered. Will you TRY and behave yourselves?
[Liander straightened his tie with a polite smile - though the expression bordered on breaking out into a grin.]
Liander: Of course. I can assure you, Xedanis is taking this election with the utmost sincerity deserving of it.
Xedanis: Oh, aye. [Xedanis also adjusted his tie, that was clearly a clip-on.] Hence why I’ve retained the services of the best PR agent in the city. [He nodded, matter of factly.]
[Lorrana was not nearly as professional as Liander so the smile that broke over her features was not even attempted to be stopped.]
Lorrana: Mhm. Regardless, I’m happy you two agreed to speak with me. [She turned to Xedanis.] Liander personally nominated you for Captain of the City. What was your initial reaction?
[Xedanis remained quiet for a moment before glancing at Liander, then spoke to Lorrana with a straight face.]
Xedanis: Oh, bollocks.
[Lorrana started laughing and Liander snorted.]
Lorrana: Excellent answer.
[Xedanis laughed too.]
Xedanis: ‘s th’truth love. Heh.
Lorrana: The truth is all I want! Which leads me into my next question. Have you ever made Liander swab your deck? Did he enjoy it?
[Lorrana’s entire body was shaking from trying not to laugh.]
Liander: I’m afraid we’ll need a definition for ‘swabbing the deck.’
Lorrana: Why, the traditional one. Of course.
Xedanis: I don’t think Liander has ever swabbed me decks. [Xed rubbed his beard.] But we did have a sword measuring contest once. And he’s definitely waxed the mast. I remember tha’.
[Liander nodded and lit a cigarette.]
Liander: Hard work, that. He had me at it all night long. Xed doesn’t tolerate half-assed effort, which is just another reason he should be elected.
Xedanis: And I paid well too. Let it never be said that people who put their elbow grease on my mast never have a good shot at money. [He nodded emphatically.]
Lorrana: I didn’t even know Li owned a sword. Maybe I can see it sometime. [With a straight face, she gave a nod.] So you could say your mast is a money shot.
Xedanis: Absolutely. And for variety’s sake, I’m always willin’ t’give anyone an even shot at the poop deck or the bowhead.
Lorrana: You’re obviously a generous giver. I think we, as a city, can appreciate that. Besides KRKN, if this election did give you the power to do something, what would it be?
[Xed looked to Liander, for a second opinion mainly, as he rubbed his chin again.]
Xedanis: Kick Raven in the cock? [He laughed at his own jest and Liander cleared his throat.]
Liander: What Xedanis means of course is, he would seek to shake up the current establishment of power and bring down those content to sit at the top while giving nothing to the community.
[Xed gave Liander a piratey wink and a gun.]
Xedanis: Aye. What he said. Although, I might add that in a perfect world, I’d make Raven start contributing again. No, seriously. This is ‘his’ city and he doesn’t even bother with it anymore, bar the cuts he takes from the guilds and blood sacrifices people feed him. If I could, I’d force his lazy arse out of retirement. Get him to do something to keep us all busy.
[Lorrana tapped her bottom lip, regarding them both.]
Lorrana: To be fair, maybe a kick to the cock would get his ass in gear again. But since we don’t live in a perfect world, we’ll never know. [She gave a smile.] I agree though. To have him contribute and be a part of the city and community again would be great. Before I ask my next very important question, do you have any pets, Xed?
Xedanis: I have a large grey rhinoceros. His name is Desmond, and he is hilarious.
Lorrana: A rhino? A rhino named Desmond. Does he stay on your ship?
Xedanis: He stays in the Arboretum at the Port. Occasionally he makes appearances for events and shows.
Lorrana: But what if you had a pet kraken? What would you name it… would you try to teach it any tricks?
Xedanis: His name would be Squiddy. He would be KRKN’s mascot. I’d send him off round the world on tours with the rest of the team. And occasionally give high fives to thirty people at once.
Lorrana: That would be quite the mascot. Also, Squiddy is the cutest name ever. Li, if Xed ever gets a pet kraken, I want you to run a story on it okay?
[It was here the clip stopped and turned black.]

