Orgasmerilla (WIP)

Tell us about your character - this is where you put your character sheets so we can all stalk them.
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Posts: 34
Joined: Tue Mar 05, 2019 1:00 pm
OOC: Ann
IGN: Orgasmerilla
IC/OOC Only: Both

Tue Jul 30, 2024 4:21 pm

TW: references to drugs, drug sales and other criminal behavior

The Basics

Name: Orgasmerilla
Nickname: Gaz
Occupation: Marijuana grower and dealer, Chop shop operator
Apparent Age: 19
Hair color: Bright red
Eye color: Green
Height: 5’ 3”
Born: April 30, 1954
Died: Fall/Winter 1973


2005: Joined Church of Blood
Sired under UnicornDream
2007-2012: Joined Yggdrasil
November 2010: Partner bound to Pulse
January 26, 2011 : Severed Pulse
January 27, 2011: Severed by UnicornDream by request.
Sired under King Lestat
April 30, 2012: Partner bound to Reyna
January 2013: Became a member of the D'dary
Septeber 18, 2013: Severed Reyna
December 12, 2013: Severed King Lestat
January 5, 2014: Sired under Tifereth
August 22, 2014: Partner Bound to Etienne
Approximately 2018 - Present: Fell off the face of the city.
July 27, 2024: Severs Tifereth
Sires under Mandolin


Contemporary Music -1950’s to early 2000’s
Everything to do with her business
Dark colors
Soda bread
Fast cars
Pop Culture - 1960’s to 1990’s
Loud Music
Gratuitous Violence

Rap/Pop music
Whiskey (Though she will drink it if that’s all there is.)
Cute things
The Terminally Stupid

Personality Quirks

Orgasmerilla carries a silver cigarette case filled with hand-rolled marijuana cigarettes at all times. She can be found chain-smoking these as well as offering them to anyone in her vicinity.

She can usually be found sitting at the back of any room she's in so she can conduct her business more privately.


Though she still has a closet full of vintage concert T's, Gaz insists on wearing a dress of some kind where ever she goes as she says they are easier to fight in than a tight pair of jeans. Plus she doesn't want to worry about getting holy water burns on her precious t-shirts.

Always she wears a pair of combat boots and a long leather trench coat.
The trench coat is important, as it once belonged to someone she cared for who was lost to the shadows permanently. Also, it has tons of deep pockets.

She keeps her red hair in a bun a top her head. Or at least tries to. Much of the time the bun falls out during periods of strenuous exercise, (i.e. chasing down prey, brawls, encounters with law enforcement, etc.) so her hair just hangs in her face anyway.
Last edited by Orgasmerilla on Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Orgasmerilla D'dary-Amandine
Posts: 34
Joined: Tue Mar 05, 2019 1:00 pm
OOC: Ann
IGN: Orgasmerilla
IC/OOC Only: Both

Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:32 pm

The Residence

The Warehouse

Location: Southeast Ravenblack

Description: A non-descript and somewhat dilapidated warehouse structure with a row of offices to the east side of the building and a factory/shop floor to the west. The building is three stories, plus a basement and one level sub-basement.

Main Floor

The offices are used for the night to night business dealing of Orgasmerilla and her crew. Her two head men each have their own office for business dealings as does the owner and proprietor. The remaining offices are used for storage and over flow of products.

The factory side of the building is set-up as a garage. It is here that her mechanics stripped down cars for parts or re-vamp luxury vehicles for resale.

Second Floor

The second floor was the home of Orgasmerilla’s now defunct version of WRBC studio. The spacious floor also houses many rooms full of junk from previous owners.

Third Floor - The Loft

Orgasmerilla's home away from the world. She has it decorated with oversized prints of album art.


Orgasmerilla and Crew's base of operations for their grow-op.

The basements current conditions leave much to be desired for growing conditions as systems such as the H-VAC and the humidifier unit aren't working properly due to age and pests.


A catacomb like chamber built beneath the basement. It can hold up to fifty people lying down before overcrowding. Outfitted with 30 or so aged coffins, the sub-basement could benefit from a bit of moisture control and some new caskets.
Orgasmerilla D'dary-Amandine
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