Shadow Queen || Kyo Vaughan

Tell us about your character - this is where you put your character sheets so we can all stalk them.
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Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Oct 14, 2017 12:16 am
OOC: Bean
IGN: FemaleKyo

Sat Oct 14, 2017 12:59 am

She took my heart, left me for dead
And drank my blood, told me she said
Our secret's worth its weight in gold
But that fire we had, now's turning cold

You have drunk XXXX pints of blood. Your rank is L e g e n d a r y

Your powers include: Second-sight Suction(2) Surprise Perception(1) Celerity(3) Stamina(3) Shadows(3) Thievery(3) Locate(3) Telepathy(3) Charisma(3)

You are sire to no other vampires a n y m o r e.

You had Henley. But he l e f t y o u

Akiko is d e a d.

You are a second-generation vampire. Your sire is R i e n h a r d t

You haven't seen him in a while.

You don't know your sibling AriesEnlighten well.

Where did you go? Where did you run?
I can't erase what you've done
Let's burn the past, forget the truth
I'm still more than him, I'm still loving you

You had friends you cared about. They're dead
S h i n a

And those that aren't
Nova, Eli, Malkavian, Dead one, Laney, Reno, Naimira, Rayne
...You don't care that much

You're stronger now with the shadows at your side.
They don't know it yet.

But I waited too long
For you only
Love has been here and gone
To die slowly
Going under again
So don't follow me

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