I managed to capture on film, via Ab Towers, my line of questioning with Alpha and Smerb. It was enlightening, adorable, and almost caused me to vomit. In a good way.
[Lorrana waved to them both before sweeping her arm out, showing them a love seat for them. She took a seat as well.]
Lorrana: Would either of you like something to drink?
[Alpha stuck his head in first, dark glasses over his eyes. He looked around, scanning the room.]
Alpha: Coast is clear... [he reported, opening the door a little ways more for Smer to make her entry.]
[Smer nudged Alpha out of her way then promptly flopped down into the seat, letting herself bounce before settling.]
Smerberous: Um... Kahlua? [she said, eyeing Alpha with a grin. What a weirdo.]
[Lorrana watched the pair and couldn't help but laugh. Lor pointed her finger toward Smer and her order was placed.
Lorrana: Thank you both for meeting me.
[Alpha grinned and sidled on in after her.]
Alpha: Vodka on ice for me please. [he said, settling languidly in beside Smerberous.]
[Lorrana nodded her head and let the employee know to get Alpha's drink as well. Lor shook her head to let the employee know she didn't want anything.]
Lorrana: I don't have too many questions, I promise!
[Smerberous smiled up at Alpha as he settled down, murmuring]
Smer: Bruniik... [She leaned into his side. She nuzzled her face into his beard, then peeked out at Lor with a grin.] I love answering questions so you're alright!
Alpha: And I am an egotisitical prat.
[Smer elbowed Alpha. Alpha elbowed her back Smerberous squealed and nearly jumped off the couch then shoved at him! Lorrana snorted and shook her head.]
Lorrana: Love it. [She turned to Alpha first.] So, my first question is: what is the reasoning behind the titles of Lord and Lady Vomitude? That's very... different. [She laughed softly.]
[Alpha pulled out a gun... then tuned back in to Lor.
Smer took this opportunity to deadpan at Alpha.]
Smer: Yeah Alpha. What is the reasoning behind the titles? Hmm? HMMM? [She leaned closer to his face, eyes widening. Alpha smirked and shrugged.]
Alpha: Well... I have cynical attitude when it comes to romance, in that I fully expect other people to find it nauseating. All that lovey-dovey stuff, public displays of affection. Ironically I find myself in one such a relationship.
[Lorrana couldn't help but smile, as she thought that was probably one of the reasons, or something close it.]
Lorrana: Love is a wonderful thing to see.
[Smer squinted up at him, trying to hide her grin.]
Smer: ...I'm not dovey. [She retorted quietly at him, crossing her arms over her chest in a pout. Then she grinned at Lor.] Yeah... I guess it is.
Alpha Dragon: And if it isn't, then I want it to be.
Lorrana: You are so dovey. [Lorrana winked.]
Alpha: You [misspoke] that… its p, not v...
Lorrana: HA! Got 'em.
Smer: ...
[Still laughing, Lorrana continued.]
Lorrana: Alright alright. So, if you two are elected, what will your first edict be as Lord and Lady?
Alpha: Wait at least three months before you bind! [Alpha actually said that with a modicum of seriousness. Smer took a minute to get that one. When she did, her eyes went wide and she shoved at him with a delighted laugh.]
Smer: I am not dopey! [She then turned to Lor, grinning at the question.]
Alpha: Thank you for making my point for me, Dragostea...
[Lorrana did her best to hide her grin. Just then, their drinks came and were set before them on the table between them.]
Lorrana: I think that's a fair ruling. Even three months seems generous.
[Alpha nodded.]
Alpha: It's very generous, but let's face it, we're going for an election, not a fascist regime. And mores the point, who really is going to listen. But yes, I've seen good friends rush into bindings and then get burned, or burn it themselves. Take your time people. Learn about your partner... what was I said the other night Smerb?
[Smerberous stared up at Alpha with wide, doe-eyes.]
Smer: ...Um... [Then it was as if a light bulb went off on top of her head.] Said that you're glad you took your time with me to learn about me, and my habits, and mannerisms, and stuff. Though technically this only got started 'cause of an accident, otherwise you'd still be clueless.
[Lorrana felt her smile widen as she looked back and forth between them.]
Lorrana: Sentiments I think a lot of us in the city could get behind. And ya know, with 'getting to know' each other, my next question is, how did you two meet and eventually get together if I may ask? Was it... vomit inducing? [She giggled.]
Smer: Actually, it was at a truth or dare game. He dared me to give my friend a lap dance.
Lorrana: Oh my!
Alpha: And I am pretty sure I made someone snort a crushed chill-pepper that night...
Lorrana: Evil incarnate, Alpha.
Alpha: So... very possible vomit-inducing. Yes.
