Thank You

For events held at the Angelarium
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Thu Nov 28, 2024 9:32 pm

Though originally shared within the Angelarium itself, I wanted to also state this myself here, too.

There has been no schedule for some time now. This was, mostly, purposeful.

The last few weeks have seen conflict and bloodshed within the City. Though the doors of the Angelarium always remain open, even during such times, it is only to be expected that attention is rightly called elsewhere for those involved.

However, it would neglect opportunity to not say: thank you.

Thank you to everyone who comes into our home to make this space possible.

Thank you to everyone who comes into our home to teach, to share their knowledge, to answer questions fairly and truthfully.

Thank you to everyone who comes into our home to learn, to seek knowledge, to ask questions openly and humbly.

Thank you to everyone who plans, participates, and just passes through.

Gratitude can be a difficult practice in this City of ours at times, but even in darkness and blood, we are thankful. It may be difficult for some to hear this sincerely in times of war, but know, for our opposition especially, it is true. Without conflict, this City dies. Without rivals or opposition, we stagnate. It is our sincerest intention to begin -- and resume -- classes next week. All will be welcome, as they always have been, as they always will be.

Thank you, RavenBlack. Sleep sweetly this evening.
familia . supra . omnia
"HOW WILL YOU REMEMBER?" he says. "THAT I LOVE YOU?" she says.
"YES," he says. "THAT'S EASY. I CAN'T HELP IT," she says.
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Fri Nov 29, 2024 12:23 am

Love you, Andy. Pleasure and a privilege.
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