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Wynae Bouquet
Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Nov 06, 2020 11:03 pm
OOC: Nikia

Mon Jun 21, 2021 5:44 pm

- N a m e - Deer.
- T i m e Z o n e - EST.
- A v a i l a b i l i t y - Very limited and inconsistent - expect roleplays to extend to days. Or spotty one(ish) liners.
- C h a r a c t e r l i s t -
  • Kye [grid character; click name for CS]
  • Irel [RP only; click name for journal]

- S t y l e - I prefer long form RPs because it gives me a lot to think about through a very monotonous job. I can do just the characters texting.

I do plot but I like plotting to be kept as vague as possible. I think it gives things a more organic flow to them.

I'm also a show, not tell writer. If you have any questions on what this means, don't be afraid to DM me.

I don't tend to do post RPs with other people on AB but I'm willing to. I tend to stick to Discord, though.

- T o p i c s o f I n t e r e s t - Conflict. Growth. World building. Lore. Music. Literature. Art. Race. Mental disorders. Mental health. Self care. Emotions. Religions.

Anything that draws out heavy (or deep) conversation.

- C o n t a c t - DM this account (Wynae) on AB, please. I have two separate discord accounts for organizational purposes of my own. We can discuss the characters and see which strikes you most and go from there.

° h e m l o c k °&° l a r k s p u r °
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IGN: MadHeart
Graphic Artist: Banner by me.

Tue Jun 22, 2021 8:34 am

Lol! Small world! I know you! I think you and I should just write more, lmaoooo. Maybe Godfrey can take Kye out for a job, test him (as he does). Xave already adores Wynae, so expect her wild ass to come sweeping in with all of her energy and momentum from time to time, lol!
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Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:39 pm

Ngl I'm hella intimidated by you as a writer. Your stuff is always so inspired and it's like I worry you'll find out I'm only posing as a writer so I can have the privilege of reading all this stuff.
Wynae Bouquet
Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Nov 06, 2020 11:03 pm
OOC: Nikia

Wed Jun 23, 2021 5:28 pm

Maddox wrote:
Tue Jun 22, 2021 8:34 am
Lol! Small world! I know you! I think you and I should just write more, lmaoooo. Maybe Godfrey can take Kye out for a job, test him (as he does). Xave already adores Wynae, so expect her wild ass to come sweeping in with all of her energy and momentum from time to time, lol!
Yes, yes we absolutely should. And I like the idea of a test from Godfrey. They haven't had enough time together and I think a little bonding time is exactly what they need.

And I didn't realize you wrote Xave! That one hypes me up even as the writer behind the character. Let me also say, your music is on key with her. I could gush more about her because she reminds me so much of my own family. Brings out my nostalgia.
xxsacrificexx wrote:
Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:39 pm
Ngl I'm hella intimidated by you as a writer. Your stuff is always so inspired and it's like I worry you'll find out I'm only posing as a writer so I can have the privilege of reading all this stuff.
That's very sweet of you to say because I don't always feel like my writing is on par with the way I want it to be. I'm still trying to find my voice with every character. I sometimes feel like all of them are screaming in my head at the same time.

I love your writing. It's very engaging and very digestible to me. And the language is relatable where sometimes I find myself clinging too much to purple prose. So at the end of it, I have been envious of you. >.>

° h e m l o c k °&° l a r k s p u r °
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Posts: 185
Joined: Mon Oct 02, 2017 12:08 am
IGN: MadHeart
Graphic Artist: Banner by me.

Thu Jun 24, 2021 11:31 am

Wynae Bouquet wrote:
Wed Jun 23, 2021 5:28 pm
And I didn't realize you wrote Xave! That one hypes me up even as the writer behind the character. Let me also say, your music is on key with her. I could gush more about her because she reminds me so much of my own family. Brings out my nostalgia.
Lmao! Funny you should say that. Xave is like the voices of my family, specifically a sister of mine, all coming together into one dope af woman. Even more hilarious is that she first came about, in my brain, as a person who started to switch my Internal Radio to something she could dance to, lol. One of her first ever posts is a song and music video. XD You have her proper sussed.

I'll be shooting you a PM soon!
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