Smer: That was Koli, by the way.
Alpha: Oh and... why thank you! My reputation precedes me.
Smer: Also, we didn't hang out a lot one on one until an incident with Batrisha.
[Lorrana was laughing pretty hard.]
Lorrana: I'm not sure I want to ask about that...
[Alpha squinted.]
Alpha: Erm... I threw up blood after that, didnt I?
Smer: She was dressed up as a nurse and was trying to cut him up... Then her brother walked in and joined her side. I pretended to be on her side, and when Alpha barricaded himself in a room in the tavern, I slipped into that room via the window. [She turned to Alpha.] You did. She injected you with some kind of alcohol... mix... thingo... I held your hair.
Alpha: There you are Lorrana. We are eminently suited for this role.
Lorrana: You came to his rescue in a way. I like it! [Lorrana laughed at his comment.]
[Smer fidgeted, hiding her face in Alpha's beard.]
Smer: I wanted to make sure he was okay... [She mumbled, then pinched his side for his comment.]
Lorrana: I don't blame you. I've seen some of Batrisha's antics! I woulda been worried too haha.
Alpha: After having lost so much blood I was famished. Feral. I rather forcibly attacked Smerberous and fed from her before passing out. Upon arising, she was still there.
Smer: Oi! No! I offered!
Alpha: Offered! Forced! Its the same thing...
Smer: You freaked out after a minute all 'omg, i'm so sorry.' It is not!
Lorrana: It's certainly not the same!
[Smer laughed.]
Smer: Anyway... He fell asleep on the sideroom bed then woke up hoursssss later and was surprised as hell that I was still there.
Alpha: Prior to that night, we had only been acquaintances. After that night I suppose I started to pay attention to her. [Alpha blanched.] Are we just blabbing about how we met?
Lorrana: I would hope you would!
[Smer grinned.]
Smer: Pretty much, yeah. [Then she laughed at Lor's comment.]
[Lorrana grinned and ruffled through her papers.]
Lorrana: I want to know other things too! I wasn't expecting a couple to enter into the running. It was a nice surprise though! However, hypothetically, let's say you two do win. But I say PLOT TWIST, there can be only one! I won't but like I said, hypothetical. But how would we decide the tie, so to speak? A wrestling match, rock paper scissors, what?
Smer: I'd poison him. There can only be one.
[Lorrana tilted her head back, laughing. Smer managed to say that with a straight face for all of two seconds then grinned when Lor began to laugh.]
Lorrana: No hesitation, so funny!
[Alpha glared murder-hole slits at Smer. Lorrana, still cackling, shook her head.]
Lorrana: You two are hilarious.
[Smer pinched his cheek.]
Smer: You love me, don't give me that look, you can flay me later.
Alpha: Deal...
Lorrana: Alright, Smer this one's for you.
[Smerberous blanched, eyes wide.]
Lorrana: You and Amaya are friends. She's also in the running, for Goddess of Impulsive Spending. The campaign trail can be very harrowing and competitive. Do you foresee this damaging your friendship at all?
Smer: I'm not sure? If this is all for fun, why would it damage anything?
Alpha: "[She] could impulsively buy all the Kahlua..."
Smer: ...
Alpha: I mean... all the Kahlua.
Lorrana: Exactly! Was the point of the question, to be fair haha.
Smer: Oh hell no, no one better touch all the Kahlua! I will cut a bitch down if my Kahlua is touched.
Lorrana: Ooohhhh the plot thickens. Oh! Alpha this one's for you. Smerb is a very beautiful and generous woman. If you two are elected, what sort of crown do you see her wearing, to suit just her? And for yourself?
[Alpha slowly turned his head to peer at Smerberous.]
Alpha: We've had this argument before... [He smirked.] A crown to suit her? That's a tough one given the context. She ardently denies being worthy of nobility of any kind. So... I am going to say... bandanas for us both. She can, how do you put it... 'get her ghetto on' that way."
[Smer's nose scrunched, 'brows furrowing. She opened her mouth to protest being called beautiful and generous, but then Alpha had begun to speak, so she closed her mouth and sat there, pouting. Lorrana was once again laughing. She dropped her head into her palms, still giggling.]
Lorrana: Bandanas. Oh my lord.
Smer: ... Lime green bandana... Yes, I approve.
Lorrana: I am so glad you two are running hahaha.
Alpha: With a silver trim. And silk... And gold silk bandana for me with black trim.
Lorrana: I will make notes of this, I promise.
[Still chuckling, Lorrana sighed.]
Lorrana: Just a few more questions! How did you two come to reside in the city? Did anything draw you here?
[Smer's bright and vibrant expression faltered.]
Smer: " was forced here. [She answered, turning her head and closing her eyes to nuzzle into Alpha's beard again. Alpha lifted his bearded chin and lowered it a little over Smerberous' head.]
Alpha: I first came to the city some ten years ago, but have spent most of the intervening time entombed. But I was first drawn by stories of a Vampire metropolis, and came seeking my own kind.
[Lorrana furrowed her brows and gave a nod of her head at Smerb, and refused to delve deeper there. She turned to Alpha and listened to his response as well.]
Lorrana: I've taken a few naps myself. And like you, I heard about this place as well.
Alpha: That having been said, I have found only one... [Alpha added with a wry smirk.]
Smer: I was here almost eleven and a half years as a mortal before I was turned. [She murmured, then tipped her head to peek at Alpha.] Only one what?
[Alpha merely grinned at her.]
Alpha: I will tell you later... [He said, with intentional cageyness.]
[Lorrana nodded her head again.]
Lorrana: That's fair, both of you.
Smer: ... [Smer scrunched her face, squinting up at him.] You can be so vague sometimes, it makes me wanna strangle you. [She teased. Alpha chuckled.]
Alpha: The foundation stones of a good relationship. Keep them guessing, and keep them violent.
[Smer snorted at that then grinned.]
Smer: I am not violent! [She lied. She lied so hard. Omg.]
Lorrana: In his defense, he and I are only just truly meeting I think. At least on a more personal level! There are things about me I don't want him knowing either haha. Oh! Have you two thought of a slogan for your campaign? Something catchy?
Smer: I didn't know we were even in this thing until he told me he got a message from you. [Smer stared at Alpha now like :| Lorrana tsked at Alpha.]
Smer: Bruniik Dragostea? [She suggested to Alpha, grinning.]
Alpha: No one will understand that.... But that wont matter. [He chuckled.] A vote for Brunikk-Dragostea is a vote for nausea!
Smer: We'd translate it, you dodo!
Lorrana: Oh my god hahaha. Yes please translate! I'm curious now.
Smer: Savage Love!
Alpha: The translation does have merit...
Smer: He's my Bruniik.
Lorrana: And you're his love?
Smer: He was calling me that before I even knew what it meant.
Lorrana. Awwwwwww
[Alpha grinned darkly at that.]
Alpha: For about... what. A month?
[Smer elbowed him.]
Smer: A month! And even after you told me what it was, it was still another, like, two weeks before you said you wanted to be official, because you wanted to be introduced as my boyfriend.
Lorrana: This is making my night, truly!
[Alpha looked at Lorrana.]
Alpha: Do you feel butterflies in your stomach? A certain tightness in your throat? A sensation that, at any moment, you will projectile vomit your hunt across the room?
Lorrana: Yes, yes I do. And I can't help but just absolutely adore it.
Alpha: A vote for Bruniik Dragostia is a vote for... Eating disorders.
[Alpha blanched. Smer burst out laughing!]
Lorrana: But, you'll have to forgive me that. I haven't been in such a relationship or so in love in... well, over a decade I think.
Smer: Eat all the things. All the junk. Oh no!
Lorrana: YES. Gimme all the candy.
Smer: I love candy! I'm not always allowed to have it though.
Lorrana: Saaaame.
Alpha: A vote for Bruniik-Dragostia is a vote for tooth decay!
[Smer facepalmed. Lorrana starts laughing again. Laughing, Smer elbowed Alpha with a grin.]
Smer: You're insane. And no, I didn't make you that way.
[Lorrana grinned.]
Lorrana: I don't think you did either. Okay last question. Do you have anything you'd like to say to your fellow candidates?
Smer: I don't even know who the other candidates are. [She said with a grin.] So I'll go with... [Smer adopted an accent suddenly.] May the odds be ever in your favor.
[Lorrana giggled at the Hunger Games reference.]
Alpha: Alas I cannot think of anything witty or intelligent to say. Other than this: there is nothing wrong with banning democracy after you have been democratically elected. This city needs more Tyrants.
[Lorrana cackled.]
Lorrana: I think we're in trouble.
Alpha: Hell, just one would be a welcome change...
Smerb: Oh my god.
Lorrana: Change is always interesting.
Alpha: If I am elected... can I... somehow... have the keys to the House of Binding?
Smer: No!
Lorrana: I can neither confirm or deny your request.
Smer: Do you really wanna oversee every single binding that happens in the city to make sure they've taken three months to get to know each other? Do you really?
[Lorrana chuckled and rose to go, extending her hand to each of them.]
Lorrana: I need to go, but I truly thank both of you. This meeting and interview was amazing.
Alpha: Could just ban all bindings...
Smer: You're more than wel-- No Alpha.
[Smer shook Lor's hand with a grin.]
Alpha: ... or they could pay me? [Alpha grinned.] Thank you, Lorrana.
[Lorrana giggled and shook her head. "Just make an Inquisition. Alright, you two! Goodnight!]
Smer: Good night!

And last, but certainly not least, is Sir Ducksalot. He came out of left field with a nomination from Anima. We opted for PM correspondence, as Sir Ducksalot is an incredibly busy individual and finding a time would have proven difficult. His nominator, and spokesperson, Anima filled in some of the blanks for me.
Q. Can you tell me what Sir Ducksalot is planning to bring to the table? What are his plans for us?
A. Bringing the city together to cast aside barriers and bring upon a wing of new prosperity.

Q. I recall he fought in World War II. Where did his wings take him after that?
A. He settled down in a quiet town out of York to complete his doctorate, sometimes heading to Africa on Research trips to study his fellow birds.

Q. Who does Sir Ducksalot admire most? What prompted him to get into the politics of Ravenblack City?
A. Hard to say, Ducksalot admires those who stay true to their waddle and doesn't skip a step. It was my idea to be honest, though he knows of the hardships we face in the city, I knew that none would vote for me, a mere Ani. No, they needed a strong beak to rally behind that had yet to be tarnished by the city.

Q. On Ab, a fellow reader made the claim that the Sir is actually a GOOSE. What does Ducksalot have to say about this slanderous allegation?
A. Racial slurs are beneath him, be it duck or goose, he is a Bird through and through. To him all wings are worthy to fly with him.

Q. What is your own connection to this candidate, if I may ask?
A. I raised him from an egg after I found him in an abandoned nest, we have been close ever since.

Q. If he weren’t running in our election, what would he be doing instead?
A. Most likely continuing to educate his fellow birds, trying to bring them into the realm of logic.

Q. He has been knighted by the Queen of England herself - is he seeking a particular title now?
A. I never sought the title, it's not in his nature to seek recognition, it's merely given, and respect is not often given from where we would expect.

Q. Sir Ducksalot seems to be a quick favorite among some of our readers. How does this strike him - surprise, nervousness, happiness? Our city is a tough crowd after all, I am just trying to gauge his reaction.
A. Surprised, most people do not want to take a duck seriously and he's had to struggle with that for most of his life.

Q. Lastly, we’re all attracted to the promise of power. Is Sir Ducksalot single? If he wins, he may suddenly find himself even more popular.
A. Ha!, oh my, he's spent so much time dedicating himself to the betterment of his species that he's never settled down, no matter how much I've nagged him.

Thank you to all the candidates for speaking with Rosa and myself. It was truly entertaining, interesting, and telling. On another note, the election itself will run all through the month of February. The poll will be posted here and here!
Last edited by Lorrana on Sat Jan 27, 2018 11:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Fri Jan 26, 2018 9:51 pm

Lorrana: What prompted you to run in the election?
dw: For the fun and to support a clan members endeavors.

So...you aren't even taking this serious. NEXT!

Rosa: So, Goddess of Impulsive Spending huh? Quite the title. What made you think of it?
Amaya: "Well, to be frank.... I had just dropped more money than I meant to in Italy and was experiencing a bit of buyer's remorse."

Can't manage a budget? Can't handle an elected office! NEXT!

Xedanis needs a babysitter to sit down for an interview? Come to think of it, he always has some sort of a handler doesn't he? Is Dalhia even really his wife or is that just a ruse so we don't notice that Xedanis is really a PUPPET! NEXT!

Alpha and Smerb are Lord and Lady Vomitude? Nice try undercover monarchy! We dealt with you properly in the French Revolution! Off with their heads and then NEXT!

And who is left? Well, where as our other candidates are not all they're quacked up to be, Sir Ducksalot certainly fits the bill! He's never ducked a question because pressure rolls off his skin like water off a duck's back. In a sink or swim situation who do you want on the job? You want to see RavenBlack City rise to new heights: get the guy who can fly! I don't think there is any question that in this race Sir Ducksalot is at the top of the pecking order.

Also, I have not idea what these folks are even running for but...SIR DUCKSALOT FOREVER!
|| de Draak ||
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Sat Jan 27, 2018 3:21 am

Jauk wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2018 9:51 pm

Also, I have not idea what these folks are even running for but...SIR DUCKSALOT FOREVER!
Right on, sistah
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Sat Jan 27, 2018 10:46 am

I demand a birth certificate from Sir Ducksalot to prove he is, in fact, 100 percent duck! I don't want no damned Lucy goosey running my city.

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Sat Jan 27, 2018 11:35 am

Jauk wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2018 9:51 pm
Xedanis needs a babysitter to sit down for an interview? Come to think of it, he always has some sort of a handler doesn't he? Is Dalhia even really his wife or is that just a ruse so we don't notice that Xedanis is really a PUPPET! NEXT!

*Hides his strings.*
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Sat Jan 27, 2018 2:52 pm

Jauk wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2018 9:51 pm

Rosa: So, Goddess of Impulsive Spending huh? Quite the title. What made you think of it?
Amaya: "Well, to be frank.... I had just dropped more money than I meant to in Italy and was experiencing a bit of buyer's remorse."

Can't manage a budget? Can't handle an elected office! NEXT!
One of us is missing the point of Impulsive Spending....
But I'm not fading
No one can save me


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Sat Jan 27, 2018 10:29 pm

One of us is missing the point of Impulsive Spending....

And one of us is missing the point of satire.
Wake up, wake up, light a candle in the dark
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Sun Jan 28, 2018 2:07 am

Great read and great fun by all. #bestelectionyet #votefluffy #oriwilleatyourshoes
Meli || Thia || Dea
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